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Topic: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...  (Read 1664 times)


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So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:24:20 am »
::) I am so over the religious debates...Believe what ya want..Why defend your belief so strongly its your damn belief so own it ,live it and shut up..Sorry I am over reading these posts and seeing ignorant people who do not understand others beliefs be rude and inconsiderate...Me personally I may not agree with many religions but...I listen and see if I can get anything out of any of them..I do not broadcast what I believe or not over and over like a damn record..Discussing it is nice on some aspects..But lately its name calling if you do not believe in what others say give me a damn break!!Religion is a joke to me its inconsistent..Give me more to believe..So are you saying if I saw fairies that I should go ape *bleep* on trying to convince everyone its true..Nope if I believe then great for me I filled something I needed to make life seem better..I THINK ALL PEOPLE WITH BELIEFS IN ANYTHING NO MATTER WHAT IS  BEAUTIFUL..I BELIEVE PEOPLE WITH NO BELIEFS ARE BEAUTIFUL..If you truly have something that fills your life and heart then be happy let others have that too..NO ONE IS WRONG IN THEIR OWN BELIEFS OR NON BELIEFS!!I do not judge others on what the are,stand for or who they chose to follow religious wise or if they live outside the religious box..And hmmm people outside the religious box have very deep thoughts and use the brain they were given to think about what is being said not following what others say I think that is a gift to be a individual and follow your heart we all will live ,die and bleed..So why is it some cannot accept others??You think someone is wrong fine but goodness to say things like you are lost or young or whatever other rude things you say that is so unchristian like..HAHA that is funny unchristian like ..PLEASE I have only ran into those haha and if you are pulling to help people find this god you are failing miserably cause you make them really see the ugliness that religion has....I am so comfortable with where I am on this issue but learning new things is always a plus..May not change what my heart follows but it is great to experience all..I commend Queen and many others on putting up their posts why cause they have never faltered on who they are and what they believe..And they get attacked in a personal way How disgusting..They attack religion with facts and very good and true points I have yet to see a religious point that has really made much sense..God needs no money from what I have learned when I was a follower in church many years ago so why the hell do people give money hmm..Oh the preacher needs it funny...While their poor followers suffer they gain from there belief in giving to God..Preachers molest children in the name of God wow so I feel sick people found something to hide behind..One being real or not cannot change the world it has not in thousands of years it has gotten worse..I am not a young lost person I am 35 years old I have been through every religion possible and came out lost and scared..Now I chose to follow my own path my own heart with no one in my ear telling me what is right and for once I am happy..I see beauty in nature and love..I teach my kids to love all no matter what..To accept all differences in every way..But to never feel guilt for not believing what others say is right find your own right..And to anyone who may believe in Hel if there is one we are in it!! Babies who are innocent die by the hands of their own parents..People are ugly and hurtful..Wars, death,poverty watching your son have seizures and having no control over helping stop a innocent child's suffering He has so much to offer yet it is being taken..( sorry that is personal for me)Look at life for what I feel it is a science experiment most of us are failing!!


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 10:50:41 am »
okie dokie
Afternoon LMAO thats all from the peanut gallery today!!  :thumbsup: thanks that was refreshing..At least you did not attack me personally like before I thank you for that


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 11:45:25 am »
My religion preaches using paragraphs so I whatever you wrote you're going to hell for not believing.


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 11:54:45 am »
If you don't like the religious posts, don't read them. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to read them. I get tired of them also, but this is a free country, and if I don't like the posts, I just don't read them.


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 02:13:58 pm »
I don't like them, and they are quite creepy, I agree, but then I just avoid them. But you're entitled to your opinion. I just happen to mostly agree with you. :)


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2010, 05:41:26 pm »
::) I am so over the religious debates...Believe what ya want..Why defend your belief so strongly its your damn belief so own it ,live it and shut up..

Because they either are tying to do their Christian duty of saving us from hell, or they get off rubbing it in our faces that we're going there.  ;)

I do not broadcast what I believe or not over and over like a damn record..Discussing it is nice on some aspects..But lately its name calling if you do not believe in what others say give me a damn break!!

