Someone who is born blind didn't make a choice that made them enter the world blind. were born that way...isn't it possible that people were born "other" ways, as well?
I also have to say, though, that though there are misunderstandings and disagreements, that I do not see Annella in a negative light. She and I differ vastly on some of the things we believe, but I have always found her to be loving in her disagreements with me. We have come together through a debate to the other side still with
and it is very difficult to find that these days with people of differing faiths. I see so many times people who say "...but I don't agree with your religion" without taking the time to really know what that religion entails, and from the start with me Annella asked questions of me about my faith in an effort to garner a better understanding of who I am. She may be more conservative in her faith than I, and her words may be viewed as harsh, and I may not agree with her, but I still have nothing but
A little nap.......jet lag.
Thank you Amy

You have never "slammed" me for anything. Yes, we have disagreed, but not to the point of calling names, or slinging accusations that are uncalled for.
I don't believe my words are harsh. They are clear and to the point. I stand up for what I believe in the Word of God. There is no waffling, and you will always know my stand. I don't appreciate being called names, but it doesn't sway what I believe. Doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm not here to convert, nor force my beliefs on anyone here like I've been accused. That's not my intention at all....and never has been. However, my opinion is just opinion. Argue away...or debate away.....whatever. However, if you don't believe the Bible, then what argument you have with me is I wholeheartedly believe it.
If your angry at me because what I believe In the Bible, then your argument isn't with me's with the Bible itself and what it represents and teaches.
Do I believe in Freedom of Religion......Of course!!! However, if it's a "religion" that preaches hate and death/destruction of any people or race, or glory of the The world would be better off without any so called religion (IMHO). There are many churches that have many good hearted people, all trying to live for God, and live a good life. They have every right to do so. I live my life by the Bible, not a religion or following. A name on a church won't save anyone.
I'm not just conservative.....I'm VERY conservative. You don't have to agree with me, or I with you. These are the dictates of my heart, and always will be till the day I die, or God comes and gets me.
Everyone has their own belief system.....or lack thereof that you live by. We can agree to disagree...........