May 17, 2016
Hello to everyone out there in Fusion Cash World
How do you handle an adult child talking mean to you?
Well, I don't have any children. But, I have worked with children. And, I know and I understand that the question is "How do you handle an adult child talking mean with you?
Well, I have had more than one male tennant wyoung enough to be my son.
And, one in particular.....who still lives with Mario and I, (his six year old son included) has in the past mistreated me and one of our other tenements
So, at the time this incident took place and or at the time that these incidents were taking place, I, too, had been under a lot of stress without giving you a.ll the details of my life.
And, anyways, I waited until my husband Mario was not around and I confronted this man and let him know that under no circumstances was I going to tolerate his disrespect towards me and others.
And, I basically told him, "You know John (that is not his real name) if you're not happy living with both my husband Mario and I you can move out at any time."
He then blurted out, 'No,.....and you're weird>" meaning, of course, that he thought I wa strange or something.
So, I responded, "You see John, that's a perfect example of why you should leave because obviously you think that I am weird and if you're not comfortable living here.........there's the can leave anytime you want to.....but if you are going to continue to live here, then you need to stop the name calling and disrespecting me because I am not going to put up with it."
You dig?" "It's your choice."
And, after that he threw a little temper tantrum like a two year old and I rememver he walked back quickly into his room and slammed the door........and because I had already gotten upset by his remarks and other stuff happending at the time, I pulled on his door and yelled at him, "You know what John why don't you just pack up your stuff and both you and your son can get out of here!" "Because I am not going to put up wity you calling me names!" Slamming the door and yelling at me!"
And, his response was, "Give me a three day notice!"
And, I yelled back at him, "Ok I will do that if that's what you want@"
But, to make a long story short, he since that time changed his attitude and now he treats me very well.
So, to conclude, don't put up with your daughter mistreating you.
God's word says, "Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother that it might go well with thee" parapharase of the
And, the bottom line is that "you are her mother, you carried her for nine months inside of you." "You raised her and kept a roof over her head." "You fed her." "You taught her your morals" And, you are her only mother and she needs to respect you.
Perhaps, you should tell her, "Daughter I love you very much..but if you are not in a good mood and you feel the need to yell at me and or someone else." "Then stay away from me, until you feel calm enough to talk with me without yelling at me. because when you do that you not only disrespect me, but you make me feel bad>'
"Tell me would you like it if I yelled and disrespected you?" "I don't think so." "So, don't do that to me because I don't like it!" "If on the other hand, you want to have a normal conversation with me without emotionally harrassing me by yelling at me and disrespecting me then yeah let's get together and I will listen to you."
And, then, of course, let her respond..............and yes, do not allow this type of behavior to continue towards you from your daughter!