Before we go blaming radical Islam, we might want to check radical Christianity.
The anti-gay rhetoric is the same.
And don't you find that 911 call just a little suspicious?
Radical Christians aren't committing mass murder all over the planet. The actions of radical Islam speaks louder than the "rhetoric" of some radical Christians.
It amazes me how some will rush to blame Christianity over gay wedding cakes, but caution us from blaming Islam over the mass murder of 49 individuals at a gay bar.
They weren't targeted because of the attackers' religion. They were targeted because they were gay.
And the rhetoric against gays has been most vocal among so-called Christians. I've also heard the same anti-gay speeches from Muslims and from Hasidic Jews.
Who needs radical Christians to commit murder all over the planet? We have the US military for that.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria. We're there.
"Radical Islam" fits the narrative for perpetual war. Targeting gays does not.
Yes, they were attacked because they were gay, which is against the attackers religion with the penalty being death. It's both.
So, if a Christian targets a group of people for death because who they are, or what they do, is against his religion, do we call it radical Christianity? Do we call him a Christian terrorist? Do we say he was "radicalized" by whatever group? And do we then call for war against that group?
We don't.
Christians aren't targeting groups and committing mass murder in the name of Christianity. That's the point. If they were, you wouldn't need to get so outraged over wedding cakes. There would be bigger issues.
Which really begs the question how you can be so outraged at Christianity over things like wedding cakes and birth control, but want to give Islam the benefit of the doubt in regards to mass murder? You did the same thing after the Paris attacks. Defended Islam and turned it into an attack on Christianity. It would be comical if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.
That's silly. It's not Christianity that outrages me.
It's the utter and complete hypocrisy.
And yes, we have Christian terrorists in this country, killing people in the name of their religion.
How many abortion clinics have been shot up, firebombed, and people killed, in the name of some idiots' religious beliefs?
How many LGBT people have been beat up or killed?
How many black/brown people have been targeted/lynched/murdered by nominal christians?
How many Native Americans have been targeted because of who they were?
Preach white male supremacy from the pulpit, and you get dead people.
Preach anti-gay in your legislatures, and from your pulpits, you get dead people.
Preach anti-woman garbage in your legislatures, and from your pulpits, you get rapists who get off with probation, if they ever make it to court at all. And you get dead women.
I don't care about cakes. Bake or don't bake, but own it.
There's been 11 deaths in connection to abortion clinic shootings since 1990. A radical Islamist just killed 49 in Orlando. Including Orlando, in the past week radical Islamists have killed at 398 people in more than a dozen countries.
That's the comparison you want to make? Over 27,000 killings last year alone by Islamic radicals and we shouldn't rush to blame radical Islam? Christianity isn't free from its own faults, but let's not act like its comparable.
ISIS is a direct result of US actions in the middle east.
Most Muslims, like most Christians, are peaceful.
The difference between ISIS and the KKK is that the KKK has gone mainstream. They've infiltrated the military, the police and all levels of government.
And the military, police and governmental death toll outweighs ISIS by millions.
The media is owned by six corporations. They all point to radical Islam. They all said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Its been proven that he didn't.
So, why believe them now?
Why accept at face value, anything the media or the government tells you?