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Topic: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith  (Read 20035 times)


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2010, 07:23:26 pm »
well it wasn't my intention to quote something that is bullying. and you're right the statement in itself doesn't prove that evolution is false. but i have seen evidence in this forum that uses these tactics to make the other party feel inferior. so i quoted it because it's something i have witnessed happening. i'm not saying that the OTHER side has been very nice either in their presentation of their arguments. i have seen 'shameful christian behavior in this forum'

the materials i have read for creationism and evolutionism, i read with the intention of finding truth. not truth according to 'so and so'. i can't say i know everything there is to know about the entire subject but i have spent hours upon tedious hours into wee hours of the morning reading and researching everything that would come across my computer screen.


i agree, i actually made the same statement in different words on another thread. but i say the same to you.

there is plenty of science that debunks evolution but it is dismissed as creationist science because if evolution is lie....what do atheists have to drive their belief with?

The reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation; the only alternative, to believe in a single, primary act of supernatural creation. There is no third position. For this reason many scientists a century ago chose to regard the belief in spontaneous generation as a "philosophical necessity." It is a symptom of the philosophical poverty of our time that this necessity is no longer appreciated. Most modern biologists, having reviewed with satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left with nothing.     "The origin of life"  Scientific American   August 1954

for a person to reasonably accept there is no God, evolution is a necessary belief.

and queen, if you have noticed. my posts have changed significantly just since i started posting here a couple of weeks ago. it was you, mainly that compelled me to search out truth and reason. i was called out for merely 'glancing' i took that to heart and i did more than glance. i am honestly and sincerely glad that i joined this forum and i truthfully enjoy our dialog. so i hope i haven't offended you, it wasn't my intention.

i merely found the confidence to engage more deeply in the discussion and contribute in a more meaningful way.  :) :heart:


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2010, 08:26:41 pm »
but i have seen evidence in this forum that uses these tactics to make the other party feel inferior.

I agree, it shouldn't be to go-to tactic to make the other side feel stupid...but sometimes pointing out how silly an argument is can be necessary for growth and change.  I think this video (starting at 3:11 through 6:14) sums it up well why one might sometimes see non-believers engaging in that kind of behavior (including me  ;D):

i have spent hours upon tedious hours into wee hours of the morning reading and researching everything that would come across my computer screen.

May I suggest one more source:  This is the site I found when I was a Christian back in 2007.  I diligently, open-mindedly, and objectively read all 50 links (in order) and walked away SHOCKED.  edit: Please note it will take several hours/days to get through all 50 reasons because some of them are lengthy.

but i say the same to you.'d be nice if there were a personal god!  It'd be cool to live longer!  But I could no longer mislead myself into thinking either of these were possible after doing the research.  I took it pretty well the day my eyes were opened and I saw this life is it...although I sympathize with those who may NOT be able to take it well.   :sad1:

what do atheists have to drive their belief with?

Those 50 reasons from the website above are a starting point.

for a person to reasonably accept there is no God, evolution is a necessary belief.

Pretty much.  But for me personally, I'm genetically inclined to be better at English and psychology rather than science and math, so I didn't need to know all of the ins and outs of evolution back in 2007 to be convinced I was wrong in my beliefs (I have since learned much more about it :P).  There are many, many more arguments against a god belief than purely scientific ones...and those "other" arguments are the ones that really hit home for me.

i hope i haven't offended you, it wasn't my intention.

Nope, you haven't!  Religion is just a subject I'm very passionate about...obviously.  lol  You've helped ME to see that I should be more careful in picking the videos that I post (or at least put a warning, lol)...because you're right, some of them ARE offensive!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 08:39:51 pm by queenofnines »
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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2010, 09:38:34 pm »
Mr. Wiggs is lumping multiple fields of science into a single theory.  The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, which is what is most often referred to in biology, is the not the same as cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, or Earth's geological evolution.  They're different topics of research found in quite different fields of science, and evidence for each topic varies.  It does us no good to discuss evolution by natural selection alongside cosmic evolution.

his premise for lumping them together in this list is to point out the different types of evolution. they are all labeled as being a branch of evolution and he wanted to distinguish to the reader that simply using the term 'evolution' can cause friction when you don't understand which branch you are referring to.

