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Topic: Favorite Bible Quotes  (Read 41580 times)


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #120 on: August 20, 2010, 12:58:42 pm »
Amy actually quoted the correct verse.

Aww...don't say that like you're surprised, Annella.   ;)


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #121 on: August 20, 2010, 01:02:04 pm »
I've posted before that I will not argue Bible with anyone who doesn't believe it being the Truth of God.

What I WILL post is when the Word of God is not being interpreted correctly and giving people false information.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #122 on: August 20, 2010, 01:03:55 pm »
Amy actually quoted the correct verse.

Aww...don't say that like you're surprised, Annella.   ;)

I have to go for a few minutes as my web designer is on the phone, but I'll be back ASAP.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #123 on: August 20, 2010, 01:43:50 pm »
Sherna, you've been in the church long enough to know what I'm talking about.  Christianity takes work and commitment

Yes, but I also know that everyone is on their own path to spiritual growth. What is sin for me is not sin for somebody else because of what God has revealed to me personally. He hasn't revealed anything contrary to scripture but...for example, if God told me not to wear jeans, that is something he told me to do, not Suzie next door. I can't tell Suzie she shouldn't wear jeans because God said so, she would reject that.

I can point out scriptures to somebody about the importance of baptism but it's up to the Holy Spirit to lead them to acceptance. After all, (and we have seen plenty of it in this forum) the bible can and often is misinterpreted and more often than not it's intentionally interpreted to justify what someone WANTS to believe. So, in that case only the Holy Spirit can reveal truth in the scripture. Just as no man comes to Christ unless led by the Spirit, no man comes to accept the need for baptism unless the holy Truth has been revealed to him!

As you said, and I have said it too, only God knows a persons heart. I just don't have it in me to say be 'baptized or you're going to hell'. I can tell a person the benefits and importance of baptism but I won't use the fear of hell to drive a person to such an intimate gesture of accepting the very Spirit of God into oneself. I don't know everything there is to know about scripture, I'm positive you have more knowledge revealed to you than I do, so please understand I am not trying to argue scripture. I guess I just stand in a different aspect of presenting the need for baptism.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #124 on: August 20, 2010, 02:29:38 pm »
Proverbs 12:2 A good man will obtain favor from the Lord, but he who hates reproof is stupid.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #125 on: August 20, 2010, 02:43:41 pm »
I've posted before that I will not argue Bible with anyone who doesn't believe it being the Truth of God.

What I WILL post is when the Word of God is not being interpreted correctly and giving people false information.

Sorry hon, the above was not actually meant for you per se.  It was to explain why I post to some posts and ignore others.  I'm actually addressing someone else through email.  I've been blasted for not entering into the evolution/athiest/whatever stance.  I won't post or argue those postings if the person does not believe the Word of God is the Word of obviously do......Okay.....onward:

Sherna, you've been in the church long enough to know what I'm talking about.  Christianity takes work and commitment

Yes, but I also know that everyone is on their own path to spiritual growth. What is sin for me is not sin for somebody else because of what God has revealed to me personally. He hasn't revealed anything contrary to scripture but...for example, if God told me not to wear jeans, that is something he told me to do, not Suzie next door. I can't tell Suzie she shouldn't wear jeans because God said so, she would reject that.

I can point out scriptures to somebody about the importance of baptism but it's up to the Holy Spirit to lead them to acceptance. After all, (and we have seen plenty of it in this forum) the bible can and often is misinterpreted and more often than not it's intentionally interpreted to justify what someone WANTS to believe. So, in that case only the Holy Spirit can reveal truth in the scripture. Just as no man comes to Christ unless led by the Spirit, no man comes to accept the need for baptism unless the holy Truth has been revealed to him!

As you said, and I have said it too, only God knows a persons heart. I just don't have it in me to say be 'baptized or you're going to hell'. I can tell a person the benefits and importance of baptism but I won't use the fear of hell to drive a person to such an intimate gesture of accepting the very Spirit of God into oneself. I don't know everything there is to know about scripture, I'm positive you have more knowledge revealed to you than I do, so please understand I am not trying to argue scripture. I guess I just stand in a different aspect of presenting the need for baptism.

