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Topic: TV nonsense about Black holes.  (Read 2115 times)


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TV nonsense about Black holes.
« on: January 30, 2019, 08:58:07 am »
So i am channeling surfing on TV last night and i come across a program about Black Holes.I can only watch about 10 minutes of it before the BS is too much to take.

Black Holes i think are stars that have blown up and the matter helped create life and the universe.

So it brings to mind a butcher that had this meat cutter that was very complicated to assemble and he said,if this was left alone for a zillion yrs it would never be put together unless someone intelligent knew how to build it.

Comparing that example to life and the order the universe is in and then say there is no God?

Need i say more.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 02:38:39 pm »
This subject is up to speculation. The concept of a blackhole is purely speculation and assumption til someone actually sees one first hand and lives to tell the tail people then we will know if they are actually real or not


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 03:24:20 pm »
This subject is up to speculation. The concept of a blackhole is purely speculation and assumption til someone actually sees one first hand and lives to tell the tail people then we will know if they are actually real or not
Over 3,500 years ago, God asked Job: “Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens?” (Job 38:33) Despite impressive scientific progress, that question is still timely. After all, it is just when man begins to think he understands the universe that some new, unexpected observation comes along to upset his carefully constructed theories. In the meantime, we can gaze at the constellations in wonder and take delight in their beauty!


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2019, 08:03:12 am »
This subject is up to speculation. The concept of a blackhole is purely speculation and assumption til someone actually sees one first hand and lives to tell the tail people then we will know if they are actually real or not

This is no longer speculative.  Scientists, such as astronomers and physicists (ever heard of Neal Degrasse Tyson-not sure on the spelling of the name) have seen them on the very strong telescopes and space equipment we have nowadays.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2019, 08:53:55 pm »
It sounds like you where watching Ancient Aliens. Yeah, a lot of the stuff on that show or any of them just gets too be too much after a while. It makes you wonder how and why they come up with this stuff.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2019, 09:56:05 pm »
Haven't heard about this till now.  Guess I should pay more attention to tv.  Don't have cable.  Just antenna and converter box.  For the amount of tv I watch, that's all I need. 

Was this a tv program, or news, or what?  Sounds interesting.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 10:45:44 pm »
As i said i was just channel surfing.It caught my eye for a few minutes and then the BS came about how these stars explode and the matter goes into the air and miracles happen.

Then i said time to move on.I didnt check the listing for the name of the show.....i even forget what the channel # was on Verizon Fios in my area.

I saw a few of the people being interviewed and you can tell they are really caught up in this.What bugged me about this is it brought evolution into play and i dont support that.

I wouldnt mind exploring shows etc...but when they have to put their own glitch to something like that id rather watch wrestling.At least these guys are good showmen,actors and athletes.....entertainment.

I dont wanna hear someones opinion why evolution exists.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 10:49:52 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2019, 03:46:54 am »
As i said i was just channel surfing.It caught my eye for a few minutes and then the BS came about how these stars explode and the matter goes into the air and miracles happen.

Then i said time to move on.I didnt check the listing for the name of the show.....i even forget what the channel # was on Verizon Fios in my area.

I saw a few of the people being interviewed and you can tell they are really caught up in this.What bugged me about this is it brought evolution into play and i dont support that.

I wouldnt mind exploring shows etc...but when they have to put their own glitch to something like that id rather watch wrestling.At least these guys are good showmen,actors and athletes.....entertainment.

I dont wanna hear someones opinion why evolution exists.

Wow, kind of close-minded.  Especially because you are always quoting the Bible on this site.  What if I said I really don't want to come across that anymore?  I try to respect and consider your views even though I guess I am what you call a "spiritualist' or nature-ist," much like Emerson. At any rate, I am not going to try to convince you of anything when you are comfortable and entrenched in your beliefs.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2019, 01:07:58 pm »
As i said i was just channel surfing.It caught my eye for a few minutes and then the BS came about how these stars explode and the matter goes into the air and miracles happen.

Then i said time to move on.I didnt check the listing for the name of the show.....i even forget what the channel # was on Verizon Fios in my area.

