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Topic: Serious questions for believers  (Read 19242 times)


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2010, 02:30:23 pm »
Don't be fooled people by this Qeenofnines because in another post to me she said this:

"No, marieelissa, I am an atheist.  I do not leave any possibility open for there being a god like agnostics do.  But I'm also not an idiot, and because I am not an idiot, I can't 100% say there is no god just like we can't 100% say we are sure about ANYTHING"

Yea, since we as believers can't 100% say he is not there...we just believe - IT IS BETTER to be SAFE than SORRY!  :thumbsup:

And don't be fooled by this marieelissa -- you will quickly catch on that she is not all there.

You missed the point of my statement.  No one can say 100% there is not a god (just like you can't say 100% there are no invisible pink unicorns), but the likelihood of him existing given today's evidence is so small that you can pretty much round the possibility down to zero.

And as for "better safe than sorry" - you said yourself god knows who the phonies are.  Pascal's Wager:
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2010, 02:38:58 pm »
All you have to do is look at how you talked to me because of my views and what I believe and how I think. You have called me a weirdo, psycho, moron, idiot, troll and so on...just because I am not like you and don't feel the same way as you do and it isn't even a damn crime, not something I could go to jail for!!

I think you are thinking of some other people because I've never called you a moron, idiot, or troll...I might have called you a weirdo and I believe I have called you crazy.  Still, I try to keep it pretty tame.  Definitely nowhere near the DEATH WISHES *you* have given other people.  I've even sort of defended you on occasion by saying people don't hate you.  The reason you have gotten ill words tossed your way by people on this forum is because you are not stable in your statements and often write childish retorts.

So thank God there is a belief in God for some because no one, nobody, never is nice to anyone, ever...unless the are the same skin color, think the same way, talk the same way, look the same way, are the same weight, believe the same way and even then, no not all the time are they nice.

Geez, yes there are a TON of selfish a**holes out there, but there will always be SOME good people, god or no god, whether you're an "attractive" recipient of their kindness or not.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2010, 02:45:08 pm »
Actually you don't even have to talk to God out loud because he knows your thoughts and heart and that's when awsome things happen, when you talk to God that way, I think he will do more when you don't have skeptics waiting for something to happen!

Ask yourself why god doesn't answer any prayers or do anything that is impossible in the natural world.  He used to walk on water and sh*t, but in today's world all he bothers to do is show up on toast??  Start looking back on your "answered prayers" and think of how what happened could have came to be on its own.  Realizing that god's answered prayers weren't anything special or miraculous is one of several things that got me to wake up to the truth.
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2010, 02:59:34 pm »
God doesn't prefer any animal, he created them all, he does not favor a dog over a cat or vice versa. God doesn't eat cereal...he ate from the tree that he told Adam and Eve not to eat since it was his.

Glad you have the answers to these questions!   :thumbsup:

God loves animals more than humans if Noah's Ark means anything, btw.
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2010, 04:20:29 pm »
Actually you don't even have to talk to God out loud because he knows your thoughts and heart and that's when awsome things happen, when you talk to God that way, I think he will do more when you don't have skeptics waiting for something to happen!

Ask yourself why god doesn't answer any prayers or do anything that is impossible in the natural world.  He used to walk on water and sh*t, but in today's world all he bothers to do is show up on toast??  Start looking back on your "answered prayers" and think of how what happened could have came to be on its own.  Realizing that god's answered prayers weren't anything special or miraculous is one of several things that got me to wake up to the truth.
:cat: God does answer prayers, just not always what we want.  Sometimes there's a "yes", sometimes a "no", and I believe (my opinion) a "maybe later."  Because sometimes things you want do come to pass later.  Also I agree that He knows your thoughts and heart.  I also believe He expects you to talk with Him and ask Him for what you need or want (whether aloud or from the heart.)  You have to take that step and not just expect Him to give you all things all the time.  Also, Marieelissa:: Bravo to you turning to Him and hanging on for all you went through.  That's what has helped definitely make you stronger. 


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2010, 04:28:26 pm »
Just got home from my 'real job' and had to see what I have missed. Since you have gone into full blown B**CH mode again with your remarks, especially to queenofnines, and after she has been so reserved in her replies to you, I am done trying to be even remotely understanding. I know I shouldn't, but I am lowering myself to your standards - yes, I did say lowering.

So thank God there is a belief in God for some because no one, nobody, never is nice to anyone, ever...unless the are the same skin color, think the same way, talk the same way, look the same way, are the same weight, believe the same way and even then, no not all the time are they nice.

Wow, some serious paranoia going on here! No wonder you think everyone is after you - I know I have said that before. That may be how it is in your life and your world, but NOT in mine. I guess it is okay for you to be rude and call names as long as no one does it back? Maybe that is why you don't know any 'nice' people, you are not the type who would attract them, trust that.

