Actually yogurt can be spelled both ways. Yoghurt is the British (or non-American English) spelling. Yogurt is American.
But yes, I have noticed how poor the spelling and grammar is on a lot of surveys. I wonder if they were originally written in another language and auto-translated into English?
Could be. I was afraid it was a trap question. But there are others that are just flat out misspelled words. And I am left thinking do you even proof read? Or not notice the red squiggly lines under the words you have spelled incorrectly? lol
Never really paid it much attention, but I wouldn't have called who wrote or write the surveys idiots, as my niece would say,"Not nice".
lol. I really don't care. If you are representing a company you need to have the intelligence to be able to spell words correctly and also use correct grammar.
Sean alof mispeled werds lately....
You're killin me here. lol
you mean like this hummer!! ?
I can read this with no problems. lol. I had seen it before.
I would think that companies that supposedly spend MILLIONS of dollars doing research and on these surveys and wanting to make sure the survey taker pays close attention - You would think the person who types up the survey would make sure the words were all spelled correctly. The example I gave could be like the first response. Maybe it was from a different country or something but a lot of the ones I have seen are not. It is just flat out spelled wrong or they use the wrong word completely. smh.