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Topic: Suicide  (Read 3365 times)


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2016, 06:12:31 am »
I can't believe I stumbled upon this post...after my 16 year old son, husband and I were talking about suicide yesterday.  My husband said he had a pastor once say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  I believe mental illness can lead to suicide.  I also believe some medications for those with diseases' such as cancer can effect the mental state for individuals.  And my understanding is there is a spot for those in heaven... not all people are unable to decipher right from wrong. I'm sorry for the families loss.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2016, 06:20:23 am »
If you really want to get technical, then countrygirl12 is correct = suicide itself is an ACTION not a disease. But the depression and feeling of helplessness that lead a person to commit suicide absolutely and most definitely IS a disease. Recognizing that fact is not a slap in the face to anyone suffering from any other physical disease.  Pain is pain regardless of where it comes from.  I think it is a true slap in the face to anyone contemplating suicide (or to the loved ones they leave behind) to tell them that depression is not a "real" disease or to imply that it is just a funk that they need to get over/get out of.

100% agree with you! People suffer from mental illness & most people do not want to talk about it because people tell them to get over it or keep pushing through. I suffer from anxiety to the point of phobias & living in your own head sometimes, when you know others think you are having a crazy moment can deepen me fighting with my own mind. I am not trying to be rude in any way what so ever, But take God out of this equation, people are human, we all bleed the same! Just because some people can get up and deal with what life has to throw at us some people are fighting battles within themselves no one will ever know. I wish people would wake up and realize the answer to this is not god the answer to this is compassion. Compassion when someone tells you they cannot deal with something, LISTEN to them without the life will get easier. Because I don't know about depression but I know when my panic attacks happen I cannot mentally think of anything other then what triggered my attack & the feeling of helplessness I have at the moment. Compassion doesn't hurt anyone. Don't judge & if your response to this mans post about his own wife's family is saying god doesn't like it, move on. This family is going through enough!


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2016, 11:56:40 am »
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I agree suicide is a disease that takes over a person - especially when that person doesn't try to seek help.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2016, 02:32:34 pm »
I'm sorry for your loss, how sad


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2016, 05:52:34 pm »
Country Girl,dust doesnt go to heaven.Thats what happens at death.God told Adam dust you will return to.

Only 144000 people go to heaven and rule with Jesus.The righteous will inherit the earth.I am not sure what your definition of hell is but it isnt some firey place where people are tormented.

Job recognized he would need a resurrection to live again.He told God when you call i will answer.

Jehovah didnt create man to die and go to heaven.Otherwise why would he bother warning them of penalty of sin.He told them to be fruitful and take care of the earth.They disobeyed and brought death to the human race and cursed was the ground on their account.Referring of course to A&E.
God has let Jesus be the judge of his kingdom or governement.He will judge.He said a sick people need a Dr.I came to call sinners and he died a ransom death for forgivness of them.

Judas sinned against holy spirit.NO forgivness for that sin.Jesus said it woulda been better off if he wasnt born.So how can you say God doesnt decide what sins to forgive?LOL!!

Examine your religeons teachings!!

Jesus said,he that endures to the end will be saved.What makes you think you are in a saved condition now???

Its NOT ok to kill others but killing yourself in your SO CALLED saved state is OK!!!???LOL!!

As i stated earlier you or i have no right to be the judge of someone who kills themselves.BUT the command is,THOU SHALL NOT KILL!!Life is very precious to God.He will be the one to decide the frame of mind the victim was in to either forgive the sin or not!!

You are wrong.  Not sure where you get that only 144,000 people go to Heaven but the Bible does not say that.
And Hell is a "firey" place.  I am not going to argue with you.  I can read the Bible.  And you can use all the !!!
you want to but it does not change the fact.  Like I said if you are saved when you die it is Heaven if you are not it is Hell.  I did not say it God did.  You seem to have some really warped ideas.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2016, 06:58:35 pm »
my friend tried to commit suicide about 3 times. i don't really think she wanted to die. i think she was just sick of all the pain and suffering from the events in her life and her mom doing the things she did. kicked her out at 16 and lived with me for about a week. she stayed where she could and i eventually called dcfs and told them what was going on and she was put in foster care and was in  foster care until she turned i believe 18 and then she married coz she wanted out of her foster parents house and she was married for a couple years until there was constant fights and a divorce soon after. now, she's married again and seems happy but i think she will always resent me for calling dcfs. well, i was only looking out for her safety and she needed a permanent place to live but she was telling me that her foster mom would pull her hair and push her down the stairs. well, if that is true than she doesn't have to deal with that any longer.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2016, 06:28:42 am »
so sorry to here that. i am so sorry for your loss. death is a terrible thing to go thru, but i do agree calling suicide a disease is ridiculous. suicide is a choice. i had no choice on the diseases that i have.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2016, 10:01:55 am »
so sorry to here that. i am so sorry for your loss. death is a terrible thing to go thru, but i do agree calling suicide a disease is ridiculous. suicide is a choice. i had no choice on the diseases that i have.
Then if a person contracts AIDS from having sex with someone already infected with it,AIDS must be a choice too and NOT a disease!!???

Also if a smoker got lung cancer,didnt they have a choice NOT to smoke?

