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  • Is there an "N-word" double standard? 3 2
Topic: Is there an "N-word" double standard?  (Read 2412 times)


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Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:29:31 am »
Recently, radio talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger had a caller on that was concerned about what she saw as racist comments coming from her husband's friends as a result of her mixed-race marriage. Dr. Laura felt that the caller may have been a little too hyper-sensitive and during the course of the discussion, uttered the N-word multiple times, saying that there's a double standard with that word. Dr. Laura said that on HBO, black comics can say N***, N***, N*** and not have any problems with saying it, but someone lacking melanin saying it would be considered racist (This is a recording of that call. The aware that this has not been edited, so do not listen if you will be offended by it.

In my own experiences, I've seen this. We actually got into an argument one night at karaoke. One of our singing buddies (who happens to be black) accidentally bumped into another black person (who we had never seen at the bar before) as he was coming up to our table to talk with us. The guy that got bumped swore, saying "Watch where you're going, you drunk a** n***!" Our table defended our buddy, and basically said that anyone, regardless of race, that uses that word in a derogatory manner is perpetuating racist ideals.

I think either the word is so offensive that it should be taboo to utter in public by anyone, or it is not that racist of a word and should be allowed to be used freely. I do think that in today's world, not only is there a double standard, but also there are some black people are hyper-sensitive to it. If a white person says it, regardless of context, they are automatically labeled as racist. However, it is not considered racist if a non-white person says the same thing, even in a derogatory manner.  :bs:

What do you think? Is there a double standard? And does that lead to hyper-sensitivity over race?


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 10:16:16 am »
A *bleep* can be an offensive term to anyone of any race. Of course due to the black history in this country it does pack more of a punch towards that race. If the person uses it in a context of just talking about the term and a african-american walks up and takes offense, he's just craving attention. But if someone "pulls a Michael Richards", of course that's really offensive. There are only double-standards with politically correct extremists. And I enjoy Urbandictionaries term of PC-
"A way that we speak in America so we don't offend whining pussies."

Edit: Good idea for a thread. 5 stars for ye.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 04:37:07 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 10:39:38 am »
yeah, it depends on the context. I was actually out in a field by my house playing one day, and someone driving up the hill yelled at me: "you stupid *bleep*!" I was young, but I knew enough understand why he said it, but the fact was that I didn't know who that man was, so I blew it off. He was just one of those people that don't get it, as far as hate goes.......

Watch the Boondocks on adult swim,(Stinkmeaner/*bleep* Moment episodes) That will give you a glance at the context of the word from our point of view!!!!! If you are not offended easily, then you will understand why its funny!! :wave:
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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 10:47:09 am »
A *bleep* can be an offensive term to anyone of any race.

I agree completely!  There is too much separation in this country.  Although, that is easy for me to say since I am a white female.   :thumbsup:

Reminds me of an episode of South Park...the one where the town was arguing about the town flag.  The adults were all in an uproar saying the flag was racist, and the children didn't see the race aspect at all.  We, as a country, overanalyze too much.  Although I also believe that there are things that deserve redress (i.e. what has happened to the indigenous peoples of this country).  Its complicated.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2010, 06:06:53 pm »
  I am going to watch the YouTube movie first. Then I will come back to make some comments.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2010, 06:40:55 pm »
I think there are people who just LIKE to get offended. If the term isn't used in a derogatory manner (such as when black people use it amongst themselves) it shouldn't be considered any more racist because a white or mexican or chinese person says the word in the same tone.

I'm not black but there are black people in my family and also my dad is middle eastern, so I have dealt with a fair amount of racism, even within my own family. My hillbilly relations called me and my siblings the N word, simply because we are brown. Anyone not white is considered the N word to them, that was a derogatory statement said in hatred towards my dad's race of people.

I never used that word but I don't speak in the same....slang...I guess that it seems the people who say it, speak?? But, I really just think if a non black person says it in the same tone, that people should get over themselves and stop making everything an issue. It's the passive aggressive use of the word that becomes a problem, not the word itself.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2010, 03:56:28 pm »
I was actually out in a field by my house playing one day, and someone driving up the hill yelled at me: "you stupid *bleep*!" I was young, but I knew enough understand why he said it, but the fact was that I didn't know who that man was, so I blew it off. He was just one of those people that don't get it, as far as hate goes.......

I hate it when those morons do that crap. Not to get too off-topic with a quick personal story, but I once had this guy yell something durragatory (something something *bleep*) at me going down a residential road. I flicked him off and he stopped and came back. He started yelling "You got a problem!? HUH!?" I chucked a rock at his car which left a small dent and hightailed it through a private golf course. He was fat and slow and I was in track so I got away. I was scared to death he'd find me, but I survived to tell the tale!