I must have completely overlooked that one, because it doesn't seem to be implied anywhere.  It seems he's merely setting himself up to attack on the micro vs macro point.

Continuing: You simply can't openly accept that microevolution occurs and then decline that macroevolution occurs.  They're the exact same thing -- merely on a different time scale.  The mechanisms for microevolution are precisely the same for macroevolution.  Scientists break evolution into these categories so it's easier to study and research, not because they're different occurrences.  Evolution by natural selection is evolution by natural selection; if you accept that evolution occurs by natural selection on a small scale, then given a large scale, it will continue to happen.

the definitions listed for micro and macro clearly have distinctions and are NOT the same(from the article)microevolution to the creationist is the limited variation that can be expressed by the genome of a “species’ or family of plants or animals. It is the variation in the alleles of a genome as they are expressed in sexual reproduction and the mixing of alleles that occurs. These alleles are mostly not the product of mutations, but rather reside in the total genome of a population. See the genetics section for a further treatment of alleles in a genome.
 The Evolutionist sees microevolution as the cornerstone of evolutionary theory. They believe that it is billions of microevolution mutations in the genome, creating new alleles, and natural selection preserving those changes that is the process of evolution.
Creationists do not see microevolution as being able to drive the massive information gain that needs to occur for evolution to be possible, that is the ameoba to man evolution concept. Microevolution changes mainly occur through the practice of selective breeding. There are no “mutations” in selective breeding or in genome adaptation to the environment.  The complex changes that occur are already in the genome and are merely being brought out from human or environmental pressure.

Not to be rude, but I'm not interested in what microevolution and macroevolution are to the creationist.  The words are quite readily defined by the scientific community in the event that they're used (which is somewhat rare if you speak to evolutionary biologists -- they rarely distinguish what "type" of evolution they're talking about, because they're only separated for research purposes).

To biologists, there is no difference between the two.  In modern evolutionary synthesis, the two mechanisms operate at various scales to cause changes within species (micro) as well as speciation (macro), the only difference being time.  You cannot say evolution occurs in one sentence and then say evolution doesn't occur in the next sentence.  Evolution is evolution -- if it occurs, it occurs.  If it doesn't, it doesn't.  It can't be both ways.  You can't accept that allopatric or peripatric isolation causes species to gradually change century after century, then say those changes aren't going to lead to those species not interbreeding anymore (speciation).  The reason you can't say that is because we have watched it happen.  If you accept that evolution occurs in the smaller time scale, it follows that these changes are going to stack and lead to changes at and above the species level.  Again, we have watched it happen.

er well it's a scientific theory.  Observable?  We have observed evolution in nature and labs.  Repeated experiments?  Sure have.  Falsifiability?  Sure is.  The challenge that evolution is unfalsifiable has been made countless times over the years and the theory has continuously passed the test.  You can read of these examples at:

Lack real proof?  The Peppered Moth in England during the Industrial Revolution.  Microbial evolution -- antibiotic resistance, vaccine resistance, immune system resistance, superbugs, etc.  Diane Dodd's experiment with fruit flies.  Darwin's finches.  European gulls.  The list goes on and on.

the lack of proof referred to here is based on the lack of ability to observe and is referring to the evolutionists theories of the beginning of life and the history of the universe (not the observable and undenied facts of microevolution). the author (in my interpretation) was saying evolutionists use microevolution as a bluff for the validity and proof of evidence for the other branches. the history of the universe was not observable.

the peppered moth and the other things you mentioned are all examples of a species whose DNA was not added to but merely scrambled. they are examples of changes within a species but cannot be shoved into explaining the origins of life. and on top of the fact that the study on the peppered moth was already proven to have staged photos.

Now surely you can see the obvious point -- you don't have to be present for something to have a pretty damn good idea of how it went down. What you need is evidence...and it's there.  (The argument is bad, so I won't take on the point beyond this:  Who observed god(s) creating the universe?  I guess it didn't happen?)

