Hahahahhahaha thanks so much for that, and you say Christians are judgemental??
I would have to say that's a little different...that would be like a *bleep* putting up a wall with a swastikka(sp.?) on it in a Jewish community...people are STILL hurting from the tragedies of 9/11. But to me that's not even the main issue.
Where is the funding coming from?
Does Imam agree with his wife that in America there is nothing but hate for muslims?
And what are his intentions for the mosque...especially after making controversial remarks such as "we tend to forget, in the west, that the United States has more muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hand on innocent non-muslims"
I have trouble supporting him, not because he's muslim, but because he thinks the U.S. has done more damage among muslims that Al Qaeda (an organization CENTERED on terrorism who aims attacks at the U.S.) has done to Americans.
THAT STATEMENT is disrespectful to victims of 9/11. Simple as that.
The US has more blood on it's hands from right here on this continent then any other foreigners do.
Why is it that whenever I made a valid point regarding the Mosque that YOU brought into the argument, you change the subject. Let's make this debate worthwhile, go ahead and answer some of my questions and Imam Rauf, his beliefs, his funding...prove that Christians vote against it out of hate and not common sense.
The be honest I am not familiar with the conduct of Imam Rauf. Let me ask you since you insinuate you are familiar with him, has he been convicted of any crimes, or are you just assuming he is guilty without a trial? Certainly a fine patriot such as your self wouldn't concieve of bending your constitution would you.
Now, lets suppose he were guilty of all charges, would you support any other muslim or muslim organization building a "community Center" at he location in question?