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Topic: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning  (Read 6979 times)


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US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« on: September 07, 2010, 03:44:35 pm »
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A Christian minister vowed Tuesday to go ahead with plans to burn copies of the Quran to protest the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks despite warnings from the White House and the top U.S. general in Afghanistan that he would endanger American troops overseas.

Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, which has about 50 members, said he understands the government's concerns but plans to go forward with the burning Saturday to mark the ninth anniversary of the attacks.

He left the door open to change his mind, saying he is still praying about his decision, which was condemned Tuesday by an interfaith coalition that met in Washington to respond to a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry.

Gen. David Petraeus warned in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence."

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley echoed that, calling the plan to burn copies of the Quran "un-American" and saying it does not represent the views of most people in the U.S.

"While it may well be within someone's rights to take this action, we hope cooler heads will prevail," Crowley said.

Jones told the AP in a phone interview that he is also concerned but wonders how many times the U.S. can back down.

"We think it's time to turn the tables, and instead of possibly blaming us for what could happen, we put the blame where it belongs — on the people who would do it," he said. "And maybe instead of addressing us, we should address radical Islam and send a very clear warning that they are not to retaliate in any form."

Jones, who runs the small, evangelical Christian church with an anti-Islam philosophy, says he has received more than 100 death threats and has started wearing a .40-caliber pistol strapped to his hip.

The threats started not long after the 58-year-old minister proclaimed in July that he would stage "International Burn a Quran Day." Supporters have been mailing copies of the Islamic holy text to his Dove World Outreach Center to be incinerated in a bonfire that evening.

The fire department has denied Jones a required burn permit for Saturday, but he says he is going ahead with his event. He said lawyers have told him his right to burn the Quran is protected by the First Amendment whether he's got permission from the city or not.

Muslims consider the Quran to be the word of God and insist it be treated with the utmost respect, along with any printed material containing its verses or the name of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad. Any intentional damage or show of disrespect to the Quran is deeply offensive.

The interfaith group of evangelical, Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim leaders meeting in Washington condemned Jones' plan to burn the Quran as a violation of American values and the Bible. Among the participants was Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired Catholic archbishop of Washington, D.C.; Rabbi David Saperstein of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; and top officials from the Islamic Society of North America, the group that organized the gathering.

"This is not the America that we all have grown to love and care about," said Rabbi Steve Gutow of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. "We have to stand up for our Muslim brothers and sisters and say, "This is not OK.'"

In this progressive north Florida town of 125,000 anchored by the sprawling University of Florida campus, the lanky preacher with the bushy white mustache is mostly seen as a fringe character who doesn't deserve the attention he's getting.

Still, at least two dozen Christian churches, Jewish temples and Muslim organizations in Gainesville have mobilized to plan inclusive events — some will read from the Quran at their own weekend services — to counter what Jones is doing. A student group is organizing a protest across the street from the church Saturday.

The Vatican newspaper on Tuesday published an article in which Catholic bishops, including Archbishop Lawrence John Saldanha of Lahore, Pakistan, criticized Jones' plan.

"No one burns the Quran," read the headline in Tuesday's L'Osservatore Romano.

Jones gained some local notoriety last year when he posted signs in front of his small church proclaiming "Islam is of the Devil." The church is independent of any denomination but follows the Pentecostal tradition, which teaches that the Holy Spirit can manifest itself in the modern day. Pentecostals often view themselves as engaged in spiritual warfare against satanic forces.

Jones' Quran-burning scheme, after it caught fire on the Internet, brought rebukes from Muslim nations and an avalanche of media interview requests just as an emotional debate was taking shape over the proposed Islamic center near the Ground Zero site in New York.

The Quran, according to Jones, is "evil" because it espouses something other than the Christian biblical truth and incites radical, violent behavior among Muslims.

"It's hard for people to believe, but we actually feel this is a message that we have been called to bring forth," he said last week. "And because of that, we do not feel like we can back down."

FBI agents have visited to talk about their concerns for Jones' safety, as multiple Facebook pages with thousands of members have popped up hailing him as either a hero or a dangerous pariah.

His plan has drawn formal condemnation from the world's pre-eminent Sunni Muslim institution of learning, Al-Azhar University in Egypt, whose Supreme Council accused the church of stirring up hate and discrimination and called on other American churches speak out against it. Last month, Indonesian Muslims demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta, threatening violence if Jones goes through with it.


Associated Press Writer Kimberly Dozier in Kabul, Afghanistan, and AP Religion Writer Rachel Zoll in New York contributed to this report.

(This version corrects capitalization in cardinal's last name to McCarrick.)


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 04:15:27 pm »
he is an IDIOT       


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 04:26:52 pm »
This is obviously an act of the christain church. it is definately wrong to disrespect an entire religion over the actions of a few people. I would expect this from street thugs, but these are the people that preach forgiveness.


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 04:53:31 pm »
I do not care what religion you identify with or how much you disagree with another one, none of them have the right to defile the holy books and writings of another. This is the type of act that will leave far more than a 'pile of ashes' to clean up. I suppose it will be justified by these 'good christians' (sic) as acting against an evil and false religion - because THEY say it is.

