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Topic: Why do Christians hate atheists?  (Read 66499 times)


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #120 on: August 26, 2010, 09:12:46 pm »
Christianity in NO way says if you don't devote your life to Jesus you will burn in hell for your sins

Of course it does!

There was no need for your hateful response. She was simply throwing in a quote from WWII because it fit in the the story being told

Something everyone needs to remember about the Internet is that TONE is hard to detect.  I am never trying to be "hateful" in ANY of my responses.  Heated or blunt, but never "hateful".

The reason why I responded to her how I did is because "no atheists in foxholes" is a harmful cliche.  Most "atheists" that convert to Christianity weren't really atheists (they were simply non-religious without rock-solid reasons for being so).

As much as I'd love for an atheist to tell me what my God says, I'd rather turn to the Bible. A Christian God is a forgiving God. We can sin, we can make mistakes, we can stray from the path, as long in the end we recognize our mistakes and repent, ask forgiveness, and MEAN it. This is no way means if you sin boom you go to hell just like that.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #121 on: August 26, 2010, 09:16:26 pm »
This Christian does not hate Atheists either.  Neither do most people I know, Christians and non-Christians alike.  True Christianity is love and God is Love.

Christians hate the sin, but love the sinner.....just as God does.  That doesn't mean we upbraid them for their sin, but try to show a better way to live.  If we saw our worst enemy in the torment of hell, none of of would have any hate at all for anyone.  No Christian wants to see anyone lost.  If they do, they need to revaluate why they are Christian, for God is love.
So,the70% of the folks who were polled and was against the Islamic community center, were all non-Christians?

How is that relevant? Does being against an Islamic community center in any way prove hate?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #122 on: August 26, 2010, 09:17:41 pm »
Sorry if I've repeated some of the arguments already made but I get ahead of myself and respond before I have time to go back and read the 50 posts already made in response haha...

It would be nice to be able to have an actual debate without people feeling the need to insult one another or their beliefs, but it didn't take much to realize that most (definitely not all) but most people on this thread had that one intention. Watching people put others down via the internet makes me thankful for my God and his forgiveness.
There has to be a bit more to it then simply people wanting to hate on other people. I rarely catch chit from the Christians or the Atheist/Agnostics.

I wonder why that might be?

*bleep*, Mack


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #123 on: August 26, 2010, 09:18:19 pm »
In reregards to "SurveyMack10's" quote:  Spot on correct.  Never intended to prove God, just that everyone said they thought of Him as we were going down. :)

"There's no athiests in the fox holes".

This is B.S.  I know MANY atheists in the military, including ones who've been to Iraq.

As for Mickey's plane, this does not prove god whatsoever.  Plenty of planes have crashed with survivors.

There was no need for your hateful response. She was simply throwing in a quote from WWII because it fit in the the story being told...notice the quotation marks. It doesn't mean she herself was claiming there is literally no atheist in the military, that would be ludicrous. It just means she found a time to goodheartedly enter something she'd heard in the conversation and didn't deserve a rude response.

Also, Mickey never claimed that it PROVED God. He was telling a story about knowing an atheist who faced a near-death situation, survived, and came out of it a changed man who believed in God. Get it?

Mickey001 things can get heated around  Actually, the saying (about the foxholes) came from around the Korean war, of which my uncle and dad were soldiers in it (Army).   I've heard a few older vets make reference to it.

Are you going back to Iraq?  My son was in the Air Force during "Desert Storm".  He had just gone through boot, when he got orders to go.  It was basically over before it began......nothing like Iraq.
PSSST!!!  ***whispers*** Desert Storm was in Iraq

So I forgot to put in the words "now in".........

Correction:  It was basically over before it began......nothing like now in Iraq.  I was working for DIS (Defense Investigative Service) for DoD, on Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska at the time, so I think I remember where Desert Storm was.

COOL!....Let me present you with this trophy.....

Wow, way to show your true colors. Easy to tell when someones out of factual comebacks, because they resort to personal attack. Thattaway.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #124 on: August 26, 2010, 09:19:35 pm »
This Christian does not hate Atheists either.  Neither do most people I know, Christians and non-Christians alike.  True Christianity is love and God is Love.

Christians hate the sin, but love the sinner.....just as God does.  That doesn't mean we upbraid them for their sin, but try to show a better way to live.  If we saw our worst enemy in the torment of hell, none of of would have any hate at all for anyone.  No Christian wants to see anyone lost.  If they do, they need to revaluate why they are Christian, for God is love.
So,the70% of the folks who were polled and was against the Islamic community center, were all non-Christians?

How is that relevant? Does being against an Islamic community center in any way prove hate?
No, it means all these warm and fuzzy words such as "we hate the sin but love the sinner" is BS.
Thats bull *bleep* by the way.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #125 on: August 26, 2010, 09:20:01 pm »
Sorry if I've repeated some of the arguments already made but I get ahead of myself and respond before I have time to go back and read the 50 posts already made in response haha...

It would be nice to be able to have an actual debate without people feeling the need to insult one another or their beliefs, but it didn't take much to realize that most (definitely not all) but most people on this thread had that one intention. Watching people put others down via the internet makes me thankful for my God and his forgiveness.
There has to be a bit more to it then simply people wanting to hate on other people. I rarely catch chit from the Christians or the Atheist/Agnostics.

I wonder why that might be?

*bleep*, Mack

guess i dont understand your question


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #126 on: August 26, 2010, 09:22:51 pm »
Thank you SurveyMack10. 


