You don't have to believe this but in my culture it means that a demon or ghost is sitting on you and they are very heavy or it means that you have been possessed by the ghost/demon and thats why you can't move. Sometimes, i'm not retarded but, i think i have wierd powers cause if i really think about getting paralyzed in bed really really reallllly hard i actually get paralyzed. Or it usually happens when im just laying in bed and i think about something very scary. It's creeeepy
This happens to my husband. In our faith it is demons, not possessing you per say but trying to. He used to get them once a week at least, we began cleansing our house and they stopped for a while then he started getting them once every 1 to 2 months. we began praying and delving deeper into our faith and now he has them only once every 6 months or so if that. When he does we say a quick prayer and it stops immediately.
When it happens it used to be a dark mass sitting on his chest, after the cleansing it was a dark mass across the room, now the mass is gone completely from sight. that is our take on it.
I wasn't going to bring this up, but now that people are making the connection.........
Pray throughout your home, anoint each entrance and exit (I use olive oil, but any oil will do). Pray that the Lord sends Angels to stand sentry at every entrance and exit of your home (doors, windows, etc.). Pray for Angels at the 4 corners of your bed to watch and protect you through the night. Go from room to room praying this way.
I know I'm going to get some postings that are going to ask me if I'm crazy. No, but I deal with the spiritual realm a lot in my calling (Evangelist). I've never had this happen to me, but my friend told me (just recently) he did, and he knew it was a demon. There is a difference between possession, and oppression. Possession is when the demon takes over the body. Oppression is what is being experienced here. The Lord can raise up a barrier against the enemy when he comes to oppress you. If you have the Spirit of God dwelling IN you, the enemy cannot, under any circumstances, possess you.
There are reasons why this is happening. There could be an open door (spiritually) that is an invitation. You are probably unaware of it. People who practice the black arts, or fool around with certain items related to the black arts, open doors. Also, you could be moving toward a spiritual awakening, and the enemy doesn't want you to fully understand it. Cleansing your home is the best move you can make. Sounds like your on the right track.
Ask the Lord if there is anything in your home that is displeasing to Him, and keep a sensitive watch. He will show you, if you are sincere. By doing this, you are dedicating your home to Him, and asking His Spirit to dwell there. The enemy and the Lord cannot occupy the same house (body).
I'll be praying for you.