I saw a few of the people being interviewed and you can tell they are really caught up in this.What bugged me about this is it brought evolution into play and i dont support that.

I wouldnt mind exploring shows etc...but when they have to put their own glitch to something like that id rather watch wrestling.At least these guys are good showmen,actors and athletes.....entertainment.

I dont wanna hear someones opinion why evolution exists.

Wow, kind of close-minded.  Especially because you are always quoting the Bible on this site.  What if I said I really don't want to come across that anymore?  I try to respect and consider your views even though I guess I am what you call a "spiritualist' or nature-ist," much like Emerson. At any rate, I am not going to try to convince you of anything when you are comfortable and entrenched in your beliefs.
Janice i am far from close-minded.I was brought up a catholic and even at a very young age i knew dying was wrong and they made God look evil.EX how could a God of love create a hellfire?Many other nonsense teachings they had too.

Jesus said a good tree produces fine fruit and a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.By their fruits you will recognize who his true followers were.

Jehovahs organization answered many of my questions using the bible.The other religeons claim to do so but dont.I can give many examples if i have to.

God doesnt force any of us to serve or love him.He does present the truth what is right and best for us.An angelic creature that the bible calls Satan was filled with jealousy and wanted to be a god himself that started the rebellion in Eden and start the human race on the wrong foot.Then in book of Job he said man only serve God for selfish reasons.Time was needed to pass before all these claims showed Jehovah is rightful ruler and his laws must be obeyed.When they arent you can see from mankinds history the result.

Most of us i am sure dont want to die.And then you have those that believe they go to heaven or hell.The bible doesnt support that.Again Satan has been allowed to rule and put out false teachings to see what side mankind is on.Gods original purpose wasnt to put A&E out and die.That happened cos they disobeyed.But God sent into motion a plan with Jesus to bring mankind back into a perfect state and not die and turn this planet into a paradise.God knew <if he chose to>that some of the human race would love and gladly obey him.History of bible shows many examples of these people and there are many more that would give their life for him...of course best example was Jesus who was unjustly executed and still proved the devil a liar.

Ponder this.Jehovahs servants are in over 240 lands preaching and teaching what Jesus taught.They are a worldwide brotherhood that have love amng themselves.If you need to see that just go to one of their meetings,conventions etc.They adhere strictly to bible teachings.

This means everlasting life taking in knowledge of the ONLY true God and the one u sent forth in Jesus.

Man does not live by bread alone but on every utterance from Jehovahs mouth.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 01:21:42 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2019, 01:17:10 pm »
Also remember when Jesus had to discipline others on false teaching,love,sin and right from wrong he had no problem speaking out.

I am not close minded RE evolution.When you know the truth it sets you free from all this other BS.Both cant be right!!Creation or evolution!!

The seed mankind and the devil have sown has turned this planet and the human race into a disaster.

I dont know about many here but id like to live forever in a paradise earth with peaceful conditions and see love and justice for all.You wont get that from Satan and mankind ruling.How much more time was go off the clock before this scripture is fulfilled?

Jeremiah 10:23:New International Version
LORD, I know that people's lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 01:28:10 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2019, 01:57:31 pm »
I haven't heard about this but there are always different topics out for people to converse about.


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2019, 10:46:16 pm »
As i said i was just channel surfing.It caught my eye for a few minutes and then the BS came about how these stars explode and the matter goes into the air and miracles happen.

Then i said time to move on.I didnt check the listing for the name of the show.....i even forget what the channel # was on Verizon Fios in my area.

I saw a few of the people being interviewed and you can tell they are really caught up in this.What bugged me about this is it brought evolution into play and i dont support that.

I wouldnt mind exploring shows etc...but when they have to put their own glitch to something like that id rather watch wrestling.At least these guys are good showmen,actors and athletes.....entertainment.

I dont wanna hear someones opinion why evolution exists.

Wow, kind of close-minded.  Especially because you are always quoting the Bible on this site.  What if I said I really don't want to come across that anymore?  I try to respect and consider your views even though I guess I am what you call a "spiritualist' or nature-ist," much like Emerson. At any rate, I am not going to try to convince you of anything when you are comfortable and entrenched in your beliefs.
So Janice i briefly looked up Emerson and i see an example how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.So i am asking you,you feel that supports evolution?

