It has nothing to do with Americans hating Muslims. The 9-11 bombings were an attack on America, and the mosque builders know that they are insulting America as a nation by building the mosque at ground zero. why don't the Japanese build a Japanese cultural center on Pearl Harbor? the real scary thing that is spreading across America is a tolerance of anything anti-American, which can only lead to the downfall of our country. People need to put true patriotism ahead of political correctness, and false tolerance. Why don't the Muslims have some tolerance for Americans and their feelings?
Lets build churches on Reservations. Let's build American Cultural centers in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
We are not immune. We seem to believe, as a country, that we do nothing wrong, and that needs to stop. I am not saying that we deserved what happened on 9/11, but we aren't doing anything to change this misconception that we are Muslim haters. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
When the bombings happened in OK City in 95, we were shocked to find out that Tim McVeigh was a white Christian who served this country. The rumors running rampant before McVeigh was found was that it was Arabs behind the incident (and many conspiracy theorists are still promoting this idea).
In all honesty, we did worse to the Japanese in WWII than they did to us. We are supposed to be a beacon in civilization, but it took an attack to get us into the war in WWII while innocent people were being rallied up and put into concentration camps. Once we entered the war, we condemned the Germans for the camps, yet we gathered the Japanese-Americans and put them in camps, and then in August of 1945 launched what I feel is one of the worst terrorist attacks in history on the country of Japan. Yet, we're sorry and all is forgiven, right? We're doing the same thing to Muslims/Arabs (hey, they all look the same to us) today.
The ends justifies the means, right? Thats what Osama says.
I don't see Islam as anti-American. I see Fred Phelps as anti-American. I see Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda as anti-American. If Osama wanted to build a mosque 50 miles from ground zero, I'd be first in line to protest. This project is about healing, not about Muslims rubbing our faces in 9/11. I don't see anyone going on national tv saying "NaNaNaNa BooBoo stick your head in doodoo..." No one is getting the one-up on anyone else. The people in Manhattan are ready to start the healing process. Its time for the rest of the country to follow suit.
And, cheese and crackers, has
anyone went to the link for the Cordoba Initiative and actually
read about the project?