Surprising Statistics:
Number of atheists/agnostics/non-religious WORLDWIDE in:
1993 - 969,000,000 million (18.3% of the world population)
1997 - 1,169,939,840 billion (20+% of the world population)
1999 - 850,000,000 million
2005 - 749,247,571 million (~12% of the world population)
I just KNOW someone is going to comment on the numbers going down; well you have to realize, we had billions of less people in previous years. There's thousands of new jihadists being born every day.

The fact remains, NON-RELIGION is the
third most popular stance on religion, after Christianity and Islam, of course!
Just food for thought for those of you who think the unbelieving are a "minority"!
Interesting quote from 1965:
"Twentieth-century intellectual man has increasingly divorced himself from his former identity as
homo religious and has embraced instead a philosophy of the non-transcendent. The non-religious man (the term would mean almost nothing in the ancient world) has become a reality. Mircea Eliade has done much to characterize him: 'The non-religious man refuses transcendence, accepts the relativity of 'reality' and may even come to doubt the meaning of existence... Modern non-religious man assumes a new existential situation; he regards himself solely as the subject and agent of history, and he refuses all appeal to transcendence. In other words, he accepts no model for humanity outside the human condition as it can be seen by the various historical situations... The sacred is the prime obstacle to his freedom. He will become himself only when he is totally demysticized.
He will not be truly free until he has killed the last god.'"
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