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Topic: How hot is it in Hell?  (Read 8061 times)


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2011, 02:27:13 pm »
you say all religion is man made, well I say so is god. it's just one word to get people so scared that they will give a guy in a building on sunday their hard earned money, so that guy doesn't have to work, and pay for his schooling that teaches them how to scare enough people into believing in something that is made up. because if there really was a god there would be no famine,disease,war, sadness or death. what are we suppose to believe when all this is going on.


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2011, 07:01:24 pm »
First of all religion is man made, there is only one truth and one God, and that will give you your answer, upon recent readings, I am led to believe hell is in the center of the earth, as many report a drop that is extremely hot, a smell of burning sulfer, and a horrid experience that they have seen. The temperture is probably around 3000 degrees or so, you want a trickle of water so bad you can't stand it, the demons constantly torture you, and some are chained to the walls, there is no way out, there is only the hope you have now, accepting the truth. accepting the gift. God wants none of us to go to hell, that was a place only created for satan and his fallen angels(demons), who some roam up and down the earth now, God wants no one to go there so He sent His Son as a sacrifice so we wouldnt have to. This is not a man made religion, this is a choice, and the dreadful things I have not only heard but seen somethings myself tell me that you better accept what Love and Mercy God give you in His Son Jesus Christ, because there are people down there right now, in excruciating pain crying, and hollaring for help, but it is too late, God will not hear you there, you have to accept Him here. And this folks is the complete truth, the man made religions that are about the world are satans attempt to throw everyone off coarse of the truth and away from God so his demons may torture you and cut your head off several times. I know this to be true, I have seen demons, and they have come back and these things are not ghosts, as people believe, but satans demons.

You are absolutely right... oneday darkness & light will separate - darkness will go into the pit and light into the heavens never again to mingle...
I want to go to the place of light where there will be no sickness, sadness, sorrow, pain or death for all eternity... I am excited about that and while I do regret all these folks don't know HIM, I will not be answering for them at judgment. Fortunately some will awaken when they loose someone or their own health. Hopefully they will go up, but we know few are chosen. Like Lazarus, I can over look their arrogance because I know one day I will be walking on streets of gold, singing Amazing Grace.


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2011, 07:30:18 pm »
      I would not even try to go there. I guess it is hot..."very hot"!


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2011, 04:12:24 am »
there actually was/is an area of California with that name.  "Hell" California was/is between Indio and the Arizona line.  (Near Desert Center).......amd i know most of you wouldn't believe it so I added this link.,_California


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2011, 04:23:12 am »
That is a great joke and a great answer to a question that can not be answered. :)


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2011, 07:52:29 am »
you say all religion is man made, well I say so is god. it's just one word to get people so scared that they will give a guy in a building on sunday their hard earned money, so that guy doesn't have to work, and pay for his schooling that teaches them how to scare enough people into believing in something that is made up. because if there really was a god there would be no famine,disease,war, sadness or death. what are we suppose to believe when all this is going on.

May God have mercy on your soul.  First, I don't give money to my church to make our preacher richer.  I give it to the Lord for His work to be done around the world.  We are an Independent Baptist Church with strong ties to world missions.  The maladies of this world are caused by sin.  However, by the grace and mercy of God, a Provision was made to have all of your sins forgiven and a promise of an eternal bliss with Jesus forever.  Second, God's Holy Word, The Bible, is not a work of fiction.  It is the greatest book of history you could ever have the pleasure of studying.  Third, when you have the Lord in your heart, you won't be scared of the news of famine, disease, war, sadness or even death.  Death of this body will only bring you pleasure and happiness if you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour because when you become absent in this body, you will be in the presence of the Lord.  From there it all depends on whom you have placed your faith as to where you will spend eternity.
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2011, 10:20:42 am »
 :dontknow: I really don't know, but if someone is in hell with a flesh body ... then it is not hot enough cause then they would cook.


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2011, 03:12:44 pm »
you say all religion is man made, well I say so is god. it's just one word to get people so scared that they will give a guy in a building on sunday their hard earned money, so that guy doesn't have to work, and pay for his schooling that teaches them how to scare enough people into believing in something that is made up. because if there really was a god there would be no famine,disease,war, sadness or death. what are we suppose to believe when all this is going on.

May God have mercy on your soul.  First, I don't give money to my church to make our preacher richer.  I give it to the Lord for His work to be done around the world.  We are an Independent Baptist Church with strong ties to world missions.  The maladies of this world are caused by sin.  However, by the grace and mercy of God, a Provision was made to have all of your sins forgiven and a promise of an eternal bliss with Jesus forever.  Second, God's Holy Word, The Bible, is not a work of fiction.  It is the greatest book of history you could ever have the pleasure of studying.  Third, when you have the Lord in your heart, you won't be scared of the news of famine, disease, war, sadness or even death.  Death of this body will only bring you pleasure and happiness if you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour because when you become absent in this body, you will be in the presence of the Lord.  From there it all depends on whom you have placed your faith as to where you will spend eternity.
why in hell would the LORD as you put it need money. that has got to be the most ridiculous remarks i have seen in here EVER, think about what your going to write before you make yourself out to be the most stupid person on this earth..sheeesh


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2011, 09:19:29 pm »
If you go to hell it will be torture, it is not a place I would ever want to go. Repent, and ask Jesus to forgive you, ask Him into your life. Folks all this stuff coming up lately, there is a reason for everything, take heed friends, I do not believe in false predictions, for the Bible tells us there will be false profits and many Christians will be fooled. He will come just be ready.


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2011, 01:47:06 pm »
If you go to hell it will be torture, it is not a place I would ever want to go. Repent, and ask Jesus to forgive you, ask Him into your life. Folks all this stuff coming up lately, there is a reason for everything, take heed friends, I do not believe in false predictions, for the Bible tells us there will be false profits and many Christians will be fooled. He will come just be ready.
"Religion can never reform mankind, because religion is Salvery" Robert G. Ingersoll-1833-1899

look it up


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2011, 05:33:20 am »
Yes hell exists an yes it is hotter than the Sun. Just pick up a bible if you get a chance an turn to Revelations and it will tell you all about it. GOD Bless! :angel12: :angel11: :thumbsup:


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2011, 10:30:40 am »
 :dontknow:  because I never been there and I don't want to go there.   :peace:


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2011, 10:54:00 am »
If hell exist, it'll probably be as hot as the surface of the sun, which is about a kabillion degrees...A+


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2011, 01:56:36 pm »
It's probably quite hot, hot as hell even.


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Re: How hot is it in Hell?
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2011, 02:50:59 pm »
Well, here's "Bubba Gump" talking about a phone call he got from Hell

Says he could here a huge fire burning, so who knows.

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