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Topic: My True Disability - a Blessing and a Curse - I Must Believe in Miracles  (Read 994 times)


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I was thinking this morning about 'why I'll never get a driver's license (even though I live in a city designed in Urban Sprawl---rather than having "all the places you need to go" within a block-or-three, it's designed so that "office" & "home" & "dining" & "art" & "music" are each practically within a separate "district"; so that one HAS to have a car to efficiently GET TO everything one does).'

It's because (putting it so it sounds like I'm 'blessed') I'm not confined to reality ... which is not the way drivers want other drivers to be.

Yes, miracles ARE reality; but you have to believe them BEFORE they happen in order to see them, and 'reality' doesn't work that way  :bad: In reality, it's "seeing THEN believing"---blocking miracles, because miracles are 'seen as' impossible before they happen!

Oh, I 'understand' reality & -how things usually work; but my mind can't be trusted to stick to 'usual.'

And it shows up in other ways too. Like ... I won't think it strange to launch into a make-out session with a random-girl (if it seems like we both want one), anytime-or-anyplace  :silly: ---oh, I KNOW that one shouldn't expect such activity---not even WITH YOUR WIFE (in public); but miracles don't run on 'expectation'

And 'operating in society (especially -with heavy equipment)' DOES rely on expectation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's what a Pharisee might say today. You now have the chance to respond as my mentor Jesus-of-Joseph would, and I pray that you will!

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