The bible says no man knoweth the DAY or HOUR but even Jesus commanded us to know and discern the "season" of his coming. He tells us there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars and we should watch for these signs and be vigilant.
There are three books which map out a plot for global control. Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma , the Illuminati's Protocols of Sion and The Holy Bible's Book Of Revelation . All three texts describe an apocalypse or third world war which will give rise to one world ruler. In 2015, William turns 33 which is the ascended number in Freemasonry. Hints of William's identity as World Ruler are concealed in coded Bible prophecy, in his coat of arms and in the genealogy charts of the British Royal family.
In 1995, Prince Charles had William "marked" in his right hand with an electronic chip. The media downplayed it as a homing device that would interact with a special satellite in case Prince William were ever kidnapped. This microchip is thought to be the same etchnology that may one day be used to enslave the world's population so that they can't buy, sell or participate in society unless they are 'marked.'
The Book Of Revelation clearly states, "Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The Antichrist or "beast" is identified as the number 666. When Prince William is crowned King, his name will be KING WILLIAM V. Hidden within his name is the number 666 in Roman numerals. The Roman numeral "I" appears three times in his name and the Roman numeral "V" also appears 3 times in his name. The letter "W" is two "V's" placed side by side. The number 666 in Roman numerals is VI, VI, VI all of which appear in King William V's name and so do the words, "I AM". His name is a confession. "I AM 666".