It's not a contest between determinism and the devil.
That's actually not what I meant, but I can see where you might have thought that. I meant in a choice between determinism and the fantastical fairy tales of religion, determinism grants
way more respect.
But I guess you're saying that it's either (my genes made me do it, or the devil made me do it?)
Again, I picked the wrong example of a bonkers aspect of Christianity. But what you state is definitely how many would describe it. In my opinion, it's either my genes made me do it,
or there's some other explanation that doesn't rely on recycled primitive myths.
I don't believe in determinism and I don't think the devil can make me do anything I don't want to do. I am free to make my own choices.
But god already knows your entire future; you are merely going through the motions of a book that's already been written. HOW IS THAT FREE?
So you're saying that something could exist within our natural physical laws and time and be eternal? Being eternal means being immortal, universe or immortality a naturalistic concept? No it isn't.
I'm not a scientist or physicist, but from what I've gathered, yes it's possible for the
potential for universes to have always existed (we don't know). You're forgetting that universes are born, change form, and die, only to be recycled again. Physical laws are not necessarily always the same in each new form of a universe. And time is a man-made concept. As for mortality, the universe isn't "alive" in the way we are, so I don't think this is a valid argument.
Well, I'm sorry but I think it's pretty pathetic that when the evidence points towards a Creator materialists use the very science that gave the evidence, to say that unless it is falsifiable it can't be reality.
Something theists like to do is swap out their personal god for a general one. The scientific evidence points AWAY from Biblegod, and this is who you are arguing for, is it not?? Some examples of how the evidence points away from Biblegod include: the age of the earth, evolution, dinosaurs, no geological record of a global flood, DNA that traces all species back to common animal ancestors.
the multi verse theory is null...because it is can't be proven.
God is null...because he can't be proven.
Do you see the problem with saying something like that? An idea isn't null until new facts and concepts have replaced it (obviously there are some extreme examples where this statement doesn't apply).
The prospect of finding a naturalistic cause for the origin of the universe is bleak at best, since the laws of physics indicate that we will never be able escape the bounds of our universe to even attempt to look for the cause of the universe.
The future of science is never "bleak"! Theists are content to stop trying, to stop exploring...because they already know the answer: "God did it!" That type of poor thinking is why religion holds us back and gets us NOWHERE.
Now, remember whatever began to exist must have a cause, the universe had a beginning, therefore the universe has a cause.
Sounds like a broken record.
Of course our current universe had a cause!!So despite the lack of observational evidence for a naturalistic cause for the universe, you believe that the universe has a naturalistic cause and that there is no god, contradicting the tenet that all beliefs should be based upon observational evidence.
We've already been over this in another thread...such a statement drives home how much theists HATE not knowing. It makes you guys so uncomfortable, and the phrasing reminds me of childish taunts. "Stupid scientists! You guys don't KNOW how the Big Bang started, therefore,
you're wrong! Neener, neener, neener!"
Everything that followed the Big Bang had a natural cause, so it's incredibly likely that it, too, had one. Nonetheless, it takes HUMILITY to realize one's tiny place in the universe and to not claim things we cannot currently know. It takes willful self-delusion to rely on ancient, pre-scientific myths and say you have the ultimate answer.
But you don't even know what you believe and science can't give you an answer. So you contradict yourself by saying you are on the fence about determinism but make statements about "I am my brain". You make assertive statements about the mind being physical but then say you don't know, when I ask if you are a robot with no free will. It sounds like you're confused.
And it sounds like you have incredibly high expectations for everyone who is outside of your club. Again, there is
nothing wrong with saying "I'm not sure", or "I'm leaning towards
this, but I'm not going to put all of my eggs in that basket until the EVIDENCE is in." That's how science goes about things and intellectually honest, objective people too.