Onthe campaign trail he stated the low to middle income families would not be hit with higher taxes. Shortly after taking office, he signed the bills for tax increases across the board for the so-called sin taxes (Cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, etc), luxury taxes (dining out, etc) not mention all of the other taxes that have been put on us. The bailouts for the banks and auto industry were a complete waste, as a lot of these have shut down. Where is the repayment on the bailouts going to come from now. This has created a bigger deficit for the country. As for his healthcare plan, I don't see this working for America. He will be putting his government run healthcare into competition with private insurers, which will force those companies to end up shutting down. I am not saying that we don't need a healthcare reform but we need a plan that will work. There are a lot of people out there that don't have healthcare or it is so expensive that they have to choose between seeing a doctor and getting medications filled and getting food or other essentials they need. I have seen this type of healthcare in other countries, and most of the time it was a bad stituation for the person needing help. Sure everybody pays the same amount for the coverage but it is not an effective coverage since their doctors are picked for them and someone else decides whether or not their situation warrants an appointment or if they need surgery, medications or whatever else is needed. I have seen this situation first-hand. I lived in Germany for 3 years and got a chance to see how this works.
With all the foreclosures on homes and jobs lost, it doesn't seem to be working. But on the other hand, I think he is trying to make changes to try and turn things around. No, I am not bashing him but I am not on the bandwagon until I can see turning around. This is not Bush's fault alone. This has been happening for a long time and it will not change overnight and get better, it will take time. But we should not be taxed to death either. I don't see increasing taxes so they can continue to throw good money after bad.
As for Iraq and Afghanistan, he said he would work on getting this settled and getting our military back home. He also said he would close Guantanamo Bay down. This has all changed after the elections. This is a very sore point for me. I have a son in the military. He has done 2 tours to Afghanistan and 2 tours to Iraq and is getting ready to go back to Iraq this month. I don't expect miracles, but I do expect him to keep the promises he made on the campaign trail. Talk is cheap. He needs to walk the walk and not talk the talk. He has a job to do and should do it to the best of his ability and stick to the promises he made. For the time being, the jury is still out on this until some changes for the better take place.