Underrated funnyman Tim Conway also passed on. I'm sure he's up there trying to break up Harvey Korman by the Pearly Gates. RIP Tim.
Whats even funnier is your quote here.
Death ISNT life.
Now heaven has a gate.LOL!!
Maybe you and Countrygirl can apply for a job there.You can take care of the gate and her the animals.LOL!
In our Congregation Meetings at our Kingdom Hall, in our Watchtower and other publications from the Society and from Jehovah's Word the Bible, we are taught and reminded as to how we should be treating others.
When people disagreed with Jesus, how did he react? Did he retaliate or did he show respect? Even when being mistreated, Jesus did not mistreat others in return.
I've been following some of the posts you have been making both as Hitch and as Latch. I am going to kindly suggest that you think before you post. If there is a point that you are trying to make, please try to find a more tactful approach.
I've been a Jehovah's Witness for over 20 years. I know that it is our goal to try to win hearts not arguments. By trying to win arguments and the ongoing name calling, you are giving both Jehovah and His people a very bad name.
So again, please take some time to review your posts over the last few months and see if you can honestly make improvements.
Hi Bet.....first of all i want you to know i respect what you say and also for for being a JW.But i also wanna remind you Jesus didnt hold back from calling others hippocrites or foolsih ones and showing righteous anger when they turned the temple into a flea market.
Yes i am guilty of mixing authoritive speaking when maybe i should have kept quiet.So if i get a little over the top defending the organization please understand.
Fusion Cash ISNT so wise either.
Hello Eric and welcome to Fusion Cash. Thank you for responding and for your involvement in the forum community.
You are absolutely correct in acknowledging that Jesus, at times, showed righteous indignation. Years ago when I would read that in the Bible, I had a hard time understanding what was really behind His righteous anger.
After a careful study of the scriptures and the Bible in whole, the picture has gotten much clearer. Now it's much easier to understand the motive behind the anger.
If you were able to look at the past threads that I am referring to, you may be able to see a clear difference in Jesus' righteous anger and the anger of the forum member.
I appreciate your comment.