The biological Theory of Evolution makes no claims on Cosmic Evolution or how life began.  Again, those are quite separate fields of research.  It does no good to discuss them alongside the Theory of Evolution, it would merely cause confusion.  If you want to discuss the other topics, I'd be happy to, but this isn't the thread for it.

There is no addition of DNA needed for speciation to occur.  Speciation is mostly defined by reproductive isolation.  I referenced Diane Dodd's experiment with fruit flies above -- Dodd took fruit flies from a single population, divided them into two groups, and applied allopatric speciation. She fed the two groups different diets (we'll call them Diet A and Diet B) and after many generations attempted to allow the two groups to breed. The two groups, however, did not breed -- the flies on Diet A bred with other flies on Diet A, and flies on Diet B bred with other flies on Diet B. No more interbreeding...speciation.  Speciation is macroevolution.

Another example is in the plant genus Tragopogon, where two diploid parents produced a tetraploid offspring that could not longer reproduce with its parent species.  Speciation.  Macroevolution.

I could continue, but I suppose it doesn't make any difference how many examples are given.

As for the photos, they were not staged to prove the truth of the event.  The backgrounds were merely made in a way to illustrate the crypsis of the moth morphs.  Most photos of insects are staged because insects are small and very difficult to photograph well.  Moths, in particular, are nearly impossible because they're sparse and, in this case, well camouflaged.  The differences between the staged and unstaged photos are quite small anyway.

Everyone knows religious evangelists and church leaders around the world from various religions say some absolutely ridiculous, wacky, heinous nonsense.  I wouldn't take what Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, or Pat Robertson says as the mindset or world view held by every Christian in the world.  Likewise, it would be silly to take what Lewontin says here as the mindset of all scientists and proponents of science.

i wouldn't assume that one statement encompasses all of science opinion. however this is one statement out of many that have come from evolutionists that shows how they are only willing to think within the box of evolution.
Quote from
The strength behind the argument for evolution is based solely on intimidation and creating shame in the minds of those who oppose it. What evolution lacks in facts, they more than make up for in psychology and manipulation. When an evolutionist enters into an argument where creation and evolution are in conflict, they frequently precede the debate by laying the groundwork by defining the parameters in which you are allowed to think. You are allowed to think freely as long as you think inside the evolutionary box. This box is defined on the premise that evolutionary origins must be true and our current state has been achieved through that evolutionary origin. Thinking is encouraged as long as it does not take you outside of this box. The box is defined by two supposed facts: our evolutionary origin and our current evolutionary state.

Well for one, as has been pointed out, Mr. Wiggs is guilty of the same thing he criticizes others of.

For two, this is just a silly take on the whole thing.  If you ask an evolutionary biologist what he/she thinks of evolution, he/she is probably going to give you quite a definitive, perhaps authoritarian, answer.  What exactly do you expect?  

That would be like me walking up to a televangelist and asking him how he feels about the resurrection of Jesus.  Then, when he replies in a way that makes his views unquestionable and authoritarian, I make the goofy claim that he's only capable of thinking inside the "Christianity box."

but i have to say thank you to all my non believing friends here because you challenged me to think and find truth for myself and take into consideration that my beliefs were wrong. so i did, i read your posts, i watched videos, i even went to the library and i went to PRO evolution and atheism websites and sources..... and i find evolution wanting, i find creationism to be more true to me now than it was the words of George H. Smith in his speech ‘Atheism: The Case Against God’, "one has nothing to fear and everything to gain from the honest pursuit of truth. It can never be against your interest to know what the truth is."

I would expect nothing less.  I don't care what you believe or don't believe.  All I care is that people know and understand the facts and evidence if they intend to discuss a topic.  They can do what they wish with that evidence.  Hurts me none.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 09:44:46 pm by liljp617 »