Your referring to the scripture that everyone has to work out their own Salvation with fear and trembing.....Agreed.  However, the "plan" of Salvation is for everyone.  This is the beginning of your spiritual life as a Christian  After that, what ever your private/personal convictions.....are up to you and God.  Your spiritual growth is what is taking place AFTER you have accepted the plan of Salvation.  Spiritual growth is over a lifetime.  Everybody is in different stages of spiritual growth (your correct).  Although I'm curious why you picked the conviction of wearing pants or  We aren't talking standards here, nor would I.  We are addressing the plan of Salvation which is a different point, than living a day by day life of a Christian.

I will teach someone about Baptism and it's importance, but they DO have to see it, and understand why they are doing it.  Baptism is a very important step, but a step that is required in the plan of Salvation.  People do have to know that by being Baptized is actually taking on a symbol of Christ's death, and being buried with Him through baptism and the removal/remission (completely erasing) their sins.  I do teach the WHOLE plan of Salvation.  One day I will have to give account for my preaching/teaching of the Gospel.  No, it doesn't make me popular in some groups, but that's not why I'm in this.  I want souls to be saved.......simple as that.

I should say that not 1 person has decided NOT to be Baptized after I've taught them after they have repented.  they may not do it that instant, but it doesn't take long before they come to be Baptized.  Some get the Holy Ghost before they get baptized, and just naturally know they should get baptized.  I have always believed that the Holy Ghost reveals this to them.

Whoa.....I don't think I said anyone was going to hell.  Please don't put something in there I did not say.  I do remember saying that you can be lost for not obeying the plan that God has laid out.......i.e. if you reject so great Salvation.   The Bible clearly states this can happen.

As far as interpretation.....I only posted what is scripture, and what it says to be saved.  Again, the scripture of "Unless your born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven", is not my's Bible.  I never tell anyone they are going to hell.  I present the Word of God in it's full aspect, and hope they accept it.  Some will and some won''s always up to our own will.

That's where the Holy Ghost comes in.  It opens up (reveals) God's Word to us, and helps us to live the true life of a Christian.  Don't take this wrong, but do you have the Holy Ghost?  You said your husband was seeking it.  Not to say anything negative or anything.....just curious.  I've watch some of your videos and such.  Your in a Holiness Oneness Apostolic movement.  I'm almost positive your Pastor teaches this as the plan of Salvation.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 02:47:26 pm by Annella »


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #126 on: August 20, 2010, 03:46:26 pm »
Although I'm curious why you picked the conviction of wearing pants or  We aren't talking standards here, nor would I

It probably wasn't the best example, but my point was that once a person agrees to accept Jesus as savior....that is step number in the plan of salvation. From there a person has to be told, understand, and act upon baptism. Some people stay between that first step and the second for some time. Either because they are not told about baptism, or don't understand it's relevance and importance in the plan of salvation. That's not always their fault. A lot of churches set up baptism as "a great thing to do, but it's not necessary". But if a person is between accepting Christ and being baptized, I can only point to scripture and the Holy Spirit has to reveal the truth in it. I personally don't feel convicted to not wear pants but a lot of the women in my church have that conviction and if I asked them, I'm sure they would point out the scripture that they believe justifies their position. I don't have that conviction. I don't think pants or no pants is in the plan of salvation was a bad example to make my point.

"Unless your born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven"
Right. But again, I believe God is judging you by what you know and understand about the Truth that is being presented. Child, adult, mentally challenged, ....all those I mentioned before....have the ability to receive the heavenly reward based on what they know and understand is true.  If a person is given an explanation of baptism that is true (I have heard some pretty ridiculous teachings about baptism and I wouldn't blame a person for refusing it based on some teachings out there) and they understand not follow through is a rejection of the act of Christ on the cross and is a rejection of God. But they key is being "told" about it and "understanding".

And also I didn't mean to imply you were misinterpreting scripture, only that people DO misinterpret and this can cause them to not even consider baptism as important and therefore never act on it.

Don't take this wrong, but do you have the Holy Ghost?
Yes ma'am I do!  ;D
I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus 2 years ago, spoke in tongues almost a year ago.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #127 on: August 20, 2010, 03:50:03 pm »
Annella, you cited this part of John 3:5, "Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit."

