I agree that there should be the freedom of religion, albeit, some in these forums try to make "faith in Jesus" a myth and not acknowlege our "religion." The concern I have is that the goal of certain muslims is to slowly advance the world and take over as the main religion. These are things that have been openly printed in the papers from different countries (U.S., England, and Switzerland, incl.) They are taking advantage of our "freedom of religion" and know that because of that backing there's nothing anyone can do about it. They are also, on a steady basis, building muslim schools and teaching their way and beliefs. They should be backing the U.S. school education since they are supposedly citizens of the U.S.
These are concerns that really bother me.
I was really concerned with "No Child Left Behind" and with the idea of school vouchers for students to attend whatever school their parents wish. Religious and parochial schools are available to those that can pay, not government sponsored, right?
And any religion with a call to convert will do the same thing...try to spread.
This is not me saying anything negative about Christianity itself, but pointing out the arguments that will inevitably be made toward your post.
I believe what she is pointing out, is just not the schools. They are buying up businesses and property at an alarming rate. I myself have been concerned with how much they own in California alone. Also, most property they've bought up just sits there. Most of it has increased in value, but hardly nothing is being sold for profit. Like it's waiting for something.
That surplus of oil money has made it easy for them to come over, buy and build whatever they want. Because we have free enterprise, not much is checked when large parcels of land, etc. are being bought. I know our Mexican neighbors have come over and bought land, built houses, started businesses. How come we are not concerned with them? Because they have not made terrorist threats or acts against the United States. They actually love being here, and reaping the rewards of living here.
One of the teachings of the Koran, during a Holy War (of which has already been declared), is to go into other lands, dominate, and CONVERT the inhabitants of that land to Islam. If anyone refuses, they are put to death (I've already posted this above). We are not the only country they are doing this with......check out France right now. They are trying desperately not to become a country overrun by Muslims. They are basically taking over.
I've been accused of fear mongering above. All I'm trying to do is make us all think about what we're opening up our door to, and how fast it's being pushed open. I've said this all above, so no matter how many times I say it, it doesn't matter. Americans are overcompensating for the fact that they have been made to look intolerable to other races. This is so far from the truth. However, this "racist" card is being used most effectively by the Muslim community.