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Topic: Freedom of Speech  (Read 22370 times)


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #60 on: February 18, 2008, 10:36:02 pm »
why yes, yes it is jazzy your right you do have An all out purified 100percent American kitty and he has proof lmao ..

I use to have that all american cat.  I lost that cat to what use to be a family friend.  But now I have 2 new kittens as you can see in the 2nd pic.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 06:43:47 am by jazzy3098 »


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2008, 12:47:05 am »
Hay wait I have or use to have the all american Cat.  LOL

i salute that meower.



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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2008, 09:24:02 am »
First thing is first.  I'm being threatened with a ban for TROLLING AND INCITING, lol.  Don't make me laugh.  How can I troll when I'm the one that created this thread.  I can name two members that have trolled this thread with reckless intent to start an argument.  That is the definition to online trolling.  If I had looked up every thread where someone said something that I didn't like and posted a reply to it that upset several people, which I haven't, I chose to create my own thread.  Then you could say I was trolling.  As far as inciting...  What did I incite?  The fact that everyone has their own mind to speak up whenever they feel they're done wrong without penalty?  I'm not the one attacking other members for no reason at all.  The backlash that I have gotten is undeserved and quite disturbing knowing that so many people lack class by third grade name calling (the "my dad can beat up your dad" syndrome), and let me speak my piece without being called an idiot for it.  There's a few people that I've probably upset, but they chose to not say anything, because they're classy people and don't believe in making something out of nothing.

Another thing, I never said that this was a NEW law, if I did then I apologize.  It's more of a modification expanding into the internet world.  There is an ACT, but I'll have to look up the complaint that I got from one of my forums when in fact I was breaking laws by telling people what they could or could not say.  For one thing, you don't look on wikipedia to find anything.  Because you can edit wiki yourself anytime you want to.  Here you go...

***Anyone and everyone has the right to post here as long as they know that all online chat rooms and public forums must adhere to all federal laws pertaining to constitutional rights set forth in our government.  Do not use this site for anything unlawful and/or illegal.  If it is found that you used this site for anything of this nature, it will be delt with accordingly to the highest extent of the law.  Please do not post anything regarding religion, politics, sexual, or racial.  We have forums designed for religious and political views.  IF someone doesn't like what is said in these forums, there is a debate forum set up as well, but keep it constructive and not offensive.  Discrimination is NOT tolerated.  Discrimination is, but not limited to; saying things about ones race, sexual practice, and religious/political views.  Keep personal and negative remarks about ones family out.  It is our intent to maintain a clean environment for our children who surf the web, so please keep swearing and cursing to a minimum.  Please use this forum with good intent.  We're all people here and we all have feelings and the freedom of opinion.  If things get out of hand and it appears that a thread becomes a personal mission to force ones belief on another person, then the thread will be locked and any other thread created to further advance the argument will be deleted and the creator will be warned.  This is a no tolerance zone regarding personal or impersonal threats.  Anyone making a verbal and/or physical threat will be banned for life and their IP address will be banned as well.  Depending on the severity of the threat and the person(s) who the threats were made against, may have the right to prosecute.  Which in that case we will cooperate to the fullest extent and turn over any information leading to an arrest and/or any legal action taken.  In other words, please play nice and only use this site for constructive thinking and expression.***

There's part of my terms on one of my forums.  There's more in it as well.  Would you like that to be posted as well?  If there wasn't a law pertaining to online actions then so many people wouldn't be getting in trouble, my forum wouldn't have almost gotten shut down, and I wouldn't have gone through the trouble to even bring all this b.s. up.  It is the law that gives us free speech and nobody has the right to threaten a ban because they don't like what someone says.  FC TOS states, you can't say anything about an advertiser unless they say it out of anger.  That one still draws a question mark in my mind.  So, I say if you ban me for "TROLLING AND INCITING" you have to ban the couple of others that have posted their negative opinions for the same thing.

To whoever it was who stated that I posted this for attention.  If anyone was out for attention, it was you my friend.  You could've ignored it and let it go, but instead you chose to reply time and time again about something that you had no business to reply to (trolling) whenever I never addressed you or anybody for that matter other than the moderators and administration, which all they had to do was send me a personal message and ask what I was talking about.  Instead they kept it going knowing it would draw the remarks that it did (inciting).

Also, I have seven family members who are preachers, four who are salespeople, two that are school teachers, and a partridge in a pear tree.  What does that make me?  Me.  A self employed internet broker.  Nothing more.  And yes, I fell for one of these work at home sites that promise to make you money for a small fee.  Guess what?  I'm not making the $12,000 a month as they stated, but I am making about a quarter of that.  If you're nice I might consider posting the link (not a referral link either).  But the way I've been treated, I highly doubt that I will.  Those that have remained neutral though are still favorable.  Despite what everyone thinks, I posted this out of genuine concern and several of you have replied out of ignorence.  So be it.

All I have to say is if you ban me then you have to ban the other few that have started the flame war.


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2008, 09:51:56 am »
blah, blah, blah blah blah.

hey, thejoe2k8 ...

i dont have any friends either.

lets be pals.

not because i think youre right, and not because i care...... just because a person with no friends is a sad thing.


your buddy,


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2008, 09:57:50 am »
You post openly, but expect us to PM you our response? I will let the Admin of the site handle this latest post, since he is the one who owns and operates the site. No one else please respond to this message, since thejoe is feeling attacked, only moderators, admins, and thejoe may now post in this thread, any one not obeying these rules will be subject to a small time out.
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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #65 on: February 19, 2008, 11:11:58 am »
Sarcasm noted Kohler, lol.  It doesn't matter to me who posts on this thread.  The majority of those who have, have proved their ignorence of the situation.  It just doesn't seem to register in the brains of those who have spoke out against this subject.

