Are you new to Fusion Cash? Have you been a member for years... "Payments" and getting paid is one of the most talked about topic's on Fusion Cash. Question's like "When do I get paid", "When do I cash out", "How long does it take for my payment to arrive", whatever your question is can be answered if you read the provided by Fusion Cash. This will explain how they pay and when they pay and why it takes a while to receive your payment.
They offer three way's to get paid, the first is by check, the second is direct deposit and the last is by paypal. If you choose direct deposit or paypal you must make sure your accounts are verified and connected to allow your payment to be processed.
How long does it take to receive your payment? Fusion Cash processes one time a month on there payments. What this means is when you cash out your will not receive your payment till the following month between the 18th to the 20th. So for example lets say you met the requirements and your ready to cash out. Your payment method is choosen and your ready to cashout and you choose to cashout on the 15th of the month, you will not receive your payment till the 18th to the 20th of the next month for one reason, Fusion Cash has advertisers and these advertisers must verify your activity to make sure your properly credited prior to payment that is why it takes around a month.
What I recommend if your new and it's your first cash out that you read the first, then you will be comfortable with how they do it, the second thing is get a calendar or use your email calendar to mark down when your payment will arrive. If you use direct deposit or paypal then make sure you see when those are processed to make sure you know when you get them.
Now one last reminder, there is one thing Fusion Cash offers most other survey sites don't and that is they pay you an extra dollar for showing "Proof of Payment" and that will help you earn more.
Good luck to you all!!