Let me ask you this. It is always 'assumed' that water here means baptism. Why is that, since Christian baptism by water hadn't yet been practiced/instituted at the time it was written?  If this verse did mean baptism, then the only kind that it could have been was baptising to repent sins as in the works of John the Baptist. I was taught that we repent our sins to God alone. No one can be baptised alone, as far as I am aware. A person needs salvation to enter heaven, yes? If salvation comes through faith and there isn't a baptism of repentance anymore, then why is baptism necessary for heaven?

I am writing this to ask, not to argue with you, since you pretty much shot down what I said as far as Acts. I am giving you what I was taught and have previously studied over the course of 25 years, and part of that is the 'fact' that most people use the Acts verse as 'proof' of needing to be baptised to get into heaven.

edited to add:
What I WILL post is when the Word of God is not being interpreted correctly and giving people false information.

How can you know, with absolute surety, that your interpretation of the bible is 'correct'?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 04:08:34 pm by jordandog »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #128 on: August 20, 2010, 04:18:09 pm »

Although I'm curious why you picked the conviction of wearing pants or  We aren't talking standards here, nor would I

It probably wasn't the best example, but my point was that once a person agrees to accept Jesus as savior....that is step number in the plan of salvation. From there a person has to be told, understand, and act upon baptism. Some people stay between that first step and the second for some time. Either because they are not told about baptism, or don't understand it's relevance and importance in the plan of salvation. That's not always their fault. A lot of churches set up baptism as "a great thing to do, but it's not necessary". But if a person is between accepting Christ and being baptized, I can only point to scripture and the Holy Spirit has to reveal the truth in it. I personally don't feel convicted to not wear pants but a lot of the women in my church have that conviction and if I asked them, I'm sure they would point out the scripture that they believe justifies their position. I don't have that conviction. I don't think pants or no pants is in the plan of salvation was a bad example to make my point.

"Unless your born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven"
Right. But again, I believe God is judging you by what you know and understand about the Truth that is being presented. Child, adult, mentally challenged, ....all those I mentioned before....have the ability to receive the heavenly reward based on what they know and understand is true.  If a person is given an explanation of baptism that is true (I have heard some pretty ridiculous teachings about baptism and I wouldn't blame a person for refusing it based on some teachings out there) and they understand not follow through is a rejection of the act of Christ on the cross and is a rejection of God. But they key is being "told" about it and "understanding".

And also I didn't mean to imply you were misinterpreting scripture, only that people DO misinterpret and this can cause them to not even consider baptism as important and therefore never act on it.

Don't take this wrong, but do you have the Holy Ghost?
Yes ma'am I do!  ;D
I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus 2 years ago, spoke in tongues almost a year ago.

No, it's not people's fault if they are not taught right.  This upsets me more than you know.  Your absolutely right!!! it has to be taught correctly.  The person has to understand why they are doing it, and what it means.  I know it's not included as important in some movements, or taught as not that important.  Why?  Ya got me!  I do know, and firmly believe that if a person is sincere in their search for true Salvation, God paves the way for them, and he will lead them to the Truth (a smoking flax he will not quench).  If someone is really trying to understand, God will reveal it.  Woe to those teachers that do not teach it correctly.

As far as the mentally challenged, children, etc.,  God has a place for them.  He is a fair and just God.  We have a lady in our church who is mentally challenged (not just a little).  She wanted to get baptized because she saw others getting baptized.  She bugged and bugged us.  After we prayed about it, we figured what would it hurt?  That mentally challenged lady got baptized, and THEN received the Holy Ghost, and spoke in tongues!!  She may have not understood it, but somehow she knew she wanted to do it, and somehow...because she should.  Do you know that when deaf and dumb people get the Holy Ghost that they speak in tongues?  They may never speak again, but the "evidence" of being filled is there!!  Cool huh?

If someone does not understand (child, mentally challenged, etc.), and they die, I believe God takes them unto himself.  Some cannot understand because of their mind being challenged, and children have to reach an age where they are accountable, and know right from wrong.  That can be different for every child.

