Ill give you all a personal experience with Alcoholism...Its heartbreaking but it has to be told.
My mother was only 38 when she died on Oct 25th, 2009.
She was an alcoholic.
EVERYONE "tried" everything they could to stop her drinking.
I say "tried" because knowing her side of the family, they didnt do sh**.
Me and my siblings didnt live with her.
We live with our father.
So we never really saw her drinking in action, (though I did for about 6 months when I went to live with her).
We didnt really have any idea of the damage she was doing to herself until of course it was too late.
She would have a drink morning noon and night and even in between then.
It was bad.
Her health was starting to suffer immensely.
I first noticed her decline, when she became extremely frail. She wouldnt eat much of anything. She was simply becoming different.
She was constantly in the hospital.
Abdominal fluid, I later learned.
She was in complete and utter denial about her abuse of alcohol.
It got so bad that in late september of last year, she was completly incoherent.
She wondered off from her work, leaving everything on and behind.
She didnt know her name or where she was. Completly lost all sense.
This was due because her liver was no longer function at the right levels.
The ammonia built up in her system and started messing her brain functions.
The next morning, it got worse and the ambulance was called.
The paramedics said that if they had called any later, she wouldve died.
Well she stayed in the hosipatal for a few days.
She released herself as she was in denial.
Her condition was at the end.
It was horrible.
After that first trip, she had 2 more trips to the hospital.
The second time, she went back for the same issues the first time though now it was even worse.
She couldnt walk. She could barely eat. She could barely use the restroom.
More then 90 percent of the time, she was sleeping or in incredible pain.
The doctors had told us that she needed a full liver transplant.
She was already Jaundice to the extreme at this point.
She was so frail and cold already.
She barely could remember my name and who I was.
Well, the doctors released her. There wasnt anything they could do but tell her to not drink and wait 6 months for a liver transplant.
During the time she was home, she slept. She could not walk at all. She hadent showerd in two weeks.
Her hair was unbrushable. She didnt eat. My grandmother said it was like she had given up on life. She already seemed gone, inside.
2 days later, her fiance Jimmy, brought her to the hospital at 3 in the morning because it got to be too much...
Her liver completly shut down. Her organs began shutting down. She started to bleed out.
At 5:20 am, she passed away.
At the time, I had no idea what had happend.
I can tell you though that I was dreaming that I was running down my neighborhood, and I could feel the cold as I looked up at the clear and stared night sky. Then suddenly, there was blood everywhere.
I woke up so fast.
I layed in bed for about ten minuets.
Then I heard my phone vibrate.
Mind you, this was 6:10 am and if I had not woken up, I would not have heard my phone go off.
It was my aunt.
I knew something had gone wrong.
I heard her sniffles over the phone and her first words to me where, "Cristina, your mom passed away.."
I will never forget that for as long as I live.
I then knew that dream was her (my mom) telling me something.
I remember seeing her in the hospital and hearing her voice so clearly.
Everything is still extremly vivid. Ill never forget it.
Its haunting.
She knew she wasnt going to make it.
She knew.
Her last words to me was when I was leaving her hospital room, "tell your nikki and elijah I love them.."
It kills me every second of everyday.
I cry almost everyday.
I miss her so much and would give anything to have her back.
Its a pain that no one will understand unless it happends to them.
It indescribable.
I share my pain with you all, in great detail, so you all can save yourselves and others you may know, form keeping this there fate.
She had Cirrhosis of the liver.
Her birthday is this thursday.
She wouldve been 39.
Alcoholism is extremly serious.
Ive just told you probably the worst case of drinking.
It makes me proud to say that I have never and will never have a sip of alcohol.
If anyone has questions, I will answer them.
Im not sure where to leave this , but thats my personal experience with Alcoholism.
Take this as a chance to save someone.