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Topic: real scams!  (Read 17795 times)


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #45 on: July 17, 2010, 10:54:36 am »
The BBB or Better Busines Bureau are a FOR PROFIT company that make money from COMPANIES sponsorships and not consumers so of course they will favor the companies first. They are a worthless overated, useless company when you have been scammed. In other words, they are a joke. If you want to file real complaints against a company that has scammed you, file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission at and also (very important) your own State Attorney General's Office and the Attorney General's Office where the scam company is located. Just google for contact info.


Go to and sign up for a free blog, they are owned by the biggest search engine in the world GOOGLE, and simply type your bad experience with the scam company, and then go to
and submit the address of your blog.

That's so the whole world knows about your experience with the scam company. The go to facebook and warn everyone about them. Then if you have a digital camera that takes video, make a video of your experience with the company, nothing fancy. And go to YouTube and use the name of the scam company as your headline and upload your video free of charge telling the world about the scam company.

Tell the world about it, that's how you get back at these scammers!!

Don't let them get away with it!!

Good luck!

That is an AWESOME idea, I have my own blog that I update constantly with my experiences with WORK-AT-HOME jobs.  I will definitely keep this in mind.  Thanks for that information. :thumbsup: :wave:


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2010, 04:37:38 am »
I've never been scammed. I generally try to stay away from stuff that looks/sounds fishy. My mom does a secret shopper thing thats legitimate though. I'll try and figure out where she goes through because she's been doing it for about a year and has no complaints yet!


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2010, 06:42:09 am »
I have been scammed once and it was for a small amount of money but still MY MONEY!  It was before I understood who you could trust on these sites.  Now that I know, I don't give my money to ANYONE!


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2010, 02:04:44 pm »
This is my FIRST online money making opportunity. I hope it's not a scam!! ???


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2010, 03:07:32 pm »
This is my FIRST online money making opportunity. I hope it's not a scam!! ???

Well here is my advice on each of them.  I don't know which money making opp you went for--but I will give you my honest opinion.  It is up to you what you want to do with it.  I can only hope you make the right choices when dealing with these types of ads.

1.  Anytime you see anything about paying off a student loan and quit my day job 3 months ago--it probably is a scam.  Works 30 minute a day--Please give me a break!!!

2. Make money online with Scentsy Candles!  Maybe just maybe, but I guarantee you have to definitely buy and sell the product in order to earn.  My advice do lots of research when it comes to a company like this especially if it is not well-known like Mary Kay or Avon.

3. $417/Day Work From Home Job and it is a link to Welcome to  -- Hmm! Questionable!  Very Questionable!!!  My advice---Don't go there!!!

4. Huge New Network Marketing System that links to Chameleon Auto Business Builder!!  Huge NO! NO! NO!  :angry7: Forget about it!!!

5.  Tax Franchises offered by Jackson Hewitt Tax Service!!  I would certainly stay away from this one because it may definitely be a scammer using a reputable company's information.  I have never known Jackson Hewitt to sell franchises.  I do know they hire during the tax season and I think they do train to prepare taxes.  Other that--I have no idea--anyone?  :dontknow:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 03:20:33 pm by andzigallery »


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2010, 06:15:10 am »

I tried this Resveratrol site that offers a free sample for $3 shipping. If you just click out of the site, a window pops up that says "Try it for just $1.50 shipping!" I figured there'd be no harm. So, I got the sample - it's a diet pill and I have a friend's wedding coming up soon, so I thought I could try to lose a pound or two - and that was that. Then, on my credit card statement a few weeks later, I saw a charge for a month supply of the stuff - $90! I called them and they said that since I didn't contact them to let them know NOT to subscribe, it's mine! I was so angry, and the guy said it's part of the contract, and that it was written somwhere, but I have no idea where! So, I was out $90, but much, much wiser!  :dontknow:


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2010, 09:34:51 pm »
The BBB or Better Busines Bureau are a FOR PROFIT company that make money from COMPANIES sponsorships and not consumers so of course they will favor the companies first. They are a worthless overated, useless company when you have been scammed. In other words, they are a joke. If you want to file real complaints against a company that has scammed you, file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission at and also (very important) your own State Attorney General's Office and the Attorney General's Office where the scam company is located. Just google for contact info.


Go to and sign up for a free blog, they are owned by the biggest search engine in the world GOOGLE, and simply type your bad experience with the scam company, and then go to
and submit the address of your blog.

That's so the whole world knows about your experience with the scam company. The go to facebook and warn everyone about them. Then if you have a digital camera that takes video, make a video of your experience with the company, nothing fancy. And go to YouTube and use the name of the scam company as your headline and upload your video free of charge telling the world about the scam company.

Tell the world about it, that's how you get back at these scammers!!

Don't let them get away with it!!

Good luck!

That is an AWESOME idea, I have my own blog that I update constantly with my experiences with WORK-AT-HOME jobs.  I will definitely keep this in mind.  Thanks for that information. :thumbsup: :wave:
Let me give the wheel one more spin for you. There is no real money to be made there anymore, but I joined Yuwie when it first started so I could earn some money getting referrals. I knew people would wonder if it was a scam, so I did some videos and bought the domain to become #1 for searches on Google looking for yuwie scam, which brought in over 50,000 referrals under me and paid over $100 a month for a while. Sometimes timing is everything. Just don't kid yourself into thinking you can't do it.