Somehow I knew you had it!!!!!!  Wonderful isn't it?   I was Baptized in Jesus Name when I was 13, but didn't get the Holy Ghost until I was 18.  I was kinda rebellious when I was  Don't tell anyone, but I'll be 60 in 24  Sherna, He has NEVER failed me, and He is my best friend!  You can't buy that!

« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 04:29:20 pm by Annella »


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #129 on: August 20, 2010, 05:45:58 pm »
Annella, you cited this part of John 3:5, "Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit."

Let me ask you this. It is always 'assumed' that water here means baptism. Why is that, since Christian baptism by water hadn't yet been practiced/instituted at the time it was written?  If this verse did mean baptism, then the only kind that it could have been was baptising to repent sins as in the works of John the Baptist. I was taught that we repent our sins to God alone. No one can be baptised alone, as far as I am aware. A person needs salvation to enter heaven, yes? If salvation comes through faith and there isn't a baptism of repentance anymore, then why is baptism necessary for heaven?

I am writing this to ask, not to argue with you, since you pretty much shot down what I said as far as Acts. I am giving you what I was taught and have previously studied over the course of 25 years, and part of that is the 'fact' that most people use the Acts verse as 'proof' of needing to be baptised to get into heaven.

edited to add:
What I WILL post is when the Word of God is not being interpreted correctly and giving people false information.

How can you know, with absolute surety, that your interpretation of the bible is 'correct'?

I like to go back to the scripture when God says it.  So lets go there to the scripture you mentioned.  John 3:5
Go back to the 1st verse of that Chapter.  Nicodemus came to Jesus by night and called Him Rabbi (teacher).  Nicodemus was a spiritual ruler of the Jews (a Pharisee).  Of course the Bible doesn't say so, but I believe he came at night because he didn't want all his other cronies to know he was seeking some spiritual answers.  He also made the statement that Jesus was from God because no man could do the miracles He did.  This is where Jesus says except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.

Of course Nicodemus does not understand this because he asks about entering a second time into his mothers womb.....and he is old.  Then the scripture you asked about....."Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God".  

I've heard people teach that the water you are born in is the baptism.  Well Jesus says no, because in the next verse he says "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

John the Baptist WAS baptizing at this time in the dessert unto repentance.  Jesus went to be baptized by John.  John made the comment that he should actually be baptized by Jesus.  Jesus said basically that they should do this to fulfill scripture.  Jesus was our example. Matthew 3 :13-16 answer to your question, Baptism was actually being introduced here by John the Baptist.

Also, Matthew 3:16 says that John the baptist was baptizing in the Jordan.  The Jordan is a river in Israel...that you know.  What you don't know is that it is DIRTY.  I've baptized people in it, and it's filthy and has hugh fish that look like they can take a bite out of your leg.  Was happy getting those baptisms

See my previous post of baptism after Jesus arose and the significance of being Baptized unto His death.  A "burial" of our sins, a washing away, never to be remembered against us again.  Acts 2:38 plan of Salvation was AFTER Jesus rose.  We wash and wash away with water.

Now this next part is going to get a little in depth so I apologize. Those who study will understand these references.  In the Strongs Concordance (in the Greek, which is what the NT is studied in),  907, 908, 909,
910, and 911.  Definitions of Baptism, Baptisms, Baptist, Baptist's, Baptize, Baptized, Baptizest, Baptizeth, and Baptizing:

907 - Baptizo - To make "overwhelmed"- which actually means "to immerse" e.i. or "fully wet", 908 - Baptisma - Baptism. Referring back to 907 above.
909 - Baptismos - Ablution, baptism, washing, again referring back to 907 above.
910 - Baptistes - A Baptizer, or Christ's forerunner (John the Baptist), or Baptizer or Baptist
911 - Bapto - To overwhelm (907), or cover completely with fluid, dip, moisten.

There is no way you can refute that this means to immerse someone in Baptism.  What is something that the world has the most of......water.  It's not the water that makes you clean, it's the "act" of obedience to the Word of God. answer to your other question.  After Jesus died, and rose, and the Holy Ghost is being poured out, and people are getting baptized in Jesus Name, after repenting (all through the book of really should read it for yourself).  The next is paraphrased......In the 19th chapter of Acts, Apostle Paul found certain disciples at Ephesus and asked them had they received the Holy Ghost since they believed?  They mention they have never heard of the Holy Ghost.  Paul then asks them "how were you baptized?", They said "under John's baptism" Paul says "John only baptized unto repentance, that they should believe on Him that would come after him (remember, he was the forerunner of Jesus).  When they heard this they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus.  Paul also laid hands on them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.

