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  • Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money? 5 3
Topic: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?  (Read 24651 times)


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2010, 02:55:46 pm »
 :notworthy:you are so right :thumbsup:jerry


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2010, 03:10:32 pm »
 :wave: have a bless day fusion cash jercar69 :bs: :notworthy: :bunny: :heart: :star: :dontknow: :peace:


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2010, 04:30:46 pm »
Stop taxing people.  Period.  The more money in your wallet, the more you will spend.  The number of government employees is overwhelming!!  You should cut the work force by at least 1/4.  Additionally, hire civilian contractors to do the some of the work for the 1/4 of the government folks you let go.  Civilians can do the job better and cheaper.  All of this would save the government money and put civilians back to work.   :star:


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2010, 11:31:52 am »
The government will always be in debt. The truth is all governments are in debt to the banks that lent them the money in the first place. right now the governments around the world owe $50,000+ per person in their so-called countries.

FACT: Washington D.C., the vatican city and the london city are their own countries!!!!!!!!!! They have their own flag, their own mail system, their own laws and their own news etc. Also they all have giant stone penises in their yards, I mean obelisk >:(


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save money?
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2010, 01:34:28 pm »
Just an idea....but what if every government worker's salary was cut by $100.00?  There has to be thousands of government workers from the post office to the President.

$100 wouldn't phase them.  I imagine they wouldn't miss $1000 either, but just the scope of dollars that could be saved if every government worker "gave up" a little could be Huge.

Perhaps they could cut down on the amount every retired government worker receives too....
in my humble opinion
I believe that would save money but the n those people would have it hard, hey are used to their income just inagie sombody taking money even $100 from you that ends up being double my car insurance, i know id be very upset if someone would cut my income because i could not afford to live at all


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Well in order to have a good start on this question, people need to declare what services should be controlled by the government and what should be operated by the private sector. In other words, how much freedom would one forfeit in order to have security and vice versa?


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The govt needs to stop wasting taxpayers $$$$$.


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They could legalise Marijuana tax it to make money. And will save money from not arresting or incarcerating weed offenders. What do you think the percentage of law makers now smoke or have smoked weed in the past? I would think do smoke now 40% have smoked in the past  85%   Any other ideas???
Hello, did you just see the election this past week. The monies spent on candidates on both parties. It really makes me want to throw up. The government doesn't need ways to make money or save money. They just need to arrest those closet billionaires who give monies to the corrupted republicans then they get tax breaks when their chosen candidates get into office.
You know what the American people could have done with those billions of dollars to run this mid term elections,  enough to get us out of the red in the economy! So if that is the case, I suggest that the government should for solutions to save America:

1. yes legalize Marijuana
2. allow citizens to claim our pets as we claim our children on income tax day.
3. Put prostitution on the pay roll
4. Cut out fribblous & money wasting laws
5. Outlaw money wasting elections such as the one that just passed.
6. Cut or change out date laws that may have applied in the 1900's but doesn't make sense in the 21st century.
7. Change the terms of the candidates elected. For example they should have a 90 day trial on the job & be kicked out if they don't pass the 90 days. Just like any body who is first hired on the job.
8. Shorten the term of the candidate. Nobody should be in office for 15 to 20 years or longer.
9. Not tax cut for anybody, tax the people according to their income status. That means the rich will be taxed more than the middle class & poor.
10. The people should have more control on the monies used from their taxes. For example, I didn't know that my taxes was building a court house with marble counters & flat screen tvs in every judges room. I'm buying  the cheapest materials to update my crumbling home & this *bleep* is going on! The people will know where the monies is going & will be judging on where it goes & how much is spent.
11. New laws on limiting over population of poor & homeless people having children with no controls placed in. Example: the poor mother with 6 kids (different fathers), no job, no husband, no income,.... mandate education with free birth control access or free tube tying surgery for women that want it.
12. Tougher laws on animal control. Stiffer fines on animal abuse. Tougher laws on over population of animals by careless owers. Fines to those that don't spay or neuter their pets.
13. EAT less, exercise more less health problems.
14. Increase exercise & less mcs for dinner for young kids. Obesity costs money.
15. create energy producing produces for example the stationary bike can charge up your toaster or car. Save energy & lose weight. All rolled in one!!!!
16. Using crap for energy. In Asia they have farms where they use cow & pig poop to run the electricity. They've even got toilets now that sends the crap to the recycling center & they recycle human crap as well.
17. Cut out transportation that uses gas as much as possible like walking or riding you bike.
18. hydroponics; growing plants in water instead of using soil.
19. People in the cities create their own gardens & raise chickens on the roofs tops of their apartment buildings.
20. Build small amusement parks in each state. Some place for the family to go on the weekend & not have to go out of state or out of the country to go on vacation. Several years ago, we almost got a small park built near the rich section but the rich *bleep* group didn't want middle class folk to taint their neighborhood. So, it was squashed. It would have given a lot of people  jobs for the summer. Now, we got people robbing, murdering, & kidnapping....etc well, we've got no jobs here so....


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I am an ex government worker that lives in the Metro DC area and I agree with alot of the Comments here. I left the Government after 12 years. I saw directly that waste and Incompetance was alot of the Problem. There were individuals that could not make it in Business. The problem is that the entrenched that have about 25 years or better are getting the outrageous retirements. Individual that entered the Government after the mid 1980's, they do not get a large retirements (only 1 percent of salary times amt of years) usually about 35-40,000 a year for 40 years. I have worked in three areas - US Military, Private Sector, Civil Service. I receive very little from civil service retirement. The individuals that came into the Government prior to  the 1980's need to loose some of their retirements, but that will not happen. Most of them retire with 75-80 percent of their saleries. This pertains to all government weather they are elected or Civil service.


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Re: Government needs help any ideas on how they can make money and/or save mone
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2011, 11:17:01 pm »
I just wanna smoke lol...


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Yeah, then it would be okay, then everyone would be walking around stoned, kids wouldn't learn anything in school cuz they would be staren out the window seein how white the snow is and not payen attention to the teacher, laborers would be messen up cars and things that would cause accidents and eventually cause people to die, cuz they was stoned and didn't realize what they were doing, people would be too high to go to work, bills wouldnt get paid, yeah that is what this country needs high society.


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I think a great super way for the government to make tons and tons of money is to go to this huge well-known company called AT&T and fine them $250 every time they overcharge one of their customers. What urks me and I have told them is that they penalize us if we are a day late.  If they mess up we cannot do a durn thing to them! :angry7:


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Cut off all pay for millionaire and billionaire people working for the city, state, and federal government.  They were elected to serve the people, but are getting richer with taxpayers $$$$$.


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#1. STOP ALL FOREIGN AIDE #2. Bring our soldiews home and place them on the Mexican Border with orders to SHOOT TO KILL all who cross the border illegally!! #3. Use the rest of the  military to set up check points and IMMEDIATELY DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS.#4. Get Rid of the Federal Reserve, and put this country back on the Gold Standard.#5. Pass THE FAIR TAX !!!!

If they did ALL of these things, you would have to hide under a rock not to get a job.BUTTT When you worked and got a paycheck YOU WOULD GET ALL OF YOUR MONEY WITH NO DEDUCTIONS!!! How wonderful would that be???


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Stop wasteful spending on projects that fail
Cut top positions pay by 50%-75%
The system is messed up. Maybe there needs to be a government reform.
Fot the top positions and higher income workers, they should cut off the pay and for those people who has big house and nice cars, let them pay some more tax.
Increasing the tax of the enterprise runing very well.

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