Heyyyy now let's all play nice! This is just an argument after all. No need to get too personal!
I'm not saying there didn't need to be a change...but his idea is a socialist one. Also, IDK why we would model our healthcare reform after plans of countries that come HERE because theirs doesn't work...
I agree that it is socialist in nature but I wouldn't label him as all-out socialist just because of one contraversial issue. And yeah! I admit that this plan could damage us even more! The only thing I'm saying is that something needed to be done, and given that the republicans idea to give every person a 5,000$ deductable would be pointless in my eyes because just talking to a doctor for less than 5 minutes at an ER costs over 700$. Imagine what a surgery would cost for an uninsured person. Not to get too personal, but this is a major reason I haven't had surgery on my shoulder because I dislocated it and shredded the cartalidge ring.
As far as other countries healthcare goes, which ones are you referring to? I would speculate that a majority of uninsured people order their meds from Canada since they're a lot cheaper. Im on a small dosage of lamictal and it costs OVER 500$ for a 2 months supply from any pharmacy around me. If I order it from Canada, it's between 1-200$. So all that I'm saying is that our current system is completely broken. I'm curious of your own insight though-- if there is a better plan, what do you think it would be? What do you think that would work? I'm not trying to put you on the spot or anything; I don't know of any other viable plan myself.
How is Obama unamerican?
Pretty much because of my first sentence responding to Macks post.
I agree that something needed to be done...I'm just not for government being so involved in everything and deciding who gets what and a lot of this plan has a ton of government control. I didn't mean to make it sound like he is an all-out socialist, but I do feel that he has many policies leading that way, not just the healthcare reform. For instance, his support of redistribution of wealth. Also, in bailing out so many companies the government gets a say in their business choices(socialism). Anyway, even if he is not ALL socialism he is too much for my liking.
Another thing that really ticks me off about the healthcare reform is that all illegal immigrants get their healthcare paid for, I can't fathom how that is even close to fair. More than that though I find it RIDICULOUS that our government thinks they can decide the salary of doctors. In doing this there will be little to no incentive for people to choose that career, especially considering how expensive medical school is and how much debt they have to pay off, which is one of the reasons they have higher salaries.
I also feel like one of the reasons that our healthcare is so expensive is because we have some of the most capable physicians as well as the most advanced medical techniques, which is why people from all other nations come here, even thought they usually are wealthy.