I would have to say Bush. He wasn't the greatest or the best, but he loved this country and he loved people. He also backed the veterans and still does. He understood what was needed to keep us strong and he didn't get involved in "personal" fights that had nothing to do with governing, which is what a president should do. He understood foreign policy and we had lots of allies and respect in the world except, of course, the Muslim jihadists.
The community organizer is just that. He knew how to organize a community but doesn't know how to lead. He has weakened this country to almost the point of no return with his hesitancy. He has gotten involved in personal fights between two people. He has divided this country by race, political party, age, religion, and income.
He has done the exact opposite of what he campaigned against. Go look at some of his speeches as a Senator and as a campaigner. He has broken laws with his EOs and changing the law...which only Congress can change or repeal laws, not the president. He has blocked testimony from hearings that are being held and blocked subpoenas via EO for Holder, even though Holder is now in contempt of Congress. He acts as if he can do whatever he pleases because he's president.
He is more interested in golfing and vacations than he is in governing this country. He has allowed Harry Reid to dictate and block bills and amendments in the Senate yet complains about the do nothing Congress. He has allowed political correctness to preside in all aspects of this administration to the point where the regulation manuals in the military are not allowed to call a terrorist a terrorist (ex.: Ft. Hood). Other religions and/or atheists have more say than Christians under his watch.
OK, done venting. I could fill a book on what the president's accomplishments AREN'T.