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Topic: Facebook Marketing - Should you or Should you not?  (Read 579 times)


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Facebook Marketing - Should you or Should you not?
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:15:10 pm »
When it comes to Fusion cash we know we are limited on certain things right. There is one program I want to kick off 2017 with and that is building an effective Fusion cash referral team. Fusion cash has excellent marketing tools that allow you to post your referral link on the web especially on Facebook. We all are on Facebook whether its once a day or multiple times a day or all day long. We have Facebook on our phones, tablets and just everywhere we can access the internet. Well when I was researching to write this post I was dumb founded that most people don't know that Facebook has a great marketing platform with Advertisements and ways to connect up to hashtags and twitter things not to mention our friends.

So how can we convert those "Friends into potential Leads, or Referrals? Well Facebook is great for this. Start off with your Friends, you may or may not feel like Fusion Cash is right for them but what the hell we all need to build a team somewhere. In my last post I was saying how getting referrals is not easy, well by using Facebook you have an advantage. So what do you need to get started:

Get started
1) an active/dummy email account
2) goto
3) create your profile
4) add friends you know
5) build you a professional "Fan Page"
6) Start researching "fan page building" on Facebook for help
7) Once you have created a fan page make sure you choose "brand" because as a marketer your a "brand"

Make sure you brand yourself, company name, logo, a design that helps sell what your product is even if your a home based business or "internet marketer". Chances are as an internet marketer you also want to have a web site with a "splash page" or "splash screen" to be able to capture that persons attention and email. Than once you have done all this which might take day's and lack of rem sleep you might want to consider sharing posts or links to other things you do through like the Fusion Cash banners.

Final Thought
Remember as an internet marketer we are in the business to sell!

Question to you
How do you use Facebook? Do you market on Facebook? Do you generate leads on Facebook? What exactly do you use Facebook for?

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