i've never had a credit card offer not credit here.. even tho i did have one that got reversed. but it was'nt just me. all who had done it had it reversed as the company refused to pay fc for the sign ups. but as far as other sites... it's rare. but i have had cc offers not credit and on the sites where you can send in info for them to try to get you credit like sc for say... i had 2 cc offers on there not credit. so i waited the 30 days and sent in proof of me doing them.. they got me credit for one.. the other one i have'nt gotton credit for. but i know they try to get it. but i have also been told it can take up to 3-6 for credit requests and it's only been a little over a month since i sent in info. so who knows. i might pop in one day n have credit for it.
but needless to say. credit card offers are just like any other offer. you do or don't get credit. also what lots need to remember n what lots don't think about is.. these advertiser's want new customers... so if you go and buy something and don't get credit it could be that they said no because you were already a customer there for they know you only did it for the payment from here and not to try out their store. or free trails... lots of people will do a free trail for a company that they have been a member of before and just don't think about it. there for they get no credit. most times when people post about hwo they did'nt get credit for a trail or cc offer that is why and they fail to say that part. everyone has to remember it don't matter if you were a member of a company 20 years ago from just finding it on the net... the point is you were a member. and like it says, never do an offer you did else where... that does'nt mean just on another gpt site. that means anyway. on the net, tru the mail.. say signing up for blockbuster. if you did it before you can't do the same offer again.