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Topic: Today's Blessings  (Read 1002 times)


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Today's Blessings
« on: November 10, 2012, 02:42:11 pm »
This is an email my dad and I had. My dad is in Germany with the Army.
Johnny Craven

Got to share a blessing, we took the train to Nerumberg on the way back the train didn't have posted the stops and didn't announce the stops which was odd. Anyway we missed our stop. Got off at the next stop to catch a train back and it was cold. Your mom was mad at me and I was mad to. Then I was emptying my pockets off of trash like receipts, and lo and behold I found a Gospel Tract I told your mom and left it on a bench, your mom was so happy we both forgot about the cold. It was as though God had us miss our stop. It was a blessing to leave that tract there. -- love dad

Rebekah Cochran

God makes a way.l Want to hear something that happened to me? I was doing an interview which theis big African American man that looked like Barry White lol named Smokey. He said he had a four month old grandson and I got to talking about my four month old girl. Then he asked if I could speak Spanish and I said no. Then he told me he wanted to learn Navajo and I said I speak Navajo. It was really odd how someone so different can have so much in common. It was like God was making a way for me not to feel so intimidated by the interview. He said he has to wait on the background check, but if I pass it I got the job. Obviously I will pass it because I dont have a criminal record. Just pray everything comes through right.

Lord Jesus Christ is the only way for eternal salvation from sins. Jesus loves you.


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Re: Today's Blessings
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 04:20:11 pm »
Why are you posting your personal emails? And why post personal info like your names?

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