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2010, 12:10:31 am »
i never been scammed and i will not try to be scammed today... its just so ugh... useless to be scammed


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2010, 09:06:21 am »
The most I've been scammed out of was about $10. It was for signing up for a mystery shopping site and then never getting anything as far as legit jobs from them. I do however do mystery shopping from another site regularly and get paid regularly for doing it.


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2010, 10:11:39 am »
Sometimes I sh I could just a carfax on some of these websites... ;D


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #55 on: August 06, 2010, 09:47:04 am »
Scams are so common that they are probably could be considered a 24-7 event.  I come across all types of scams on a regular basis that writing a blog about them is a very good idea.  Fortunately, they're such a common occurence that I recognize every last one.  I don't know why these scammer don't give up.  If you seen one you've seen them all.  Especially when they start with the same pitch like "Oh I received a certified check in your name."  Well, if you got a certified check in my name why don't you just mail it to me.  Why do I need to leave the comfort of my home and go out of my way for a check that could be drop off at my post office.  HELLO!  Or your on-line finalizing a purchase at check-out a form pops-up or you get an e-mail supposedly from your bank that goes something like your account is being investigated for supposedly security purposes and they need your mom's maiden name or your credit card pin number.  Why do you need my credit card pin number?  Especially, when I didn't request a pin number to withdraw cash from my credit card.   Just pay attention to the red flags: certified check that you have to go out of your way to pick-up, asked about your mom's maiden name or something equally personal and/or (Dead Give Away) why would you want my credit card pin number?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 11:04:28 am by andzigallery »


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #56 on: August 06, 2010, 09:59:42 am »
I haven't been scammed yet. Hopefully not at all.


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #57 on: August 06, 2010, 11:40:01 am »
There are some offers that pays but ask for your last 4 digit social security number. even to summit  the last 4 digits to me is not safe. to make sure your not scammed every detail counts. and to make sure your not at money losses whether scam or not do research first. always find the small terms under cc offers. make sure you cancel on time. if their deal is not to your liking or does not make sense t might be dangerous so just skip it cause even if you want the pay out don't be tempted there are other offers after all. :bs: Its not worth it
Ptc sites one this for sure there are a lot of scamming with that but if you on unsure you can always go to PTC-investigations. one thing I do know if they are paying to high for one click its an obvious scam so don't waste your time. Never invest without investigating or testing the site first.  ;) even if you wasted time to find out lol at least you not also wasted your spent money with it. :P
Just a way to earn


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #58 on: August 06, 2010, 01:31:27 pm »
A couple of years ago I got scammed from some get rich quick scheme called Musltiple Streams of Income or something like that. For 80 bucks, I got a website and a whole bunch of e-books, and links and ads and banners to use for advertising. It looked OK, but then a couple of weeks later, the links were all invalid and the website was gone. Another time, I got scammed by Pyur water (not a money making scam, but still a scam). I got the free trial, and even though I cancelled it before the time was up, They sent me another shipment and charged me 70 bucks. They would not let me send it back and get a refund. I contacted the BBB, but after several months of trying to contact the company, they said they couldn't get in touch with the scam artists, and so nothing came of it.


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Re: real scams!
« Reply #59 on: August 06, 2010, 03:03:21 pm »
There are not enough strict laws for these scammers.  Never ever pay for a job, even if it's only $10.  I'm on survey sites that NEVER ask me for a buck.  They pay me.  FC is one of them.

There are some stay at home jobs, and you can find them at your local EDD department.  Mostly for disabled people who are permanently disabled, and are receiving SSI.  These are legitimate jobs and have the proper credentials and backing of legitimate companies.  There are some out there online, but your spinning the roulette wheel trying to find them.

If you can do something better than anyone else, you can get a contractor's license, and go into business for yourself.  A friend of mine was a whiz at purchasing and warehousing supplies.  She got a contractor's license and went into business for herself.  She bid on certain jobs that companies had available, and landed a plum of a job.  They later hired her for real.  Sometimes she went into a company and made a proposal to do a job for them on contract, for so much money.   If your an independent contractor, you take care of everything.....your own taxes, insurance's, etc.  If your a good typist, or bookkeeper, ask certain companies if you can do their typing or books/payroll, on a contract basis.  Be prepared to name a price, and have them sign your agreement.  It can be done, but you have to do your homework to get started.  Make sure you have your papers and license, etc.  The outlay of money to do this is for yourself......not to line someone else's pocket.

There are also "Contractor" companies that will hire you for Temp. jobs.  They hold the contract that the employer signs.  They're like a Temp. agency, but charge you nothing to send you out on jobs.  The employer ALWAYS pays.  The jobs can last from a week to years.  Look for them under contract labor in the yellow pages.  The bigger your city, the more the opportunities are for these kinds of businesses.  I worked for a contract agency for years and worked a lot of government jobs.  They pay better than most of your "regular" positions.  A lot of companies are going this way, because they don't have to pay any benefits at all for a contract worker.  Just do your homework and get with a good contract company that will provide some benefits.  These jobs do require experience in related fields.

Hope I've helped someone :wave:

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