In light of what you just wrote, queen, let me again add this from an earlier post of mine:
You believe that people are not ‘born gay’. Fine - I won’t waste any time educating you on the infinite number of genetic anomalies that occur and are the cause of gender confusion, mutation, etc.
It can't be found as truth in the Bible, so it does not exist. You hear or read things from people who are on the side of it being a choice, and because it is more comfortable for you to go with that, you do. You base your views of gays and their lifestyles on an archaic writing because it allows you all to stay within your own precious 'comfort zone'. The crucial evidence that supports it NOT being a choice is there, you are simply not buying into it and that makes me furious, as it does countless others.
You cannot presume to even remotely claim any understanding of it by doing a Google search, finding a few things to read, and then say, "Oh, I see, but it is purely a mistake or a misnomer on the part of science and genetics. They just say these things because they don't really have an answer, but they come from a place of some intelligence, so quite a few people will believe them. Besides, it's only an excuse they can use for the choices they make to be gay."
But let any one of you come to me with your child, your loved one, who is extremely ill and you want the answer as to why they are, what could have caused this, and what kind of options do we have here. So I begin the standard compiling of my SOAP notes in their chart (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan). When it started, what triggered it, order testing and workups, etc. - you all probably know how this works. So, after using all I have at my disposal, I come to you with my diagnosis and how I would normally treat accordingly. Well, you are in shock, to say the least, with what I tell you.
This is purely a fictional scenario, but I think you will see where I am going with it:
Your daughter/son has a fairly rare genetic anomaly/marker that would not have been known about until you brought her in. It’s NOT something that is a standard test done at birth and since we had no complications post natal, there was also no reason to run any but the standard procedural testing then. Unfortunately, your son/daughter chose to make bananas a part of their diet, which almost everyone knows is NOT a good choice and society looks down on it, but they were driven by something they had NO control over, so the bananas became something they made a part of their life. While this choice might be viewed as abominable by the Bible and religion at large, they simply could not stay away from bananas. Because of that rare genetic anomaly/marker forcing them, against all their willpower and the pleading/threatening of those who are close to them to just stop eating bananas, they now have a life threatening and as of now, incurable disease. You can’t believe it, you are feeling completely and utterly lost, and now begin the usual desperate pleadings to me/us to help them.
Turn this around. Your child is born with a genetic anomaly/marker of which you and they are totally unaware of. They choose to make the same sex the object of their affections, etc., etc., etc. and now, BOOM - I have to inform you they are HIV+/ have AIDS. I am willing to bet you would buy into it NOT being a choice IF the bananas were the cause of the disease that would kill them. You would, in a heartbeat, attribute it to genetics and not the fact they had no power over why they were drawn to bananas. The bible says drinking to drunkenness is a no-no. Alcohol kills thousands every day through diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatic cancer, diabetes, long painful deaths from wet brains, and traffic fatalities/shootings just to name a few. Drinking alcohol is a choice, but do you 'condemn' the alcoholic lifestyle, do you vote against alcohol being legal? No, you show pity on them. The fact that two people of the same sex together takes you so far out of your own comfort zone, you refuse to acknowledge that IT IS NOT a choice. But a bunch of bananas? You would find a way around that by any avenue possible. This comparison IS ridiculous, but I hope we all can see where I was trying to get with it.