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Topic: Troubled Relationship  (Read 421 times)


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Troubled Relationship
« on: December 25, 2019, 11:45:19 pm »
I'm here because I'm seeking advice. I've been in a relationship for 9 years but of course things aren't too good. I love this man however, there are things that I dislike.(various things, I cannot say ) I have tried in the past to break it off but we have a car together(in both our names, which I am paying on) and a cat so telling him to leave my home is like pulling a tooth. We have no children, he is 53 and I'm 42. He has 3 older kids from a past relationship. I'm not happy at all, he's not responsible, hardly has any money but works and I take care of everything car note, lights, cellphone, I might get $60-80 on a good payday from him. He's a kind person and all but can be mean as well. Everytime I mention breaking up, it's always what about the car? How am I going to get to work? I have my own apartment by the way and he stays with me. He is not willing to let me go at all. I feel like my life is being held up. I know in my heart that I will be okay being alone, I like peace.
We didn't spend Christmas together at all. I went to my family house and he stayed home, but I didn't care. I didn't attend his family function either.
He was depressed today and my cat been hangin around him and acts like him too.
I just want my space back, He is disorganized and is putting miles and miles on the car we share and inside my car is nasty. Scratches on my car, I regret signing the papers to even get this car but at that time my mom wouldn't co-sign..sooo I guess I can say he's a co-signer. Is there anyway I can get this reversed since my credit is better now? Should I refinance?  Serious responses only. Thankyou
« Last Edit: December 25, 2019, 11:58:51 pm by Mizzkizz7 »


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Re: Troubled Relationship
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2019, 07:46:07 am »
Girl, you are too old to be going thur this.  I am sorry calling you old but people in there 20's or 30's go throught this, but at any age I would not put up with him not earning his way, he is too old to be depending on you to pay all of the bills.  Get a contract or something on the car, but since he is not paying anything on the car let him keep it and stop paying on it.  I guess it depends on how bad you want peace in your life.  If the car is what keeping you from breaking up then think about it, you don't want to break up with him.  When you finally get tried of the way your life is and you are unhappy you will break up with him.  Life is too short to live and be unhappy as you get older.  Don't you want someone to cherish you, love you and be that person queen? Don't you want someone to grow old with?  Time is moving on why waste what time you have left on this earth.  Be happy and live life to the fullest and live your BEST life.

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