There is a spot on each post towards the lower right hand side that each of us can click to have a post reviewed. It will then give a pop up and ask why, so if you see someone who appears to be abusing the system, submit a few of their posts to be reviewed. If admin determines there is abuse they will surely address the issue. It is a shame that there are those that feel the rules do not apply to them and that the rest of us have to endure the silliness of their ways or become punished by eating up our time, that of and Admin and wasting a lot of storage space on the servers. But, in order to assist admin- we have to somewhat help ourselves by being self policing, so turn in the posts to be reviewed that way you can feel assured that you have done all that you can about the situation and the rest is up to Admin. If seeing the posts from the same person is just annoying to you , you can always click to hide that members comments on all threads which would let them continue to abuse the system, but you would not have to be a party to the viewing of the posts. We should all band together to help police the forums and just like the wild wild west, run the abusers out of town! or at least deliver them to the sheriff and let him handle them.