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Topic: Well,well.....  (Read 782 times)


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« on: September 01, 2010, 04:39:45 pm »
FYI. This was forwarded by a friend and I remember hearing something about it a few years ago as it was confused with the Glen Cove project. I have emailed the sender for more information on location of the land and the church involved. As soon as I get a response from her and any contact info. I will pass it on. If any of you live near this area please see what you can find out.
Marcie Lane
Committee Member
Protect Sacred Sites " Indigenous People,One Nation"
-------Original Message-------
From: Date: 8/28/2010 4:12:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: Cherry Glen in Vacaville not be mixed up with Glen Cove of Vallejo
I thought you should see this. I am not forwarding this to everyone. This lady has worked to protect other sites. Apparently, she got in over her head here. Looks like they are going to build a church on an ancestral burial site. I thought you should know about it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 1:47 AM
Subject: Cherry Glen in Vacaville not be mixed up with Glen Cove of Vallejo

  It is increasingly hard to keep up with all these descreations of the ancestor's burials.  I thank you for posting pictures of the Glen Cove Burial Site in Vallejo.  They are still going to make it into a park and all they had done was clear the area of the trees etc. We will give them hell when they start digging !!


There is another burial site in the city of Vacaville, California about 30 minutes north of Vallejo. Several of us was at the council hearing last year pleading for this certain church, who bought the land, not to build their church there because there were burials found there.  I know this for a fact because I saw pictures of them that the Vacaville heritage took when they first heard of the find.  A local person found them by a creek and of course contacted the coroner.  The coroner kept the burials until the Native American Hertiage people could assign an MLD to take them and I happend to have been working with that MLD.  I had the privilege of seeing the cherry glen ancestors put back into mother earth.  I played the native flute in their honor.  Also, when the coroner had his hands on them he asked a local archeologist to examine the bones which I know her and she told me they were at least 3000 years old and definetly Native american !!  I presented this to the Vacaville council last year.........but the verdict is the church gets the land but can't dig until they get a native monitor to monitor the project.  Presently I was in the area.  They are cutting down the trees NOW. Some of those trees are 200 to 300 years old. I told them i am upset and I further told them that this piece of land is the home of our local deer.  They will not come back here with all those ugly buildings on their land !! and the trees being cut down !!  The deer like it here because of the quiet and the SHADE !!!  So this piece of land is also being cleared of trees and being preped for digging.


OK, I am sorry for what I do.  I am sending you the descreation of the land, the deer that are being robbed of their land and yes, I am sending you  the pics of the ancestors found...........I know this is not respectful.......but look what they do to the site?  If these pics do not shake the-powers -that-be up??....well......


These people you see on this web page is the council members we talked to:


I am writing the Mayor..........and tell him how disappointed i am. Yeah, and I will send these pics.  I am sorry....I will wait for your feedback...forgive me, I am just so fustrated and mad.


Sincerely, Mary-Ann


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Re: Well,well.....
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 04:41:19 pm »

"Marcie" <>
Add sender to Contacts
"Protecting_our_Ancestors_Sacred_Sites@yahoogroups" <>

I just sent a letter so anyone else who would like to write please do.
-------Original Message-------
From: Mary-Ann (MAM)
Date: 8/29/2010 7:21:44 PM
To: Marcie
Subject: Re: Cherry Glen
Dear Marcie,  It is called New Life Church in Fairfield CA.  Thank you for your
help.  Sorry I am at wits end!!  It is so frustrating. I have emailed then.
  Look at website and find the email..  Please help.  Did you see the
photos....sorry the photos were graphic.
1 916 706 4271
From: Marcie <>
Sent: Sat, August 28, 2010 11:46:59 AM
Subject: Cherry Glen
Dear Mary Ann,
  Dave sent this to me to see if we can do anything to help but I need some more
information if you can get it for me. Do you have contact info on the church
people who will be desecrating this land and burial site? I would like to email
them and enlighten them on the NAGPRA laws among other things. If that was a
known Burial site years ago, it should have been applied for preservation
through a local historical society perhaps. It is a shame it wasn't! But the
church involved may not know of all the procedures they will have to follow from
Nagpra and the costs involved. It is possible if the burials are only on a
portion of the land, that the church won't be building on that portion. I also
need if you can provide it, an exact location of the land, Name of church
building on it etc.
Marcie Lane
Committee Member
Protect Sacred Sites as "Indigenous People,One Nation"


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Re: Well,well.....
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 05:07:49 pm »
I couldn't even begin to think of anything to say about this, walksalone. If anything can be done to stop more progress on this (it's already beyond bad), I hope someone finds what it is. Damn... :(
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

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