I moved from California to Georgia in 2007. In California, I was never in an accident. In fact, I never even saw one. Everyone went the speed limit, didn't tailgate. They were courteous drivers where I lived.
In Georgia (at least where I live. It's pretty low country in the South) EVERYONE speeds. They're constantly tailgating me when I'm trying to follow the speed limit. Though most of the time I'm going 10 miles over the speed limit to keep them from getting so annoyed at me that they do something reckless, but they still give me dirty looks like I'm driving 20 mph. They never use their turn signals, they drive like 80+ mph, 35 miles over the speed limit and even higher sometimes. Even the cops tailgate me and give me dirty looks for going so slow (which is the speed limit!). They often speed past me too and go around my car illegally. I have to deal with this every day when I'm driving to and from work. It's very nervewrecking. Not to mention I've been in three accidents caused by three different people in trucks who were tailgating and speeding since I've moved to Georgia.
Anyway, my point is, I was wondering how fast everyone drives here. I've only lived in California and Georgia, so I can't tell if my town was just a rare safe-driving city, or if my town in Georgia is just a bunch of reckless drivers.
Do you often speed over the limit? How often do you get in an accident?