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2010, 01:19:46 pm »
liljp~ i posted the link to the site because it contains more information than i could post in a thread. the introduction to the essay/article:
Before we take on the ten reasons evolution is wrong we must first define what we are talking about.  Evolutionists will say the word evolution to you and you may think you know what they are saying, but you probably don’t

he went on to list the different studies of evolution. his purpose was to set up an understanding for people who simply use the word 'evolution' to encompass every different type

and your argument about the difference or (non difference) between micro macro evolution is clearly your refusal to look at facts. microevolution has been proven....macroevolution has not.
micro-evolution is the adaptations and changes within a species while macro-evolution is the addition of new traits or a transition to a new species. Micro-evolution is a fact that is plainly observable throughout nature. Macro-evolution is a theory that has never been observed in science. Evolutionist usually argue that those who believe in creation are ignoring the facts, however, there is nothing that evolutionist observe in science that creationist or Christians as a whole disagree with. The point of contention is not on what is observed, but the belief systems that interpret what is being observed.

quote from a scientist
Roger Lewin  PhD Biochemistry  News Editor of Science Magazine
The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. At the risk of doing violence to the positions of some of the people at the meeting, the answer can be given as a clear No.    Science  November 21 1980  p. 883

The argument for evolution is that species will change slightly over time and eventually change into something completely different and will over eons of time eventually become a new species. This theory was thought up as a hypothesis and as science advances, the facts have not been found to support it, but much has been provided to dispute it. There are no examples in nature that even remotely indicates a change of species through evolution. The fossil records have zero transitional forms. Even fossilized insects such as spiders and ants that have been dated to pre-historic times are identical to modern day spiders and ants. There are three critical flaws in the theory of evolution through gradual change: Dysfunctional change, the DNA code barrier, and natural selection removes DNA information but does not add new information. taken from

and before you decide here to pull out all "Icons of Evolution" a quote from an evolutionist (i'm sure you have heard of him) regarding the acknowledgment of lack of fossil record

Richard Dawkins    (b. 1941)  Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University
In the Cambrian strata of rocks, vintage about 600 million years (evolutionists are now dating the beginning of the Cambrian at about 530 million years), are the oldest in which we find most of the major invertebrate groups. And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists.    The Blind Watchmaker  (1996)  p.229

But there are still great gaps in the fossil record. Most of the major groups of animals (phyla) appear fully fledged in the early Cambrian rocks, and we know of no fossil forms linking them.    Evolution  (1999) p.109

Fossils may tell us many things, but one thing they can never disclose is whether they were ancestors of anything else.    Evolution  (1999) p.109

there is much much more info on the websites i have linked too. (which i think if you had looked at, you would have understood the first part of my post) and i have found that the most condemning evidence for proof that evolution is a flawed concept, comes from the words of scientists and evolutionists themselves.

Well for one, as has been pointed out, Mr. Wiggs is guilty of the same thing he criticizes others of.

For two, this is just a silly take on the whole thing.  If you ask an evolutionary biologist what he/she thinks of evolution, he/she is probably going to give you quite a definitive, perhaps authoritarian, answer.  What exactly do you expect? 

That would be like me walking up to a televangelist and asking him how he feels about the resurrection of Jesus.  Then, when he replies in a way that makes his views unquestionable and authoritarian, I make the goofy claim that he's only capable of thinking inside the "Christianity box."

your interpretation is biased. i have seen examples of the behavior described in this statement....regarding an attempt to "shame" the opposing side. generally speaking evolutionists consider themselves superior intellects and automatically presume that a creationist is stupid or ignorant. if a creationist points out evidences that conflict with evolutionist theories they attack their personal character to deflect and circle around the fact presented. i have only been here a couple of weeks and seen it already. sorry, but your example of approaching a televangelist isn't the same thing. what a more accurate example would be is approaching a televangelist and telling him that since he obviously believes in Jesus he is ignorant. he needs to think logically and rationally and as a result he will believe in evolution. to an evolutionist (generally speaking) a result of rational and "intellectual honesty" is believing in evolution. 