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #127 on: August 26, 2010, 09:25:35 pm »
This Christian does not hate Atheists either.  Neither do most people I know, Christians and non-Christians alike.  True Christianity is love and God is Love.

Christians hate the sin, but love the sinner.....just as God does.  That doesn't mean we upbraid them for their sin, but try to show a better way to live.  If we saw our worst enemy in the torment of hell, none of of would have any hate at all for anyone.  No Christian wants to see anyone lost.  If they do, they need to revaluate why they are Christian, for God is love.
So,the70% of the folks who were polled and was against the Islamic community center, were all non-Christians?

How is that relevant? Does being against an Islamic community center in any way prove hate?
No, it means all these warm and fuzzy words such as "we hate the sin but love the sinner" is BS.
Thats bull *bleep* by the way.

Oh, thanks for explaining what BS meant, because obviously being a Christian and all I'm not intelligent enough to know.

And no that's not what it means. If youre referring to the mosque that is trying to be built next to the 9/11 site it means that first and foremost they are trying to show respect for the victims of the tragedy, secondly it means that there should be more research on where the funding is coming from, thirdly it means that the man who proposed the idea should be investigated further first considering his wife has said in the news that Americans hate muslims(maybe in a different set of words before you correct me, because being a Christian obviously im not intelligent), and that the man who proposed it himself (Imam Rauf) has made some questionable remarks himself.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #128 on: August 26, 2010, 09:29:17 pm »
I have so much better stuff to do then sit here and fight with all these atheists....  :peace:
Sure you do.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #129 on: August 26, 2010, 09:31:27 pm »
I love that once a valid point has been made you have no response, but when there's a chance to try and bring someone down you're all over it.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #130 on: August 26, 2010, 09:48:54 pm »
This Christian does not hate Atheists either.  Neither do most people I know, Christians and non-Christians alike.  True Christianity is love and God is Love.

Christians hate the sin, but love the sinner.....just as God does.  That doesn't mean we upbraid them for their sin, but try to show a better way to live.  If we saw our worst enemy in the torment of hell, none of of would have any hate at all for anyone.  No Christian wants to see anyone lost.  If they do, they need to revaluate why they are Christian, for God is love.
So,the70% of the folks who were polled and was against the Islamic community center, were all non-Christians?

How is that relevant? Does being against an Islamic community center in any way prove hate?
No, it means all these warm and fuzzy words such as "we hate the sin but love the sinner" is BS.
Thats bull *bleep* by the way.

Oh, thanks for explaining what BS meant, because obviously being a Christian and all I'm not intelligent enough to know.

And no that's not what it means. If youre referring to the mosque that is trying to be built next to the 9/11 site it means that first and foremost they are trying to show respect for the victims of the tragedy, secondly it means that there should be more research on where the funding is coming from, thirdly it means that the man who proposed the idea should be investigated further first considering his wife has said in the news that Americans hate muslims(maybe in a different set of words before you correct me, because being a Christian obviously im not intelligent), and that the man who proposed it himself (Imam Rauf) has made some questionable remarks himself.
Oh please don't mis understand me Mack, I am very much aware that in being familiar with your chosen belief system, you are very familiar with BS.

BTW, Mack, would you be up for the removal f all Christian structures in North America, as a show of respect for the Indigenous victims of a tragedy brought about by a certain religious doctrine?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #131 on: August 26, 2010, 09:52:51 pm »
I love that once a valid point has been made you have no response, but when there's a chance to try and bring someone down you're all over it.
So far, the only valid point you have made is that you are hoping for the chance to hump on Ms. Christians leg.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #132 on: August 26, 2010, 09:55:39 pm »
Hahahahhahaha thanks so much for that, and you say Christians are judgemental??

I would have to say that's a little different...that would be like a *bleep* putting up a wall with a swastikka(sp.?) on it in a Jewish community...people are STILL hurting from the tragedies of 9/11. But to me that's not even the main issue.

Where is the funding coming from?
Does Imam agree with his wife that in America there is nothing but hate for muslims?
And what are his intentions for the mosque...especially after making controversial remarks such as "we tend to forget, in the west, that the United States has more muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hand on innocent non-muslims"
I have trouble supporting him, not because he's muslim, but because he thinks the U.S. has done more damage among muslims that Al Qaeda (an organization CENTERED on terrorism who aims attacks at the U.S.) has done to Americans.

THAT STATEMENT is disrespectful to victims of 9/11. Simple as that.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #133 on: August 26, 2010, 09:57:22 pm »
I love that once a valid point has been made you have no response, but when there's a chance to try and bring someone down you're all over it.
So far, the only valid point you have made is that you are hoping for the chance to hump on Ms. Christians leg.

You broadcast your uncertainty so well. Easy to tell you're worried about how you will come out in this argument by your personal attacks on me. Guess what, you don't know me and attempting to hurt my feelings are a waste of your time and space on this thread. If you can't stick to the issues you obviously don't have as much to bring to the table as you'd like to make us believe.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #134 on: August 26, 2010, 09:59:10 pm »
Oh please don't mis understand me Mack, I am very much aware that in being familiar with your chosen belief system, you are very familiar with BS.

BTW, Mack, would you be up for the removal f all Christian structures in North America, as a show of respect for the Indigenous victims of a tragedy brought about by a certain religious doctrine?

Here we go.... ::)  
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 10:00:43 pm by Annella »

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