You are right, I am not all there...I had a nervous breakdown at 16 and fell into a walking coma and was catatonic and never fully recovered!! I went clinically depressed at 16 and was very suicidal and didn't want to live anymore and that is when I ran to God and stayed by his side ever since!

I believe the Devil tries to get me to leave God and turn on God by having everyone torture me in God's name!!
You can call me the devil himself for saying this, but I think the above statement is out and out :bs: How long were you in an institution, huh? Because anyone with catatonia is not simply left out walking the streets. You also weren't born in the 1940's or before, so how did you finish school?
Nevermind, it should come as no surprise to me that you would come in and lay down some more "Marie Drama". It goes well with what I said about you and the "poor me, such a victim" which you always pull out at some point whenever things get too uncomfortable for you. It's about time for you to go into 'delete all posts that look bad' mode too. Soooo, as you would eloquently say, "Whatever!" :wave:
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2010, 04:53:38 pm »
 :cat:  Actually, I thought we were responding to queenofnines' post.  At least that's what I'm trying to do.  Things keep going off in a negative direction instead of discussing her hypothetical questions!!!!!


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2010, 07:43:11 pm »
If there's anyone that's ever been in a discussion thread with her, all that she does is troll. She veers topics off of cliffs and then thinks we're the mean ones for calling her out on it. I dont even know where or what to respond to because of her mindless dribble. Do yourself a favor and hit the ignore button under her name on the left.

Marie, you are NOT the protagonist here. You dress yourself up as the comic relief and it's annoying. You should really stop posting if you have any decency left in that broken mind of yours.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 07:55:46 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2010, 11:50:03 pm »
Thankfully, I don't follow a religion that sets rules on how I should live my life, and act as a person.
That would be slavery, and I'm just not for that ;D

I agree!


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2010, 02:58:51 pm »
That's not my fault if you don't like what I post and cannot handle what I say. There is always that ignore button...

Your posts reek of trolling and I don't understand why everyone in D+D does not do this. It's kind of hard to ignore a troll when people quote your 50 posts before another user posts something. Just keep taking those meds.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2010, 06:10:51 pm »
All righty then, what are you trying to do? Make me mad so I start yelling and cussing? Trying to make me think I am a troll when you are the one that keeps on *bleep* with me.


This is an example of what we're all talking about.
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2010, 06:11:46 pm »
All righty then, what are you trying to do? Make me mad so I start yelling and cussing? Trying to make me think I am a troll when you are the one that keeps on *bleep* with me.

Quoted since she'll soon delete her post once she takes her pills.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2010, 07:02:22 pm »
All righty then, what are you trying to do? Make me mad so I start yelling and cussing? Trying to make me think I am a troll when you are the one that keeps on *bleep* with me.
Jesus Christ you will just never quit. Fine then I will!  :bs:
Taking (your) Lord's name in vain and the filthy mouth on you? Those are acts and behaviour that will get you into (your) Heaven? If that is how you conduct yourself and it takes you to some glorious realm beyond this life, then you can have the corner on that market.

No one has the power to make you mad. You choose to get angry, period.

You always say we "don't know you". Well that is not 100% correct. Don't you realize that what you write is the only way anyone can use to judge the type of person you are on here? Just the 2 examples I quoted make you look foolish, uncouth, and yes, ignorant. Ignorant does NOT always = unintelligent either. You may have the ability to learn and know things, but your ignorance as to how society works in general is very apparent.

(Yes, thanks to queenofnines and AmyTrivitt, I am still here and I am still voicing my thoughts and opinions. ;))
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2010, 07:23:28 am »
Getting back on topic, it's interesting how most responses went the way of "if the whole world went atheist", when originally I intended the question to be on a more individual basis - what it would mean for YOU (although I admit, the last bit about the whole church turning around and rejecting might have confused the matter).
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2010, 11:05:33 am »
Those that really believe will not be able to contribute to your little exercise.

Hmm, I highly doubt I will ever have millions of dollars to spend, BUT I could still tell you what I would do IF the situation happened. Why is this so different?

It isn't good to try to make people not believe in God.

Where do you come up with the idea she is trying to make people not believe in God?

It is like me asking all atheists to sit back and think about what they would do if there was a God and how would they feel if they found out they were wrong and would it affect them in either a good way or bad way.

Gee, I think I could open up my mind enough to do that especailly since I grew up believing and being taught there was one. Not everyone goes from believer to atheist or vice versa.

a lot of believers will think what you are doing on these forums is Evil and coming from the Devil...maybe that's why people start being offensive or look like trolls.

No, there have been a couple reasonable posts on here and only trolling from one. As far as evil and coming from the devil, that is more of that over the top crap that the Christians I know don't go for and would laugh at. I bet they would consider your swearing and 'blasphemy' in God's name evil and from the devil....
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

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