Consider this quote from George H. Smith:

    “And just in case there are a few religionists in the audience, I invite you to stay around and experience for an afternoon what it feels like to be part of an intellectual elite.”
(i see arrogance and superiority in that statement made by an evolutionist) arrogance - overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2010, 02:05:18 pm »
and before you decide here to pull out all "Icons of Evolution" a quote from an evolutionist (i'm sure you have heard of him) regarding the acknowledgment of lack of fossil record

Richard Dawkins    (b. 1941)  Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University
In the Cambrian strata of rocks, vintage about 600 million years (evolutionists are now dating the beginning of the Cambrian at about 530 million years), are the oldest in which we find most of the major invertebrate groups. And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists.    The Blind Watchmaker  (1996)  p.229


This is called "quote-mining", and it's a shameful tactic authoritarian believers use to deceive their audience.  The god camp has tried to do this with Darwin, too, ripping his one statement from The Origin of Species of "this seems absurd" (paraphrased) out of context.  It's out of context because believers never include the paragraph that follows this quote where Darwin says something along the lines of, "Needless to say, I cannot deny the overwhelming evidence".  

Surely you don't think the author of The God Delusion, The Selfish Gene, and The Greatest Show on Earth (about evolution) let the Cambrian situation phase him??  Surely you don't think this was "convincing" to him, especially since it's quoted from 1996??

Evolution - The 'Best' Counter Arguments:

Also has a wealth of information on things like Evidence for Evolution, Human Evolution, An Index to Creationist Claims, and Irreducible Complexity.
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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2010, 05:48:30 pm »
and your argument about the difference or (non difference) between micro macro evolution is clearly your refusal to look at facts. microevolution has been proven....macroevolution has not.

I just referenced two direct examples where we have literally watched speciation occur -- speciation IS macroevolution.

If the only proof you're going to accept is something ridiculous like walking into nature and seeing a chimp give birth to a human, then there's no point in continuing the discussion.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 05:50:21 pm by liljp617 »


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2010, 08:21:17 pm »
Also has a wealth of information on things like Evidence for Evolution, Human Evolution, An Index to Creationist Claims, and Irreducible Complexity

(that's a site i already visited  ;))

If the only proof you're going to accept is something ridiculous like walking into nature and seeing a chimp give birth to a human, then there's no point in continuing the discussion.

If the theory you're willing to accept, that is clearly flawed and unreasonable, just to justify there is no God, then there's no point in continuing the discussion.

queen, i visited godisimaginary but have not finished reading all of it yet.

for anybody reading this discussion who is interested in both sides of the issue. i urge you not to stop at these posts but do your own research. come to your own conclusion based on your personal experiences with God, based on your own comprehension of the facts. i urge you not to simply walk away confused. if you think evolution has a solid it from creations point of view, if you think creation has a solid it from evolutionists point of view.

since there has been a lot of posts posted by queenofnines for the atheist/evolution platform, i will repost links to the sites i found most helpful on creations platform.

Ten Reasons Evolution is Wrong

Answering Evolution
(this site also reviews the key points from the book Icons of Evolution)

i encourage people...,christians especially, to not be afraid of reading materials and exploring the ideas presented in this forum from non believers. how can you explain to someone why you believe in God and hold any weight with them if you don't know their view of the other side of the coin?

A quote from Evan Wiggs
You can’t truly say you know why you believe until you have put it to the test by comparing it to opposing testimony

the same goes for the non believers here, if you haven't already attempted to look at evolution through the creationists point of view and researched materials from the opposing side can you call yourself a free thinker?

You are a juror. You are presented with evidence from many sources. A juror’s job isn’t to plan for the outcome, nor is it to throw out the verdict based on the fact that you can’t remove 100% of doubt. Your mission is to look at all of the evidence and weigh the facts. Based on all of the evidence you should give your verdict based on reason. The evidence points to a reasonable conclusion. You are not promised zero doubts; you are offered enough evidence to make a true conclusion. If you only view one side of the case, you will not be able to say that you have made a truthful decision. You are not an eyewitness, but there are many eyewitnesses testifying what they saw. A single witness – even a credible witness – does not clearly reveal the truth. A single piece of evidence also does not clearly reveal the truth. But all the evidence combined should give you a clear picture of truth. Atheism alone cannot give you the answer, nor can the Bible alone. But multiple eyewitness accounts are credible in a case. There are several verifiable claims that support the Bible. You already know what atheism says about God, now look at the evidence that doesn’t agree with atheism. Look at history, genealogical records, archeology, claims the Bible has made that was previously unknown to the world. Look at those who once held to atheistic viewpoints who can explain why they have changed their minds. If someone once held your views and now testifies why he has changed, are you justified in refusing to look at his claims? I challenge each atheist to read ‘The Case for Christ’ by Lee Strobel. If you are a truth seeker, you will be willing to review these contrary testimonies. Otherwise you are a non-thinker who is hiding from the truth....That doesn’t mean going to atheistic sources to find out what the atheists say the opposition says; this means that you study the facts for yourself and read first-hand what thinkers say validates the Bible.


