That's not what I meant. If we found out there was a God then Atheists couldn't cope knowing there were going to Hell for all the stuff they did against God.
If this god character turned out to be real, I would be very, very confused. My husband says it best: "I would think it'd be more likely that aliens are f**king with us than it actually being god".
First question: which god? If it's determined to be Yahweh, the god of aforementioned hell, it won't be just atheists going there but
4 billion other people who aren't Christians. I would ask this god why he behaves like such a 2-year-old and created a world where all of our science and logic points AWAY from him??
I wouldn't feel bad for "all the stuff I did against god", because I truly didn't have evidence that he existed, so how could I be at fault?