This website is corrupt and so is every video,task,and survey offer other wise there would be unlimited surveys and members would receive the rewards without any problems...right now tap research has surveys but after completing most don't credit, the task website posts your phone numbers invalid and dosen't accept a video's are posted i've proven the idiot countrygirl12 a liar more then once! all credits are tracked which is a support lie if anyone breaks rules here it is ciuntrygirl12 troll, very few ways to earn on this website!
Why are you posting at all if you think the site is corrupt? Just go away.
And don't call names just because you're upset. countrygirl12 is not an idiot and not a troll.
We are all just earning our pennies and corresponding with others that are doing just that without complaint. Well; not too much complaint, anyway. 
Thank you 
Working on this site is not a job. Never will be. It is a way to earn a few extra dollars every month or so. I am able to cash out every month. Most times any way. So are most others. Most of these "newbie" accounts are the same person. It is obvious by the posting style. Cos I mean there are only like one or two men who talk like pre teen girls. lol Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in an episode of that movie Mean Girls. lol
I think some times people join this site with stars in their eyes. They see posts where people make a website and have all these online earning sites and you can expect to make x and x an hour. I see all the time survey sites listed and it says you can expect to make $14 to $20 something an hour. More like 14 CENTS an hour. People like this make these sites and post their referral link and they make their money off their referrals. I do have a website and I do have referral links posted. I also post multiple times that "this is not a job" and "you won't get rich". I am honest about expected earnings.
I am not sure why but the amount you can earn seems to have decreased over the past couple months. I am assuming because so many more people are sitting at home and looking for ways to "work from home". Back toward the first of the year I could easily make $250 or more a month across all the online stuff I done. Right now it is not that high. I have noticed others saying the same thing. Others who were cashing out on here every month it is taking closer to 2 months. It is what it is.
I also find it hilarious that this person is so obsessed with me and takes so much time trolling me.
I mean if I disliked someone as much as he claims to I would not spend any time thinking about them.
We have to admit,for once WE agree with you that we are obsessed with making sure ALL the FC members see and are warned what a creep you are.Calling U an idiot or a troll would be too kind.
All anybody has to do is go back and look at all your posts from the past and current and see what a creep you are.
Just a reminder to all FC members.When someone needs to bring up death and funerals on a happy occasion as a wedding,it shows they are not sound in mind.Thats only 1 of CGs many dyfunctional personality disorders.Sadly the world is full of creeps such as her as we can all see with what is going on with the police/murder.
In one breath CG says the virus is a hoax and in another Trump is a Messiah.LOL!
When Satan was thrown out of heaven he had a strong supporter in CG,They only add to this world being so wicked.And then she tries to cover it up with her version of supporting bible.
ITs like her saying,dont worry i wont shoot you,but cuts your throat with a machete.
NOT sure why FC doesnt get rid of her on forum.The proof is overwhelming how many members cant stomach her.
Seriously FC members,stand up to telling FC to get rid of her......otherwise her cancer will spread here.Cant you all see she is getting worse?