It's about time they wake up and expose him unamerican ideals for what they are, unamerican, and quit tiptoeing around him just because him becoming president is controversial.
Ehh...I can kind of agree with you here. A lot of people voted for him for superficial reasons. But if you're referring to things such as healthcare reform as being unamerican, my hands are tied. A lot of people point to it being socialist, which I can see, but something really needed to be done about it. I've learned this from experience (700$ to talk to a doctor for 5 minutes? wtf!?). Desperate times call for desperate measures! I really hope this isn't a permanent thing for this country; I think the smart approach would to have it take full effect, which in turn will force the insurance companies to lower their prices and customer-background standards, and then slowly remove the reform once there's good competition between those companies. Of course this is just speculation but hey, it could work.
How is Obama unamerican?Whether or not you voted for him,nobody can turn around what others have done to america decades & decades ago in a year or2. What r you talking about tip toeing around him? The media has been dumping on him since he became president! Everyone has negative opinions on what he's doing but everytime he try's to fix something, everyone &/or republicans are bitching about it! What do you want from him? It seems like he has to be better than all the other president's be4 him. Why, b/c he's nether black nor white? Why does he have to be perfect when all others had dark secrets in their closets during their presidency? If your bitching about what he has or has not done shut up because I don't see you contributing in the solutions. We are just a bunch of spoiled brat Americans that r crying b/c Daddy didn't get us what we wanted yet. Quit belly aching,get off your asses & support your president. Even if you didn't vote for he, he is still your president.
1st of all, lose the attitude. If you don't like my opinion you can address it in an adult manner.
2nd of all, I don't support almost all of his policies. I couldn't care less what race he is. In fact, he's not even fully black. People just make a big deal about it because he appears to be fully black. Don't try and make my come off as being shallow in my political beliefs when that is certainly not the case.
3rd, if Bush or any other President hadn't produced a birth certificate, had terrorist ties, or even had a fraction of the shady past Obama does it would be ALL OVER the news. The media hated on Bush so much, but Obama comes into office while we are in trillions of dollars of debt(not his fault) and begins SPENDING MORE MONEY. I disagree with that.
4th, many of his policies reflect socialism. Redistribution of wealth, he supports it. That is absurd and ABSOLUTELY unamerican. I don't think the government should be bailing out so many businesses either, because once they give money(that we don't have) to those businesses they get a say in how the business is ran(money is power), and that is another aspect of socialism.
5th, I never said he had to be perfect, I simply don't agree with him. I guess since I don't agree with you I should "shut up" though right? nice tough with the shut up by the way, really made you seem to have a valid point to make (sarcasm)