I think once they get their ducks in a row, it will be okay. Right now the people are going nuts like this country. Those for Brexit were threatened and attacked by those who supported the EU. Sounds like liberals vs. conservatives in this country.
Anyway, it was shocking that PM Cameron resigned. To me, that's crazy. He said he'll stay and help the country ease into the "freedom" (that's what I call it) from the EU. That's mighty big of him.
I couldn't understand why they went into the EU to begin with because they were doing okay on their own, not the greatest, but neither was any other country. That's how the EU got its start. Being ruled by someone NOT of GB is the same as the U.N. trying to rule the world. I don't like it. That's the New World Order (EU and UN). The UN is trying to tell us what we can and can't do and even trying to impose laws on us that is against our Constitution. Obama is behind all of this because of his speeches at the UN and I understand that he want's a big part of the ruling UN body, iOW, the president of the U.N. Hope it doesn't happen.