If anyone has a difference in opinion; that's fine.  You're entitled to that.  I, unlike alot of you, don't persecute those who don't share my opinion.  All I did was state freedom of speech.  There's a phrase called, We're all adults here.  So, why not act like an adult?  Pretty simple actually.

Kohler, the point I was trying to make is that everyone has the right to say what they want to say without the fear of being banned.  Everything that was said in the posts that I am referring to were stated in a decent manner and concern and they were threatened with a ban, considering what they stated was according to the terms and conditions that you so proudly boast.  They didn't even take an angered approach towards the advertisers, which is evidently preferred instead of a constructive opinion of the company.  According to your terms of service you would rather have your advertisers to be referred as rip offs and scammers instead of nicely saying, "I can't get anything useful out of this service."  If this is a wrong assessment, then prove me wrong, because that's more or less what you're implying.

It was your stern reply to the thread that has more or less started a flame war about something as simple as the constitution and what it prohibits.  Whether it be in person or internet.  We are protected by this and if we want to say, "I'm unhappy with the service I got from this offer."  Then we have that right to say it.  Everyone else in the "clique" can say whatever they want just as long as they take the "plant lips right here" attitude to feed an internet social ego hunger that seems to rearing its ugly head in each reply that pops up on here. 

We are customers and we deserve to get the service that we pay for by clicking on these offers listed.  If we don't get the service we pay for.  If we want to CANCEL on that basis, then WE have that right to discuss if anyone else is having these problems with that same service and WE HAVE THAT RIGHT to CANCEL said service and there's nothing anyone, including administration or advertisers can do about it.  Instead, what do we get?  "Say that again and you'll be banned.  This is your final warning."  This is, my friend, a violation of everyones God given and governmental rights.  Take you Hitler-esque approach all you want to.  Because, regardless of being in an internet community or not, it's called free speech.

As far as the person goes stating that I have no friends.  The answer is, I've got plenty of friends; too many to consider you, but I'll keep your application on file.  Because frankly all of my friends draw their own opinions and don't do it because they think they'll make money off of it and they definately don't do it to kiss anybody's tail.  Not that having online "friends" is a bad thing, but I prefer to keep my relationships to a more personal level.  And as far as being fake, I'm as real as they come and don't hide behind a screen name to say how I feel.  I'm the same online as I am offline.


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #66 on: February 19, 2008, 11:33:34 am »
At this point I'm just waiting to see this "act".  I am sorry if someone managed to scare you with legalese, but a snippet from your own forum ToS is simply self-citing and proves absolutely nothing.

Like any serious online business, we own our servers and lease physical space, power, and bandwidth/IPs directly from a tier one colocation facility.  Who, by the way, wouldn't even flinch before tossing a "free speech" complaint in the recycle bin.


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #67 on: February 19, 2008, 03:58:06 pm »
Kohler I know you said if any one replies to this other then the Admins you would give a small time out to them.  I do not wish to get a small time out but I am wondering when and if this person is ever going to post the exact law he is talking about and were exactly he got it from.  I know I have been asking for him to do it you have been asking for him to do it the administrator has been asking for him to do it.  How much longer should we wait and let this BS go on before we are educated by this person?


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #68 on: February 19, 2008, 04:30:55 pm »
I was going to give him a couple of days, to see what, if anything, he comes up with. After that, the post will be locked.
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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #69 on: February 19, 2008, 04:50:27 pm »
I was going to give him a couple of days, to see what, if anything, he comes up with. After that, the post will be locked.

Kohler I did a little research and this is sofoar what I have come up with. 

Alain Megias, IBLS 
In two recent cases, French Courts have held owners of websites hosting interactive forums responsible for the illegal content of messages posted on these forums, whereas the authors of these messages have not even been sued. Certain existing legal provisions could provide these websites with more legal security, but Courts are not quite sure that these provision apply. Courts therefore apply diverse legal theories, which lead to certain legal confusion.  I do not think this is what this person is talking about but just some thing to look at.  LOL As you know I have said law runs in my family and no one has even heard of this.  Heck I can't even find any thing on any of the leagal sites I belong to along with the lawers in my family. 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 04:54:33 pm by jazzy3098 »


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2008, 07:08:55 am »
It's french and has nothing to do with censorship, but rather with the hosting of illegal materials (which we do not do).  I appreciate you taking the time to look, but as has been said: there is no such "act" or "amendment" in existence.


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2008, 02:18:57 pm »
 :thumbsup:  ;) BRAVO !!!

Well said!!


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #72 on: February 22, 2008, 03:36:33 pm »
And to the user who said he wasn't bad mouthing his mother.....he wasn't....he was bad mouthing his baby, which is worse.

LOL... that actually wasn't directed at the Admin. 
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 03:47:51 pm by tragicrabbit »


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Re: Freedom of Speech
« Reply #73 on: February 22, 2008, 04:13:21 pm »
This isn’t a democracy, it’s a cheerocracy! and I'm the cheertator!

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