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Topic: Boycott marieelissa  (Read 12653 times)


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #45 on: July 20, 2010, 09:54:26 am »
No it's not. Now all these people that I don't want to talk to will not come into my threads anymore! Thank God, and I will stay away from theirs. They ruin my threads.



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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2010, 10:05:59 am »


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2010, 10:09:50 am »
LOL I am not the one carrying on like a lunatic ... You will have to seek attention from you invisible friend as you will no longer find it here honey.


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2010, 10:49:57 am »
I feel sorry for her. She might be a really good person deep down inside I think she just goes with what others do. Some of the stuff she posts has no meaning at all they are just strange meaningless debates that are truly one sided. And with her deleting yes its very annoying and its only when you have proven her wrong does she delete such posts. If she is so "godly" I think she needs some soul searching before approaching life in any way shape or form!
I agree with you Amy.  I had to resist debating with her on a lot of topics just to keep myself from becoming angry.


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2010, 10:58:39 am »
First I have to say I do not get the deleting what so ever. I have posted things and had regret later I did not like the way I sounded or how I wrote it..But *bleep* I think oh well that is what is there so big deal..I have been called a troll by a troll..And lost my temper and responded back not so nice but left it oh well it is me.

I feel like mistakes is being human so if you cannot back up your mistakes then don't post..What are you afraid of leaving your posts Maria??That's unfair to people who really got into a debate on your posts..Do other peoples words and thoughts make you who you are??If so you really need to become your own person and not care what people say or think.You can say you do not but your actions and lies say otherwise.

I am upset cause this forum started out fun and very thought provoking..Now it has become hit and miss one day I come in here to awesome posts and debates the next day I get attacked for a thought or idea..Then I have to deal with a child hiding and deleting..So over it..

I was sick for a week this week and popped in to the contest thread and was appalled that someone tried to cheat..Wow that is just sick I have won no contests and thanks for making it feel like now I have to compete with cheaters..

Thanks Queen once again you ,Jordan,falcon make this forum worth reading and debating on..So huge kudos for sucking me in on another topic lmao.. :notworthy: :thumbsup: :wave:


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2010, 11:15:08 am »
queenofnines, I can honestly say I don't hate/dislike anyone, except the enemy of my soul.  I have no desire to argue/debate with you, as we have nothing in common.  I do remember saying that you have made your choice, and I've made mine (Atheist/Christian), so we have nothing to discuss.  That still stands.

Don't make this personal.  You were addressed because you started the thread.  Verbally tearing her down and calling her names only fuels the fire, and she learns nothing.  You deem her a bad influence?  Ignore her posts.  Why don't you ALL agree to not post on each other's threads, and be done with it.  That will settle deleting/not deleting threads, threats, contentions, vehemence, etc., in the future.

For Marieelissa Only:  Stop posting those who draw your ire, let it go.  Ignore it.  Apologize hon, if someone feels you have wronged them, and go on.  We are to be a reflection of the One we serve.  Matthew 10:16 and Philippians  2:14-15.  This is not a sign of weakness, but power to free yourself from these kind of traps, and to strengthen your spirit and resolve in God.  Romans 8:1-2.  You seem very young in the faith, but hang on, even as Christians we are imperfect, and make mistakes (we're not glorified yet).  Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and please the One who loves you beyond understanding, and with an everlasting love.  He's the one that's important and eternal.  All this is temporary, which will pass away, and be remembered no more.


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2010, 12:04:32 pm »
Come on Queen, you are extremely rude to christians and other religious people.

Well that's your impression.  I don't play favorites.  If an atheist were to do something utterly wrong, I'd call him on it.  It makes no difference what you believe, it's what you DO.  My "rudeness" is not unjustified.

And you have been far more rude than I telling people like Falconer you see a horrible car accident coming his way.  Stop playing the victim card.

You cut down their beliefs and their intelligence and the list goes on.

It's the reader's choice to have their beliefs and intelligence cut down.  I am merely presenting blunt information.

I don't know if you have a twisted sense of humor or it is your way of dealing with thinking there is no God and no point to life (which must be hard) but you make everything look so awful.  You seem to know how to take the beauty right out of life.

Again, the victim card.  Obviously I find a point to my life or I would have offed myself by now.  And I probably look at life way more beautifully than a believer does, in awe of the cosmos and our rich evolutionary heritage, realizing where it all actually came from rather than pawning it off to some magical deity.

Think babies are gifts from God and is a miracle and what you said! It's like milk and cookies (my choice of profanity)

Okay, that makes no sense.  lol
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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2010, 12:17:56 pm »
I also don't appreciate you making a thread about me personally.

I can understand that.  However, it needed to be brought to peoples' attention why dozens of their posts mysteriously vanished overnight.  The cause of this happening was YOU.  It would be slightly less of an issue if people weren't PAID TO POST in this forum.

before that you gave me hell about deleting my posts

You need to be more specific with your use of the word "you".  MANY people complain about you deleting your posts because you do it constantly.  It's already been brought up why this isn't a good thing.

before that you gave me hell about changing my picture

Yes, I teased you twice about that.  I apologize.

and before that you gave me hell about my posts being to much or not enough or too long or making no sense.

Again, MANY people complained about this.  It's because most committed forum users want to see clear, organized, easy-to-read discussion.

Gave me hell about my Anniversary ticker...

Um, that was someone else.
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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2010, 02:27:34 pm »
Queenofnines now has a topic devoted to her and no I didn't start it. Sounds like you copy/paste also.

This is too funny.


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2010, 03:09:42 pm »
Gave me hell about my Anniversary ticker...

No, that was me, not queen, and I take full responsibility for it, have absolutely no regrets about doing it either. It was entirely pertinent to what YOU were blathering on about (and being deceitful about) at the time. You said one minute that you had broken up with Wayne after he cheated on you and then boom, your daisypath is right back up. I don't play with words on here and I have been up front with you about that. You lie, you get called out on the lies. I've also told you that it gets to a point where liars are NO LONGER able to remember from one minute to the next what they say, so you just keep piling them up and you can't get out from under the mountain of deceit you have created. It's a fairly simple process to grasp.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Boycott marieelissa
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2010, 04:33:03 pm »
Cut it out. Seriously. I am not a babysitter and do not want to have to become one. She deleted her posts, big deal. She maybe lied to you about something, big deal. Guess what?! Some people do not fully disclose the truth and create a semi-truth for the internet. It happens.

If your post was deleted, then I am sorry but you can always repost anything you lost in a similar thread.

Marieelissa did not get credited for the promotion and is not banned from the forum. If she were to again try and cheat her way into a promotion then we may reevaluate the situation altogether.

This is the internet and we often forget that there are real people behind an internet persona. If someone does something outside of the rules, REPORT THEM! We will look into it and take appropriate action. Remember, this forum is privilege to post on - not a right. And people continuing to disrespect, harass, and cheat the system will be removed from participating. And if you can't access the forum you can not participate in the promotions we have. Which hurts yourself in the long run. I am locking this thread and if I see anything else about this then I will have to take appropriate action.
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