Jesus was our example to follow.  He was being baptized by John to point to after His death and resurrection for us to follow.  There was a new dispensation and a new way of remission of sins.  Acts is the actions of the early church foundation.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 01:47:46 am by Annella »


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #130 on: August 20, 2010, 06:27:08 pm »
Oh sorry, you had another question about how I know my interpretation of the Bible is correct?  It's not My interpretation.

Well, I by no means know the whole Bible interpretation.  I do know that scripture will interpret scripture.  In studying the Word of God, I'm very careful and take great pains to exhaustively study out the most important things.  Salvation is so important that we get it right.  This is life and death after all.  Prayer and fasting for God to give wisdom in His Word is paramount.  He tells us to ask freely for this wisdom, and he will give it freely. 

The best evidence I can give you is that I've found the Word of God to be Truth.  I've put it to the test in so many ways.  If I hear something that doesn't sound right....even over the pulpit, I go study it out.  No one told me that I could get the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.  I was told that was just for the Apostles or Jesus disciples in the church I was in at the time.  Well, Acts 2:39 says it's for everybody.  One night, I got it!!  I was told again that it was not for me.  Well, that showed me that someone was telling me wrong.  If that was told wrong to me, what else was?   I realized that some do not have the whole Truth, and went looking for it.  If your hungry for what is right and true, God will not disappoint you.

Also, the indwelling of the Holy Ghost "reveals" the Bible to you.  Now this is going to sound lame to someone who does not understand this, but those who have the Holy Ghost will know what I'm talking about.  The Bible is not of any private interpretation, but God does reveal His Word to His servants.  The Bible says the Holy Ghost is the leader and guider into ALL Truth. 

The best thing though is to study it out for yourself.  I have great Bible studies where everybody picks a subject and we all study it out.  The real Truth comes out if you really want to know it.  God is not a trickster, and really wants us to find out what he's written to us.

Sherna studies, I can tell it in her postings.  She's still learning, I'm still learning, so is everyone who is walking this Christian way.

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, "rightly dividing" the Word of Truth.  II Timothy 2:15  Rightly Dividing means interpreting it right (when you study it out).

I hope I've answered everything.  If I've missed something, let me know.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #131 on: August 20, 2010, 09:23:15 pm »
Jordandog, did I answer your questions?  I hope I didn't "bury" you with information.  It's the preacher in me, kind of comes with the territory.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #132 on: August 22, 2010, 06:02:17 am »
Sorry, I thought I had posted here after getting home from work the other morning. 10-12 hour on/off night shifts are killing my body and my brain!

Yes, you answered my questions in as far as your understanding and interpretation of the scriptures. You didn't bury me. I have read and remember most all of those you cited. I guess it is a difference in what one sect believes and teaches over another.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #133 on: August 23, 2010, 01:26:51 am »
I believe the only way you get into heaven is if you are baptized, among other things.

I believe they were copying this when they posted that, Sheryl. The citing of The Acts verse has nothing to do with going to heaven. It is receiving the Holy Spirit and therefore salvation. Even the gentiles received the Holy Ghost, so that is not 'proof' of going to heaven. Baptism has nothing to do with going to heaven either. Nowhere does the bible say do this ceremony and you will receive salvation and get into heaven. Salvation is supposed to come from faith, not from faith and then a ceremony someone goes through.

Let me put it this way: if baptism is necessary for salvation then anyone who 'receives Christ' on his deathbed hospital, etc. would go to hell if they don't get baptized before they die. Also, if baptism is necessary for salvation, then all babies who die go to hell since they weren't all baptized.
    :thumbsup: whew, I was never baptized...somehow it got "missed".  I've been a Christian for too long now for it to symbolize what it's supposed to so I don't feel a need for it.   :angel12:  I've spent alot of time reading the Bible though and have had quite a few people tell me that being baptized is a REQUIREMENT for heaven but I'm with you, the Bible just doesn't say that.  Jesus will get people into Heaven when religion can't.   :)

Jordandog, your question above can we be sure they were talking about "water" in Baptism?  Then you do a 180, about the "NEED" to be baptized, and the scriptures I gave didn't explain it.....well duh!  I was giving you proof of the use of water.  If what you were actually asking, was the NEED of Baptism.....I definitely missed it. However, I will address the need in this post.  Or....I'll let the Bible speak for itsself.