Watch the Boondocks on adult swim,(Stinkmeaner/*bleep* Moment episodes) That will give you a glance at the context of the word from our point of view!!!!! If you are not offended easily, then you will understand why its funny!!

I LOVE the Boondocks. Great show. That MLK
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 04:03:24 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2010, 07:59:05 pm »
I was actually out in a field by my house playing one day, and someone driving up the hill yelled at me: "you stupid *bleep*!" I was young, but I knew enough understand why he said it, but the fact was that I didn't know who that man was, so I blew it off. He was just one of those people that don't get it, as far as hate goes.......

I hate it when those morons do that crap. Not to get too off-topic with a quick personal story, but I once had this guy yell something durragatory (something something *bleep*) at me going down a residential road. I flicked him off and he stopped and came back. He started yelling "You got a problem!? HUH!?" I chucked a rock at his car which left a small dent and hightailed it through a private golf course. He was fat and slow and I was in track so I got away. I was scared to death he'd find me, but I survived to tell the tale!

Watch the Boondocks on adult swim,(Stinkmeaner/*bleep* Moment episodes) That will give you a glance at the context of the word from our point of view!!!!! If you are not offended easily, then you will understand why its funny!!

I LOVE the Boondocks. Great show. That MLK
Good for you, and thanks for sharing falconer02. I'm glad you dented that guys truck! Hopefully he stepped on a rake or something when he was chasing you!!!(get it??? Joke: I was out playin' golf today. I hit 2 of my best *bleep*~then I stepped on a rake........)

Yea, it's interesting how they took MLK, totally flipped history, and had him come out of a coma, and show us what he would think of his people and this world if he were still living in the now!!!! That episode sums it up for real!!! They did a good job!! :heart:that show, and the animation is amazing!!!!
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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2010, 06:09:22 am »
there are a lot of good opinions offered here....the simpleanswer to the question posed is ...a resounding YES!!!!


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2010, 02:25:04 pm »
We must all realize that racism still exist today. I personally find it offensive if any uses regardless of race. I have and older sister and brother who are half and half. Years ago my mother married their father who was 99.9 % caucasin. I don't like the w.... or b.... to be used as racist remarks. We have different father's but the same mother and she's african american. However, my grandfather was white/indian (mixed) and my grandmother was indian.(the real cherokee indians.)  My father was african-american. I don't care what race you are we are equal. It used to bother me when i was a child,but now i ignore the ignorance. If someone uses the word n to harm someone else their only showing their true colors. The younger generation,don't understand whay it means. Thier to caught up in the bling and not reality. They must show respect to their fellow man and stop trying to be someone they'r not. GANGSTER.  Slang words from this century to be cool and popular.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2010, 06:35:57 pm »
I think it can be a very hurtful word used in the wrong way..But I have met more people who are not of color who fit the definition better lol..OMG I love the boondocks its is so funny..Any word can have a sting to it..And the sting can be taken out by how it it used..Hey I hate dumb blonde but I get it cause I am blonde and blue eyed ( and I am far from dumb have duh moments a little more) I have taken that word used it to my advantage I went..Sorry lol


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2010, 07:02:20 pm »
Of course there are double standards in just about everything.

My thoughts on this is based on the old adage that states "2 wrongs dont make a right".

If a word or phrase is thought of as offensive to even a very small segment of the population, are we so un-imaginative that we can not find another more appropriate term?I mean the english language has plenty enough words that surely we can be more thoughtful towards others with very littl effort even if they themselves are being asshats.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2010, 09:43:13 am »
This is what I got from watching the video, not only was the context offensive, Dr. Laura made it worse by simply not listening to what the caller, Jade had to say.  Yes, I know Dr. Laura was trying to make a point, but there is a way you go about saying things.  You just do not spew out words to prove your point.  If she had used the word in a better content, I think the whole fiasco could have been gone a lot better without hurting anyone feelings and cause an outrage.  I've married out of my race and I have not come across the problems like the caller face but I do get people say things, not necessarily to hurt my feeling, and look at me on how I'm going to react.  Lots of people do not realize that what they are saying are making you uncomfortable that doesn't make you are a racist.  The other thing is there are more groups of people hanging out together, inter marrying and they become comfortable with each other.  When they become comfortable with each other they may say things that could be taken as offensive.  Still, that doesn't give Dr. Laura the right to say what she said.  I just feel that there was a better way she could have said things or to get her point across.


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Re: Is there an "N-word" double standard?
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2010, 09:45:09 am »
I think it can be a very hurtful word used in the wrong way..But I have met more people who are not of color who fit the definition better lol..OMG I love the boondocks its is so funny..Any word can have a sting to it..And the sting can be taken out by how it it used..Hey I hate dumb blonde but I get it cause I am blonde and blue eyed ( and I am far from dumb have duh moments a little more) I have taken that word used it to my advantage I went..Sorry lol
I agree.  :thumbsup:

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