The reason I personally mainly stick to the religious subjects is because they are the only one where it seems there is any actual DISCUSSION...sure I've posted in stuff like "Pepsi vs. Coke" a few times, and you know what?  People rarely acknowledge each other's posts on topics like that.  Which makes using the forum a lot less satisfying/interesting.  Maybe most people are only here for the money, but for me personally, it's interesting to get into passionate discussion over a very encompassing, world-altering subject like religion.  False beliefs and ignorance do so much harm in our world, and if I can do my small part of getting some people to realize things, great.  I agree, we shouldn't name call and there have been times when I've been at fault for making myself sound better than some people, but I do think it is important for people to be receptive to constructive criticism and be able to see where their arguments/reasoning are faulty.


They are wrong if they are actively infringing on the rights of another person.

I commend Queen and many others on putting up their posts why cause they have never faltered on who they are and what they believe..And they get attacked in a personal way How disgusting..They attack religion with facts and very good and true points I have yet to see a religious point that has really made much sense..

You're a sweetheart!  :)  Yep, I have definitely been attacked a time or two on "how miserable I must be", etc.  Not to worry, they are dealing with a sassy one right here with enough going on in this noggin' to pretty much pwn anything they say in my rebuttals!  Haha!  ;)  Also be on the lookout for Falconer02 and jordandog -- very good posters.   :thumbsup:

God needs no money from what I have learned when I was a follower in church many years ago so why the hell do people give money hmm..Oh the preacher needs it funny...While their poor followers suffer they gain from there belief in giving to God..Preachers molest children in the name of God wow so I feel sick people found something to hide behind..

You have come to realizations that so few people can admit...

And to anyone who may believe in Hel if there is one we are in it!! Babies who are innocent die by the hands of their own parents..People are ugly and hurtful..Wars, death,poverty...Look at life for what I feel it is a science experiment most of us are failing!!

Yep.  That's why we really need to get away from religions that think it is a good idea to hunt down and murder homosexuals, hold back our medical research, fly planes into buildings...
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2010, 06:29:33 pm »
i believe what i want and i think everyone else is just brain washed. especially those who believe u should show alot of skin. like people in long skirt and long sleeve shirts with no cleavage showing at all. u can wear what u want--god will still love u. trust me--who care what u wear as long and ur "privates" are covered.


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2010, 07:51:59 am »
My religion preaches using paragraphs so I whatever you wrote you're going to hell for not believing.
Wow thanks for your two cents..I guess in your eyes I am..Ignorance at its best


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2010, 08:03:17 am »
::) I am so over the religious debates...Believe what ya want..Why defend your belief so strongly its your damn belief so own it ,live it and shut up..

Because they either are tying to do their Christian duty of saving us from hell, or they get off rubbing it in our faces that we're going there.  ;)

True that lmao

I do not broadcast what I believe or not over and over like a damn record..Discussing it is nice on some aspects..But lately its name calling if you do not believe in what others say give me a damn break!!

The reason I personally mainly stick to the religious subjects is because they are the only one where it seems there is any actual DISCUSSION...sure I've posted in stuff like "Pepsi vs. Coke" a few times, and you know what?  People rarely acknowledge each other's posts on topics like that.  Which makes using the forum a lot less satisfying/interesting.  Maybe most people are only here for the money, but for me personally, it's interesting to get into passionate discussion over a very encompassing, world-altering subject like religion.  False beliefs and ignorance do so much harm in our world, and if I can do my small part of getting some people to realize things, great.  I agree, we shouldn't name call and there have been times when I've been at fault for making myself sound better than some people, but I do think it is important for people to be receptive to constructive criticism and be able to see where their arguments/reasoning are faulty.

I enjoy your posts and a few others..I dont enjoy wishy washy people who change their views or just rude ignorant posts :0)


They are wrong if they are actively infringing on the rights of another person.

I 100% agree here they are wrong if they are infringing on the rights of others!!

I commend Queen and many others on putting up their posts why cause they have never faltered on who they are and what they believe..And they get attacked in a personal way How disgusting..They attack religion with facts and very good and true points I have yet to see a religious point that has really made much sense..

You're a sweetheart!  :)  Yep, I have definitely been attacked a time or two on "how miserable I must be", etc.  Not to worry, they are dealing with a sassy one right here with enough going on in this noggin' to pretty much pwn anything they say in my rebuttals!  Haha!  ;)  Also be on the lookout for Falconer02 and jordandog -- very good posters.   :thumbsup:

I have read jordandogs and enjoy theirs very much and I just think its so unfair to attack someone for having intelligence and speaking their own truth :0) I love reading your posts and Jordandogs very wise and well written..

