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Topic: I'm a wee bit upset  (Read 743 times)


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I'm a wee bit upset
« on: October 08, 2018, 12:07:34 pm »
My son got kicked out of his girlfriend's house after he found out and confronted her that she opened 5 charge cards. Don't know what's wrong with him. He has never had a good relationship in his life even with his ex-wife. <sigh>  He messaged me over the weekend asking if he could bother my husband's pickup and trailer to load his stuff. Hubby doesn't like getting involved (not his bio kid) but he said yes when I reminded him how much he does for the foster son and his own son.  That was Saturday.

I caught him lying, too. He said wasn't working right now and then a day later said he had to go to work that night and would my husband please unload the stuff because he didn't get any sleep in his car, he only had $40  and didn't eat for 2 days, also was going to the docs today because he's full of anxiety and palpitations again. I told him I wouldn't ask him to do that (I was afraid this would happen). Then he says he knew I wouldn't understand and didn't care. That hurt but we have no room here. Got another message a little later stating he was on his way to the hospital. So my husband went to Ollie' and bought 2 tarps to cover his stuff. He took his military uniforms and his TV and put them in the shed so they wouldn't get wet with all the rain we get.  I guess he'll hold it against me because I can't drive and hubby hates hospitals so he won't take me.  I am so frustrated. My husband and I aren't talking right now because of it.  Sometimes I just feel like disowning him.

Thanks for letting me rant.  I needed to let it out to someone and since my friends are gone and I can't say anything on Facebook to my cousins because he's on there, too.  I just don't know what to do. I tried to bring him up the right way but guess it wasn't good enough. So many times he has come to the house to see my husband but he never comes in the house to see me. None of the boys do. Makes me feel real good.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2018, 01:14:15 pm »
Sorry to hear about your problems with your son and husband, husband shouldn't get upset with you like that, son should just learn to be more respectful.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2018, 02:43:57 pm »
I hate to say this. but am  going to. The  son needs to grow up and you need to quit supporting him in everything. We see  this all the time in my community. Kid never learns to do anything, Mom and dad give into him all the time.  So he just falls back on you all the time. and yes it can cause major  problems in your married life.  I feel  like your husband has already had enough but Mommy is not  willing to let go of the  strings yet. The  son needs to grow up.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2018, 03:06:04 pm »
I'm so very sorry you're going through this our children can rip our hearts out but then turn around and make our heart full of love and happiness I sure hope things turn around for you and your son soon


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2018, 08:47:06 pm »
I have a family member who expects everything and is basically helpless to do anything on her own.
She's always nice, always cheerful, but the only time she calls, is when she needs something. Still, she's family and we love her. 


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2018, 10:59:16 pm »
My son got kicked out of his girlfriend's house after he found out and confronted her that she opened 5 charge cards. Don't know what's wrong with him. He has never had a good relationship in his life even with his ex-wife. <sigh>  He messaged me over the weekend asking if he could bother my husband's pickup and trailer to load his stuff. Hubby doesn't like getting involved (not his bio kid) but he said yes when I reminded him how much he does for the foster son and his own son.  That was Saturday.

I caught him lying, too. He said wasn't working right now and then a day later said he had to go to work that night and would my husband please unload the stuff because he didn't get any sleep in his car, he only had $40  and didn't eat for 2 days, also was going to the docs today because he's full of anxiety and palpitations again. I told him I wouldn't ask him to do that (I was afraid this would happen). Then he says he knew I wouldn't understand and didn't care. That hurt but we have no room here. Got another message a little later stating he was on his way to the hospital. So my husband went to Ollie' and bought 2 tarps to cover his stuff. He took his military uniforms and his TV and put them in the shed so they wouldn't get wet with all the rain we get.  I guess he'll hold it against me because I can't drive and hubby hates hospitals so he won't take me.  I am so frustrated. My husband and I aren't talking right now because of it.  Sometimes I just feel like disowning him.

Thanks for letting me rant.  I needed to let it out to someone and since my friends are gone and I can't say anything on Facebook to my cousins because he's on there, too.  I just don't know what to do. I tried to bring him up the right way but guess it wasn't good enough. So many times he has come to the house to see my husband but he never comes in the house to see me. None of the boys do. Makes me feel real good.

Hello! :D :)

Rant away hun it needs to come out mate as well come out and get paid too. Anyways I hope it all works out well for your son. It's must be very frustrating for you and I hope it all works out in your favor. :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose:
"Live like tomorrow isn't promise" <3 Earn Your Life<3 Frans Online Business INC and Francesca Etheart INC. My eyes are blue and are open to all the beautiful wonderful possibilities mmmmm ya. "Don't dream your life live your dream." Mmmmmm ya for I'm a beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2018, 08:32:02 am »
I hate to say this. but am  going to. The  son needs to grow up and you need to quit supporting him in everything. We see  this all the time in my community. Kid never learns to do anything, Mom and dad give into him all the time.  So he just falls back on you all the time. and yes it can cause major  problems in your married life.  I feel  like your husband has already had enough but Mommy is not  willing to let go of the  strings yet. The  son needs to grow up.

Momma really cut the apron strings long ago, but I get upset when things like this happen. I do listen and I do get upset with him but he needed to get his stuff out of her place before she trashed it all. His ex-wife had sold everything they owned before he could get there (years ago) and kept the money for herself. He seems to be a sucker for the wrong women.  Too trusting.

Why do you think I told him "there's no room at the inn?" He was hinting about moving in here but no...I won't do that. I suggested a motel or hotel and McD's $1, $2, $3 menu temporarily.   He should know by now that he's on his own.  I'm tired. BTW, he was hospitalized yesterday.

I am worried because he didn't have anyone with him when he borrowed the truck and trailer because his motorcycle is still parked outside on the street but I can't ask hubby to get it and his son probably won't do it either.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2018, 12:45:42 pm »
I’m so sorry you are having problems with your son.  I know how very hard it is to choose between your son and your husband when he is not the father.  If he’s still in the hospital can you call him to find out how he’s doing?  Ask your husband to take you to the hospital, he doesn’t have to go in.  I know it’s hard, but he’s a grown man and he has to stand on his own two legs.  He’s got to get a job ASAP and find his own place to live and forget about girls for awhile.  Good luck to all of you.
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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2018, 01:35:38 pm »
I'm sorry to hear this and believe me I feel and understand your pain. Also understanding not really having anyone to rant son's girlfriend who I can't stand left him out on a busy highway saturday night in the dark, it freaked me out so much I forgot my cell phone and in the meantime after driving 30 miles to the next town (he called me to pick him up) and back I found out he had gotten a ride. My other son has relationship issues and wanted this girl to move in with me and him and I said no. He got mad but I am sick of adult children's problems.  Well I hope you get yours resolved and if I didn't talk on here I wouldn't have anyone to talk to - no friends and mom and husband deceased.


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2018, 06:42:03 am »
There is One who can help you and your son.

Pray, and ask God to heal your relationship with your husband, your son, and your son's attitude.

Been there, done that, and it happened.

Don't give up. God is able.

Won't necessarily happen all at once, but be open to learning what you can change about yourself also.

God is able. He is in the healing business. Sounds like your son is a vet. Encourage him to get help with the VA, if open to it.

The best to you. I just prayed for you.



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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2018, 07:52:20 am »
So sorry hear about your son and husband, happy you have a place like this to express your feeling. 


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Re: I'm a wee bit upset
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2018, 08:05:55 am »
I hope things are settling down with your son.  My sister-in-law and her husband continue to have similar issues with her grown son from a previous marriage and my issues with my son who lives with me seem like they never end.  Hope things are better.

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