What about when a child is first conceived?Then grows up to be an adult?Doesnt that show intelligent design?What about how God transformed Jesus into Marys womb by his holy spirit?Remember he was sinless and he couldnt be born from human conception.

Re the bible...the fact its been around 1000s of yrs,translated into 100s of languages....mankind and Satan have tried to destroy it and it still is the most wide spread book in the world.It tellls of the future.The divinity goes on and on.

If this world lived by it you wouldnt hear all this BS of a wall....nuclear war.....famine.....etc.Mans way doesnt belong to himself to right this world.Jehovah created life and the universe.He has every right to set the rules.A shame many dont seem to think they are for our own good.We arent robots.Love wouldnt exist then.Greed,power and independence abound.A beaufiful angel Satan succumbed to his own bad desires just as someone like Hitler did.

An act of love like none God and Jesus balanced the scales of justice over 2000 yrs ago.Its up to all of us how much we appreciate it cos our lives depend upon it.The universe wasnt created for there to be disorder.Never will this come to mind after its settled.Jesus died once for all time to vindicate who God is and save the human race from dying.

Too bad the line in the Our father prayer,Let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven"is mostly misunderstood by the world or just lip service instead of praying that Gods kingdom or governement is the ONLY answer for us.6000 yrs of mans existence cant be denied what has gone on here.It prompted Jesus many times to say his kingdom was no part of this world.......IOW he and his father have had nothing to do with the nonsense that has gone on here since rebellion in Eden and Satan has been allowed to test if his claims were valid with ALL of mankind.

NO doubt he will bring down many and bible backs that.But NOT everyone.Remember in Noahs day only 8 people were saved from a wicked world RE the flood.Jesus said the last days of this system would be just like that time.And in 1914 from from bible chronology Gods kingdom was established in heaven and Satan and his hordes were cast down to the earth and out of heaven and starting with WW1 in that year a WOE began for us even more cos the devil knew his time was short.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 12:23:17 am by hitch0403 »


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2019, 12:28:29 pm »
Hitch:  I am really not going to debate Evolution and religion with you, especially on here.  I do not, and I mean DO NOT, believe in organized religion.  I lean toward a sort of blend of Evolution and the Bible.  I think that there is a lot in the Bible that man has recorded over the ages and it has been synthesized and changed, much like people's stories change when a group recounts a crime or an accident they have seen.  I also have heard things about many of the great religions and believe there are many common beliefs, just called different names and explained in different ways. Lastly, there are some things in Evolutional theory that just make common sense to me. That is all I'm going to say.  You believe as you wish and I will mine.  That is as it should be.  Too often people try to brow-beat others into believing as they do.  This is wrong, in my opinion.  Remember free will? Enough said as far as I'm concerned!


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Re: TV nonsense about Black holes.
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2019, 04:39:17 pm »
Janice i answered you mainly cos you said i might be close minded.If i were close minded i wouldnt have changed from being a catholic to supporting Jehovahs organization.

I agree with you RE we all have free will.I am also not out to debate this with you cos it mean mean i was more interested in being right then supporting God.I also feel when i say i support the bible i use examples why i do and i refer to my teachings and that make sense to my own understanding.

Not that i expect you to take my word for it but the bible has 1 main meaning.To support Gods kingdom.You might ask the question why was it important that God drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea.What that showed down to this day is how HE will not forsake his people.Thats just 1 example.I am not going to carry on furthur cos i know u know i can.And the book also answers lifes questions.ALL of them.

I had no idea who Emerson was.So briefly i looked it up as we chatted and came across the caterpillar example.

It is easy to see why the majority of people are turned off by religeon.Again i remind you God had nothing to do with much of the BS that they have spewed.If anything Jesus warned of apostates.

1 last thing i promise.Jesus proved beyond a doubt he was Gods son sent by him.Yet while he died on a torture stake many still mocked him if he was.Even his apostles didnt figure it out at first why he had to suffer and die.

Thank you

« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 04:48:21 pm by hitch0403 »

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