God needs no money from what I have learned when I was a follower in church many years ago so why the hell do people give money hmm..Oh the preacher needs it funny...While their poor followers suffer they gain from there belief in giving to God..Preachers molest children in the name of God wow so I feel sick people found something to hide behind..

You have come to realizations that so few people can admit...

And most likely some never will :BangHead:

And to anyone who may believe in Hel if there is one we are in it!! Babies who are innocent die by the hands of their own parents..People are ugly and hurtful..Wars, death,poverty...Look at life for what I feel it is a science experiment most of us are failing!!

Yep.  That's why we really need to get away from religions that think it is a good idea to hunt down and murder homosexuals, hold back our medical research, fly planes into buildings...



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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2010, 08:09:40 am »
No one said you have to read it or even post to one or another if you don't like a topic just click back off of it and go to another.  So your tired of religious posts I'm tired of all the crap that happens in the world so can I do anything about it no but we all have opinions and thats what the forum is for.  Just skip them and be happy.  People who believe will continue to post is and people who don't believe or believe in something else will continue to post there opinions also.  I know I will.  So just don't click on it if your tired of them thats all you got to do that what I do with some of the others I'm tired of.  Its your choice.  So use it. 
  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wave: :peace:


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2010, 08:16:12 am »
No one said you have to read it or even post to one or another if you don't like a topic just click back off of it and go to another.  So your tired of religious posts I'm tired of all the crap that happens in the world so can I do anything about it no but we all have opinions and thats what the forum is for.  Just skip them and be happy.  People who believe will continue to post is and people who don't believe or believe in something else will continue to post there opinions also.  I know I will.  So just don't click on it if your tired of them thats all you got to do that what I do with some of the others I'm tired of.  Its your choice.  So use it. 
  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wave: :peace:

I do not click on the ones I do not want to read its more of the rude people on posts I do can have a opinion without attacking someone personally I wrote this after a person attacked me by saying do the world a favor and do not pursue being a psychologist..And seeing others attack other people no need for that,opinions are fine they are like assholes everyone has one and some stink..But to attack someone personally on their beliefs is ignorant and disgusting..Thanks for replying ..:) 


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2010, 08:20:12 am »
I haven't had much time the last couple days on here, so I just saw this. Paragraphs (or lack of) don't always dictate a 'worthy' post, at least not for me. I enjoyed reading what you wrote, ButterflyWings.

Thank you for the mention of my posts, queenofnines, and BW. It is always nice to know things do get read, but I would still post even if they didn't. queen, once again ;), summed up why I also post in "Debate and Discuss". The other areas are fun, but I like to sink my teeth and my brain into things. My mouth does override my brain at times when I am frustrated, but I stand by what I say and I leave it up.

I'm glad FC allows us an area of discussion that is more weighty. Some days I am just too worn out to read, let alone post, but at least I can always go back through and catch up. I wouldn't have seen this one otherwise! :)
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: So tired of Religious posts so over over them...
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2010, 08:22:19 am »
I haven't had much time the last couple days on here, so I just saw this. Paragraphs (or lack of) don't always dictate a 'worthy' post, at least not for me. I enjoyed reading what you wrote, ButterflyWings.

Thank you for the mention of my posts, queenofnines, and BW. It is always nice to know things do get read, but I would still post even if they didn't. queen, once again ;), summed up why I also post in "Debate and Discuss". The other areas are fun, but I like to sink my teeth and my brain into things. My mouth does override my brain at times when I am frustrated, but I stand by what I say and I leave it up.

I'm glad FC allows us an area of discussion that is more weighty. Some days I am just too worn out to read, let alone post, but at least I can always go back through and catch up. I wouldn't have seen this one otherwise! :)

As long as the two of you post I will read..I tend to write from heart if people think its unworthy of a post I say screw them lol..I am glad you enjoyed my post..To have you and queen read anything I post is a gift you both are very wise and passionate about what you post and I wish more people were.. :heart: :thumbsup: :notworthy:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 08:24:39 am by ButterflyWings »

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