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Topic: Prescribed Drugs  (Read 733 times)


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Prescribed Drugs
« on: November 13, 2012, 09:39:47 am »
I just read about cigarettes being banned.  What should be banned is all the prescribed drugs that turn people into drug addicts.  True, I agree, that although I don't do any drugs, prescribed or not, the doctors are turning people into drug addicts.  They hand out almost anything they want, then they get hooked and their lives, along with their families are ruined.  I'm not saying all doctors, but if you go to one, the first thing that want to do is hand you pills.  If you refuse them, they think something is wrong with you.  I don't want to mask something wrong with me or become addicted, but that seems to be what is happening.  Look at all the people hooked on drugs because their doctors say take them.  They believe in their doctors.  Some people do need them, but the doctors don't even look at all the different drugs they are handing out to one individual to see if several will have adverse effects combined.  Look at the commercials.  The drug is worse than the problem!  I'm sorry, but these doctors and drugs should be monitored by someone.  Just my feelings folks!  Not trying to offend anyone. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.  We have a right to take or not take drugs.  But, if the doctors say take them, you're trusting the doctor.  Just something to think about.  It's killing our people as much if not more than anything else.


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Re: Prescribed Drugs
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 01:06:43 pm »
i dont think anything should be banned, i think people should be in control of their own bodies if they want to kill theirselves off up to them not me. we are suppose to have the right to be free that means doing stupid crap too.


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Re: Prescribed Drugs
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 01:29:19 pm »
i dont think anything should be banned, i think people should be in control of their own bodies if they want to kill theirselves off up to them not me. we are suppose to have the right to be free that means doing stupid crap too.

I do not think prescribed medications should be ban however more care should be taken when prescribing. Prescribed correctly they can help more than they will harm.  There are many of  us that can and will limit   what we consume but unfortunately there are many who cannot.

Addiction is a real illness but if you start place bans on consumables that may "harm" us where do we draw the line. Drugs, Tobacco, Food with a certain fat content?
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Re: Prescribed Drugs
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 03:43:48 pm »
Prescribed meds, taken properly as instructed, can benefit the people who need them for illnesses, and/or chronic health issues, with a better quality of life.  It's sad that some do abuse the meds and become addicted.  I know, too, that many drs. and pharmacies, especially with the health insurance involved, are not going to renew meds until it's time to renew them.  Besides, the health insurance won't cover until it's the renewal time and there are refills prescribed by the dr.

What concerns me, like you, is that there apparently are many other ways for people to get their hands on meds, dishonestly.  How do they know those meds are what they think they are when taking them?  I have heard of those things happening and how it's made people horrifically sick and or killed them.

I would like to know, though, about the ban on cigarettes.  Where have you heard this?  Is it just in a certain area, state, or country?  I haven't heard that.  I'm allergic to cigarette smoke, myself, but I know some people would have a difficult time with a ban.  They are an addiction, as well, and some struggle with them greatly; my parents struggled but could never quit. 

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