« Last Edit: August 20, 2016, 10:11:50 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2016, 10:27:39 am »
    Suicide is a real tragedy. And what is really sad... the sufferers do not even know it is happening to them. Suicide is nothing more than "a homicide facilitated by a third party". It is preventable if you know the causes of suicide and protect yourself from these factors.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2016, 10:31:15 am »
    Suicide: Someone does not want you live anymore and is trying to kill you. It is avoidable! Have nothing to do with them.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2016, 12:24:17 am »
Country Girl,dust doesnt go to heaven.Thats what happens at death.God told Adam dust you will return to.

Only 144000 people go to heaven and rule with Jesus.The righteous will inherit the earth.I am not sure what your definition of hell is but it isnt some firey place where people are tormented.

Job recognized he would need a resurrection to live again.He told God when you call i will answer.

Jehovah didnt create man to die and go to heaven.Otherwise why would he bother warning them of penalty of sin.He told them to be fruitful and take care of the earth.They disobeyed and brought death to the human race and cursed was the ground on their account.Referring of course to A&E.
God has let Jesus be the judge of his kingdom or governement.He will judge.He said a sick people need a Dr.I came to call sinners and he died a ransom death for forgivness of them.

Judas sinned against holy spirit.NO forgivness for that sin.Jesus said it woulda been better off if he wasnt born.So how can you say God doesnt decide what sins to forgive?LOL!!

Examine your religeons teachings!!

Jesus said,he that endures to the end will be saved.What makes you think you are in a saved condition now???

Its NOT ok to kill others but killing yourself in your SO CALLED saved state is OK!!!???LOL!!

As i stated earlier you or i have no right to be the judge of someone who kills themselves.BUT the command is,THOU SHALL NOT KILL!!Life is very precious to God.He will be the one to decide the frame of mind the victim was in to either forgive the sin or not!!

You are wrong.  Not sure where you get that only 144,000 people go to Heaven but the Bible does not say that.
And Hell is a "firey" place.  I am not going to argue with you.  I can read the Bible.  And you can use all the !!!
you want to but it does not change the fact.  Like I said if you are saved when you die it is Heaven if you are not it is Hell.  I did not say it God did.  You seem to have some really warped ideas.
Country Girl,dust doesnt go to heaven.Thats what happens at death.God told Adam dust you will return to.

Only 144000 people go to heaven and rule with Jesus.The righteous will inherit the earth.I am not sure what your definition of hell is but it isnt some firey place where people are tormented.

Job recognized he would need a resurrection to live again.He told God when you call i will answer.

Jehovah didnt create man to die and go to heaven.Otherwise why would he bother warning them of penalty of sin.He told them to be fruitful and take care of the earth.They disobeyed and brought death to the human race and cursed was the ground on their account.Referring of course to A&E.
God has let Jesus be the judge of his kingdom or governement.He will judge.He said a sick people need a Dr.I came to call sinners and he died a ransom death for forgivness of them.

Judas sinned against holy spirit.NO forgivness for that sin.Jesus said it woulda been better off if he wasnt born.So how can you say God doesnt decide what sins to forgive?LOL!!

Examine your religeons teachings!!

Jesus said,he that endures to the end will be saved.What makes you think you are in a saved condition now???

Its NOT ok to kill others but killing yourself in your SO CALLED saved state is OK!!!???LOL!!

As i stated earlier you or i have no right to be the judge of someone who kills themselves.BUT the command is,THOU SHALL NOT KILL!!Life is very precious to God.He will be the one to decide the frame of mind the victim was in to either forgive the sin or not!!

You are wrong.  Not sure where you get that only 144,000 people go to Heaven but the Bible does not say that.
And Hell is a "firey" place.  I am not going to argue with you.  I can read the Bible.  And you can use all the !!!
you want to but it does not change the fact.  Like I said if you are saved when you die it is Heaven if you are not it is Hell.  I did not say it God did.  You seem to have some really warped ideas.

hitch is a Jehovah's Witness which teaches an aberrant doctrine, so I wouldn't put too much stock in his views on Salvation.

For my two cents, Suicide is indeed a sin. It is self-murder. But God alone can judge the hearts of those who are mentally ill and desperate. It's depends on the intent and situation. It's not always a black & white scenario.   

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2016, 08:52:20 am »
JJ you are quite say dont put too much stock in the JWs views and your view of suicide is Dead-on how Jehovah would view it!!LOL!!!

Let me say something else.I guess Jesus and his followers were a cult too.They went place to place door to door preaching about Gods kingdom.As you know JWs are in 240 lands preaching teaching MILLIONS of bible truths FREEEEEE!!Warning the world as Noah did God will bring this satanic manmade independent system to an end and bring in Gods kingdom thru HIS son Jesus to rule in peace & truth and bring the earth back to a paradise and cure Adamic sin to THE Great crowd and resurrected mankind.

Seriously JJ...i actually thought in some ways you had more sense then CG!!You disappoint me!

Take the time to view the links and see what God will do to false teachings and how HE always protects those that obey and love HIM!!

Just how intensely he feels is illustrated by Jehovah’s own words to his servants: “He that is touching you is touching my eyeball.”* (Zechariah 2:8) How painful that would be! Yes, Jehovah feels for us. When we hurt, he hurts.

To punish his creation forever in fire!!!I am glad i dont recognize the TRUE God as 1 you guys worship.The bible says God is LOVE!!I am not surprised you view a god that way.You cant even say HIS name as Jesus said should be held holy and that he also said made known!!!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 03:10:40 pm by hitch0403 »

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