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2010, 08:59:58 pm »
There are several verifiable claims that support the Bible.

Pertaining to where we came from? Where?


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2010, 09:10:02 pm »
There are several verifiable claims that support the Bible.

Pertaining to where we came from? Where?

This is a quote urging people to search both sides of an issue. I didn't post it as bait to start the creation debate up again. My view has obviously been clearly stated and the topic I think is going in circles. I posted this as a suggestion to not follow one's belief without looking at the opposition. Don't find answers just from this forum but do honest and unbiased research into claims from the other point of view. That's all I'm trying to say  :)


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2010, 09:43:07 pm »
If the only proof you're going to accept is something ridiculous like walking into nature and seeing a chimp give birth to a human, then there's no point in continuing the discussion.

If the theory you're willing to accept, that is clearly flawed and unreasonable, just to justify there is no God, then there's no point in continuing the discussion.

You stated there was no proof of macroevolution; I referenced two clear examples, among the numerous, and gave enough details where you could easily find more information on the experiments if you desired to.  I can't help if you're unsatisfied -- macroevolution has been observed.

The premise that evolution occurred and continues to occur has little to do with my lack of belief in your god.  Belief or non-belief in deities is currently not a scientific issue or question, but a philosophical one.  It is a question I've mulled over for years, and my conclusion has been shaped by much more than a single scientific theory (of which I knew extremely little about prior to my claims of being atheist).

I was a practicing Christian for over half my life, and I have taken ample time to research Christianity and numerous other religions (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism, Buddhism, African traditional religions, Native American philosophies, Confucianism, etc.).  I've read all or portions of the Bible, Quran/Hadith, the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, and Buddhavacana, among others.

I find the subject interesting; I find the history interesting; I find the great differences in metaphysical ideas interesting, even within certain religions; I find how certain historical events and social constructs shaped these religions interesting; I find how these religions shaped history and social constructs interesting.  I've put in the time to look at these religions with an open mind.

And naturally I came to a personal conclusion:  That mankind has continuously desired to explain that which it could not explain rationally.  Mankind turned to the metaphysical, and for centuries and centuries these answers sufficed, because there was no way to approach the questions any more rationally than through the metaphysical path.  Times have changed.  Answers are being given.  The knowledge gap has continuously closed.  So long as technology continues to improve and the desire to explain remains, that gap will continue to close.

As I said before, I couldn't care less what you do or don't believe.  It doesn't effect me in the least bit, there's a very slim chance I'll ever be near you.  However, if a person vocally takes a position on something, they should be prepared to discuss the facts, and they should prepare for and expect others to challenge their notions.  For that is the root of debate -- that you expect people to challenge your assertions.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 09:47:59 pm by liljp617 »


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2010, 10:05:22 pm »
I've put in the time to look at these religions with an open mind.

well, that was my point. you asked me to do it and i did, i came to a different conclusion. of course a person is never done learning so i will continue to learn more about all beliefs.

However, if a person vocally takes a position on something, they should be prepared to discuss the facts, and they should prepare for and expect others to challenge their notions.  For that is the root of debate -- that you expect people to challenge your assertions.

well i don't think i implied anywhere that i expected anything other than a were the first to dismiss me by the last statement you made. (no point in continuing the discussion). i countered with a similar statement and now you assume i don't understand the premise of what a debate is????????

i can't state all the facts here on this forum. so i posted links to my references and tried to pull out information from my references that i thought most clearly represented my position. there was plenty more on the difference between micro and macro evolution. i apologize for assuming that you used my referenced links to get a better grasp of my position. or perhaps you just "glanced" through??  ;)


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2010, 07:33:21 am »
Quote from: shernajwine
the same goes for the non believers here, if you haven't already attempted to look at evolution through the creationists point of view and researched materials from the opposing side can you call yourself a free thinker?

