Water & Pets - What Could Be In The Water You & Your Pets Are Drinking...
All public water systems contain some level of one or more unhealthful chemicals. Regulations only require periodic testing of about 86 toxic
chemicals. There are now more than 75,000 chemicals used in our society with more than 1,000 new ones being developed each year. So far,
more than 2,100 toxic chemicals of the more than 75,000 patented chemical compounds in use today have been detected in America's water
systems. Some of the most common toxins in tap water from the condensed EPA's safe water guidelines are listed below:
Toxin Source Potential Damage to Pets
Alachlor Herbicide Cancer, Kidney, Liver, Spleen, Nose, Eyes
Asbestos Many Concrete Pipes Cancers, Lung
Atrazine Herbicide Congestion Ð Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Adrenal Glands
Benzene Synthetic Hydrocarbons Cancer, Chromosome Aberrations
Cadmium Corroded Galvanized Pipes Kidney, Liver, Bone, Blood Damage and Failure
Carbofuran Insecticide Nervous System, Reproductive System
Carbon Tetrachloride Aerosols, refrigerant Kidney, Liver, Nervous System Cancers
Chlordane Insecticide Liver, Kidney, Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Adrenal Glands
Chlorine Water Treatment Stomach, Kidney, Bladder Damage
Chlorobezene Plastic Solvent Nervous System, Liver, Kidney
Copper Corroded Piping Anemia
Cryptosporidium Chlorine-resistant Parasite Diarrhea, Cramping
Cysts Chlorine-resistant capsules Diarrhea, Cramping, Anemia
Endrin Insecticide Convulsions, Liver damage
Ethylbenzene Plastic Solvent Kidney, Liver, Nervous System Damage
Giardia Chlorine-resistant Parasite Diarrhea, Cramping
Heptachlor Epoxide Pesticide chlordane Liver, Central Nervous System damage
Lead Corroded Piping Cancer, Kidney Damage, Stroke
Lindane Insecticide Liver, Kidney Damage
Mercury Corroded Piping Kidney Damage
Methoxychlor Insecticide Nervous System, Liver, Kidney, Heart Damage
Ortho-Dichlorobenzene Herbicide Nervous System, Liver, Kidney, Blood Cell Damage
Simazine Herbicide Cancer, Kidney, Liver, Nervous System Damage
Tetrachloroethylene Dry-Cleaning Fluid Liver, Kidney, Central Nervous System Damage
Toluene Petroleum, Paint, Solvent Liver, Kidney, Central Nervous System Damage
Toxaphene Insecticide Cancer, Immune System Depression,Liver, Kidney
Trichloroethylene Solvent Cancer, Liver Damage
Xylenes Solvent, Gasoline Liver, Kidney, Central Nervous System