I find this kind of amusing, because it's obvious none of the previous posts were read.  Uh, this is not any religion, and the BIBLE does say it!  

In the Old Testament, there was no remission of sins, until there was shedding of the Blood of Christ, sins could not be done away with for good. The act of repenting, and then Baptism, is required to "wash" those sins away, in the act of Baptism, to be buried with Him, to rise in newness of life.  If these were my words, I could understand your rejection......but the scriptures?

I've listed scripture out of Acts, and following books of the Bible regarding Baptism. Acts 2:38-41 is the new foundation for Salvation after Christ's resurrection.  If you don't want to use the Book of Acts as the start of the church, then what do you want to use?  There's no other account.

Can you point me to another after the resurrection of Christ? (in the Bible......not man made up)

Baptism is an integral part of Salvation, because it makes us partakers of His death in Baptism.  This has nothing to do with any sect or religion.  This is Bible and nothing else.

Everything is in these scriptures:

Acts 2:38-41 - This is where the new members of the early church were Baptized (the start of 5,000 people).
Acts 8:12-16
Acts 8:36-38    
Acts 9:18
Acts 10:47-48
Acts 16:33
Acts 18:8
Acts 19:3-5
Acts 22:16
Romans 6:3-4
Ephesians 4:5
Colossions 2:12
Galatians 3:27

Everyone in the early church was baptized.  

Yes!  The gentiles got the Holy Ghost also, and were also Baptized.  In the 10th Chapter of Acts, it tells about Cornelius and his house (family) that were gentiles, which was the opening of the door for us, to the same plan of Salvation.  This was for everybody, not just the Jews.  Christ dies for ALL.

As far as people on their death bed, why would they wait that long to make such an important decision?  That's like saying someone killed in a car crash didn't have the chance to be Baptized.  That's absurd.  We are given a lifetime to make these important decisions.  As far as Children.......sigh  Obviously you did not read my posts above very well.  Children are not Baptized until they can reach an age where they understand it, the age of accountability (they know right from wrong).  God would never send an innocent child to hell.

Jesus said except ye are born of the water, and the spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.......NOT ME.

NO religion will save anybody!!  NO church name will save anybody!!!  Nothing but the Word of God, and obedience to it.  That of course brings us to our choice (free will) now doesn't it?

BUT......if the Word of God tells us to do it (scriptures above), then we should do it.  Everyone got Baptized according to the plan of salvation in the book of Acts.....Everyone.  That was the start of the early church.  They didn't have a name for a religion.  It does say that they were first called "Christians" at Antioch.

I understand that there are different beliefs out there, and different churches have different interpretations.  I've given you Bible Scripture......nothing else.  We will be held accountable with what we read, and is revealed to us.  My job is to only put it out there.........I've done that.

Kind of on a funny note:  If the Bible told us to do 3 somersaults in order to be saved, wouldn't you do it?    
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 02:32:48 am by Annella »


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Re: Favorite Bible Quotes
« Reply #134 on: August 23, 2010, 05:36:58 am »

Jordandog, your question above can we be sure they were talking about "water" in Baptism?  Then you do a 180, about the "NEED" to be baptized, and the scriptures I gave didn't explain it.....well duh!  I was giving you proof of the use of water.  If what you were actually asking, was the NEED of Baptism.....I definitely missed it.

Annella, I think you better refer to who you quoted as to saying anything about "need". That quote you used in your last post was from SherylShado, NOT ME. You wondered why I said "4th time" in another post as far as your assimilating me into replies I had nothing to do with - here is yet another example of it.

I find this kind of amusing, because it's obvious none of the previous posts were read.

Hmmm, no, I said I read your post. I read it in depth and even took the time to go back through and read more portions of the bible citings you used for myself. I have NO idea where that came from.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 05:43:10 am by jordandog »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

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