Wish I had a place for a garden because that really saves money in the long run. Growing up, we had our own garden, raised our own beef, pigs, and chickens. We hardly went to town for anything. That helped me to be frugal now even though things cost so much more. There's always ways to save/or make a little extra. The money I earn from FC, and what I make on other sites, isn't spent, but goes in savings, or purchasing something that will only increase in value.....like an ounce of silver? Silver bought just a few years ago has doubled in value. If you have a checking account with a bank that has the program "keep the change", great. When you write a check, round it up to the nearest dollar, and that change goes into a savings account. Put at least $25.00 in that savings account every month. Wether it's from your payroll check, FC, ect. You'll be surprised how fast it adds up. Every time there's enough in the account, buy something for the future.....bond, silver, CD, ect. Something that will ONLY increase in value. My friend went into Starbucks everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. At $3+ a pop, in a month, he was spending almost $100 just on coffee. That's $1200.00 a year. When you start adding up what you think you can't do without, you'll be surprised what you can save. There's thousands of ways to cut spending/save. When you get to a point of saving, and then start paying for everything in cash (never credit), it gives you a sense of being in control and sufficient in yourself. There's no better feeling.