If anyone comes on here and actually defends this, you don't give a damn about this country or the people trying to keep it in one piece. :angry7:
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 04:59:49 pm »
it dose't matter what you say - CHRIST IS YOU ONLY WAY INTO HEAVEN. everyone else will go to hell and suffer for eternity. God will always forgive you - unless of course you don't accept CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR!! Even the native americans went to hell, they never heard of christianity so they couldn't accept jesus christ. Too bad for not knowing.... ;)


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 05:26:34 pm »
Since I first heard about this, I was astonished that a church, a place that should be practicing love and forgiveness, would carry out such a hateful act.  :angry7:


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 05:33:06 pm »
i was being sarcastic. once a christian man almost made sense of christianity to me. explaining the cross and when i asked "why do you pray in jesus' name even when you are praying for yourself?" he explained that jesus is like a secretary, and you must go through him to reach god. But to me, christianity cancels itself out. Hell is a big flaw for me, they preach to always forgive, but you will never be forgiven for not accepting christ. Also, it is said, jesus' cucifiction was planned before man was created (why would god create somethng he knew would fail?)


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2010, 05:50:50 pm »
 :cat:  This is the type of "Christian" that ruins the testimony of true, genuine Christians who are trying to make a difference.  This is NOT something that we stand for and definitely do not approve of.  I, as a Christian, do NOT agree with what this idiotic man is doing.  He's also putting our troops and citizens in danger of retaliation.  That is not God's way, that sounds like he thinks he's God.


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2010, 06:15:42 pm »

                                      GOD HELP US!!!


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 06:23:52 pm »
I do not side with this at all, but I'm curious to hear all of your opinions on National Draw Muhammad Day.

But to me, christianity cancels itself out. Hell is a big flaw for me, they preach to always forgive, but you will never be forgiven for not accepting christ. Also, it is said, jesus' cucifiction was planned before man was created (why would god create somethng he knew would fail?)

g4u, d00d.


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2010, 10:26:16 pm »
I think this proves that we haven't learned anything from 9/11. And, of course, the right-wing nutjobs are swarming to it like flies to *bleep*. We've gotten stupider as a people because of it. People don't understand that it happened because the radicals were attacking 'imperialist policies' in their eyes. This is literally real-life trolling! It does not serve any point but to tantilize the anger of many people. Immature hypocritical bigotry. And I'm not surprised in the least that this is happening at a southern church.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 10:35:31 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2010, 06:52:16 am »
I saw an interview with this guy and I remember him saying "well think about it. Have you ever seen a happy Muslim?" Why yes sir, I have. Clearly you're not too happy yourself, since you feel the need to burn another religion's holy book.  I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve.   


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2010, 09:14:39 am »
I think this guy's an idiot. True, legally he has the right to burn the Quran, just like protesters have the right to burn the flag, an Imam has the right to build a masque near Ground Zero, or artists have the right to put a crucifix in urine (although I've entertained the notion that these may lie outside the line of "freedom to the tip of my nose" argument, but I digress...). But with freedom comes responsibility; doing something so hurtful is not the morally correct thing to do. I have a tough time figuring out how this guy can call himself a Christian -- especially be a shepherd for his flock.

it dose't matter what you say - CHRIST IS YOU ONLY WAY INTO HEAVEN. everyone else will go to hell and suffer for eternity. God will always forgive you - unless of course you don't accept CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR!! Even the native americans went to hell, they never heard of christianity so they couldn't accept jesus christ. Too bad for not knowing.... ;)

When the Bible says the only way to heaven is through Christ, it doesn't just mean giving lip-service to the fact that you accept Jesus as "Lord and Savior". Rather it means to live in a Christ-like manner. Thus a person that "loves thy neighbor", "turns the other cheek", provides help to the poor and disadvantaged, and basically lives by the teachings of Jesus has a faster ticket to heaven than someone that merely says they believe in Christ, even if the first person is a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or even atheist.For example, Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan; what made this story so provocative was that several "good Jews" would pass on by, but it was someone not of the faith (a Samaritan) that actually stopped to help. I'm sure if Jesus was around today, we'd be hearing the story of the Good Muslim.

To live the gospel is the most effective way; most effective in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. ...Not just preach but live the life according to the light.... If, therefore, you go on serving people and ask them also to serve, they would understand. But you quote instead John 3:16 and ask them to believe it and that has no appeal to me, and I am sure people will not understand it... the Gospel will be more powerful when practiced and preached.

This is a quote from a Hindu that greatly respected Christians and was inspired by the teachings of Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi. However, he was troubled by the number of so-called "Christians" that felt the need to push that one passage from John instead of truly understanding its meaning and living a life of love and charity in a Christ-like manner. He is also quoted as saying "There is only one God but many paths to him." One true spirit of living in love with your fellow man, with many ideas as to how to get there.

I'll leave with one last quote, a Biblical one this time: "Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God." - 1 John 4:7. If this is true, than how can this preacher consider himself to be a child of God if he only lives with hate?


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2010, 02:06:05 pm »
Yeah, I think this guy is completely insane. It's not an act of God to do what he's doing. If you don't agree with a religion just don't associate yourself with it and that's it. How would he feel if people who read the Koran burned the Holy Bible? I think he's just looking for someone to hurt him or much worst start World War 3. This guy needs to stop acting stupid. I really don't know what point he's trying to prove.


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Re: US church to go ahead with Sept. 11 Quran burning
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2010, 02:24:21 pm »
If you don't agree with a religion just don't associate yourself with it and that's it.

Not when it molds onto other things such as politics.

How would he feel if people who read the Koran burned the Holy Bible?

Don't they? Or is it just flags?

I think he's just looking for someone to hurt him or much worst start World War 3.

If it happens, that'll be many governments doing this. But as usual, religion will be a useful weapon for it.

This guy needs to stop acting stupid. I really don't know what point he's trying to prove.


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