Sherna, hon, most of us have, though.  When I was a Christian I read books by people like Lee Strobel and frequented websites like Answers in Genesis because I, too, wanted to have ammo to convince non-believers.  The problem with doing this, however, is that I was continually called out by atheists on my "facts" for god's existence.  For example, I had a freaking MySpace dedicated to Jesus where I tried to prove god in my blog, and I can remember some stranger pointing out how flawed by arguments were.  Even at the time I could realize he was right.   :sad1:

I've BEEN to the Creation Museum.  Hubby and I frequently turn to the god radio stations when on long car trips.  I'm willing to go to any site a Christian puts up.  I watch sermons on TV on occasion.  None of it is convincing, and I consistently find problems with the arguments these sources make.

Also, just because a video or site I put up might have an "atheist" label, it's better to not focus so much on that and instead objectively listen or read the information only like it's coming from one human to another.  Critical thinking and logic need no atheist label -- they stand on their own.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 07:35:39 am by queenofnines »
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2010, 11:01:42 am »
Also, just because a video or site I put up might have an "atheist" label, it's better to not focus so much on that and instead objectively listen or read the information only like it's coming from one human to another.  Critical thinking and logic need no atheist label

i wholeheartedly agree with that  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :)


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2010, 01:57:47 pm »
However, if a person vocally takes a position on something, they should be prepared to discuss the facts, and they should prepare for and expect others to challenge their notions.  For that is the root of debate -- that you expect people to challenge your assertions.

well i don't think i implied anywhere that i expected anything other than a were the first to dismiss me by the last statement you made. (no point in continuing the discussion). i countered with a similar statement and now you assume i don't understand the premise of what a debate is????????

I "dismissed" you because you seemed unsatisfied with the evidence staring you in the face that you adamantly claimed didn't exist.  There's nothing more I can do except outline and direct people to the evidence that has been directly observed -- I gave two clear proofs that you said didn't exist.  If you're not going to accept those two examples, I have a feeling nothing is going to convince you except something unrealistic and beyond extraordinary (ie walking into nature and watching a chimp give live birth to a human).  Thus, my comment about the discussion not having a future.

And frankly I've just grown tired of having a "discussion" with a random website from a self-claimed international evangelist.  It's close to "discussing" the topic by myself.  It would be just as easy for me to go find random doctoral dissertations from evolutionary biologists and take random quotes from them any time I wanted to counter something, but that's boring, and it's not a debate or discussion.

i can't state all the facts here on this forum. so i posted links to my references and tried to pull out information from my references that i thought most clearly represented my position. there was plenty more on the difference between micro and macro evolution. i apologize for assuming that you used my referenced links to get a better grasp of my position. or perhaps you just "glanced" through??  ;)

I'll repeat for fun:  There is no difference in the scientific community.  Biologists don't distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution, except to break up areas of research, because microevolution and macroevolution are the same process on different time scales.  They are not separate events.  The context in which the words are being used is here is incorrect -- it would have the reader believe that microevolution and macroevolution are two fundamentally different processes.  They are not.  It would have the reader believe there is some imaginary line drawn between micro- and macroevolution.  There is not.

This is not my position, this is the position of the scientific community.  If the scientific community that studies this material doesn't distinguish between the two except in very specific instances, why would I be concerned with the misuse of the words that comes from the creationist party?

It doesn't matter anyway.  Even if I allow the misuse of the words, both "kinds of evolution" have been observed.  That's all that really matters in this section of the debate.


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Re: Atheistic Evolutionists, Logic, and Faith
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2010, 10:22:36 pm »
And frankly I've just grown tired of having a "discussion" with a random website from a self-claimed international evangelist.  It's close to "discussing" the topic by myself.  It would be just as easy for me to go find random doctoral dissertations from evolutionary biologists and take random quotes from them any time I wanted to counter something, but that's boring, and it's not a debate or discussion.

sorry for boring you mate.

us idiotic creationists will just never match up with the supreme intellect you apparently exude with every typed word  :notworthy:

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