AHHHHH! I read your posts and noticed that I put "I looked at you picture" instead of "I looked at your picture."

I thought I fixed it.
Hi Flor and WorkMama! And everyone else as well!
OKay so I read your posts and decided to take a look at my parents. For a while my mom was looking really good because she had that weight loss surgery but then my dad left. Then my mom started hanging out with "wannabe" gang members and she wasn't as careful with herself as she should have been. Like she drank a lot and for some reason thought it would be cool to smoke. Lol it soo wasn't cool. She quit though, so go mom!

But she still thinks she's a gang member now. (Lol a funny story for a different post.) She looks a little older then she really is. And I'm a bit worried because we sort of have the same face structure. Like we both have big cheeks (face cheeks I'm talking about face cheeks lol) and no real cheekbones to speak of... Lol I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'll post a picture later to show you. But I think most of her aging came from lifestyle. Because my grandma looks really good for her age and is super active. So hopefully I inherit that.
Lol I went and found my dad's facebook just to see how he's looking. He looks the same to me. My dad actually doesn't look too bad. Sometimes people would say he looks like my older brother. So while he's smiling his *bleep* off about the compliment, I'm sitting there like

. He's actually 50, but 50 is like the new 30. So he doesn't even seem that old. He doesn't look to bad though. Work it dad! So hopefully I inherit that as well.
I'm not totally obsessed with looking younger or anything. But if I can slow it down I'm going to try. I'm just more worried about taking better care of my skin. I can remember times when I completely forgot about sunblock and pretty much burned myself to an awesome crisp. So I'm trying harder to be more careful, so that I can be a sexy mom like you two are when I have kids. Lol that's not too much to ask right?