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Topic: WHY ROMNEY LOST?  (Read 4165 times)


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« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2012, 09:05:31 am »
These are all good reasons but I think, over-riding all of these is, that Romney never had the backing of his own party.  The Republicans kept putting in inferior people like Cain, Perry, Bachman.  The Evangelicals couldn't back the Mormon religion. Then you had Murdoch tainting the campaign with his belief that women should carry full term, if they were molested, because it was God's choice.  You had the Automobile manufacturer's asking Mr. Romney to stop conjuring up false numbers with regards to overseas jobs.


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« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2012, 07:56:19 pm »
Neither Romney nor Ryan won in their own home states.  Not sure about Romney, but Ryan didn't even win in Jaynesville, Wi., his own county where he grew up and lives.  Whereas Obama won in both Chicago, where he lives and Hawaii where he grew up.


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« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2012, 11:51:16 pm »
Romney lost cause he was a bad candidate to go up agains Obama. He really couldn't rail on Obamacare since it was his plan it was modeleld on. He coudn't go against him on the NDAA (the bill that allows the indefinite detention of Americans without charge or trial) since in a debate Romney said he'd sign it as written like Obama. Sadly, this didn't get any attention in the general election. Romney's history of flip flopping hurt him in the "What does this guy stand for?"

The establisment GOP are out of touch with America and they were trying to paint Romeny who has liberal views as an ultra right wing conservative and it just didn't sell. The picking of Ryan for VP didn't do anything for those outside the republicans or people that were going to vote R anyway. Ryan too is somewhat of a fraud in that people call him a "budget hawk" and the railing over Obama's spending was amazing to me since Ryan voted for all of Obama's bills with the exception of Obamacare, so where's the difference?

People decided that they wanted Obama, not Obama-lite. No one outside the Right was excited about Romeny/Ryan and even then it was iffy.


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« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2012, 09:01:56 pm »
Romney lost because he's totally out of touch with the average American. Personally, as a middle-class American who works full-time while going to school, I couldn't imagine voting for a man who would raise my taxes while cutting Donald Trump's. And from my understanding (I got this as second-hand info about the debates, so admittedly, I could be misinformed on this), the plan he and Ryan were advertising for stimulating economic growth in this country ran along the lines of "We have a great plan in place. I can't give you any of the details, but we have a plan. It's a great plan." Not super reassuring, although I have to keep reminding myself that no matter how good the plan before the election, it doesn't mean it will be implemented after the election. The presidency isn't supposed to be an imperial power; it's supposed to be part (albeit an important part) of a democracy.

On a personal level, his stance on many of the issues I hold near and dear to my heart is the exact opposite of mine. I care about things like the environment, women's rights, and equality, and I'm not the only one. On this note, if Republicans are governmental conservatives who want to pull back the influence of government in the lives of citizens, why do they keep trying to pass laws that interfere with my ability to choose what happens to my body????

For everyone curious about the 47% comment, it is true that roughly this number don't pay federal income taxes. As someone mentioned above (sorry, I missed your name), this includes veterans, people on social security, etc. This does include a lot of students (not all. More and more students work while going to college, including myself, and Uncle Sam takes some money out of every one of my paychecks). In addition, this includes people on permanent disability (for anyone who thinks these people are entitled, try being a single mom and not even receiving enough to pay rent in some areas. I put a friend and her son on my cell phone plan since she can't always afford to pay the bill, and it's important they be able to stay in contact in the event of an emergency. Poverty in this country affects primarily single mothers and their children, and many of these women became mothers while in a relationship that later ended for various reasons. Many of them desperately want better.), people who do not make enough money to have to pay taxes (I believe the threshold is less than $600 a year. Think some high school students, etc. who work weekends during the summer), and some individuals/businesses who pay federal taxes through other means, such as payroll taxes. The real irony in Romney making this comment? It's rumored that some of Romney's biggest supporters were actually part of that 47%.


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« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2012, 08:00:57 am »
I think Romney lost because people didn't see  his consistant point of view on some important questions. He started so good at first and second Presidential debate: he really had some good points about Ben Gazi and economic issues. What happened at the last debate? He changed his mind and agreed almost on everything that Obama said. Can we trust him? He changes his points of view and being inconsistent. Will he change his promises too, if he would be a President? That was the biggest Obama hit, when he pointed at Romney's "swings" left to right. I think, Romney should of go to the end of the compaign with the same beleives that he started.


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« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2012, 09:09:27 am »
When he turned in his taxes, and it was shown he did not take a lot of deductions so that he could reach a certain percentage of paying in.  That lost a lot of people.  What a dope if the law is written so that you don't have to pay, don't pay extra one time just to make it look like you are a regular person.  I worked at one of the companies Romney "Helped Out".   We were told we would all keep our jobs when the new ownership took over.   We did the older employees (55 and up)  were kept on for about 3 months, then in the next 6 months the rest of the workers were let go, because it was so much cheaper to have the products produced overseas.  The company had parts of it sold off....great for the inventor.  If you want to outsource jobs overseas, you should be allowed NO tax breaks here.   Sadly that is not the case.  Incentives and tax breaks should be to help our own citizens.  Many of the jobs overseas are being subsidized by there own governments to keep prices down, and even by us in the form of  government aide.   Fine if you want to send jobs anywhere else, it is a free country, but no tax breaks or incentives for doing it.   


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« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2012, 09:48:11 am »
When he turned in his taxes, and it was shown he did not take a lot of deductions so that he could reach a certain percentage of paying in.  That lost a lot of people.  What a dope if the law is written so that you don't have to pay, don't pay extra one time just to make it look like you are a regular person.  I worked at one of the companies Romney "Helped Out".   We were told we would all keep our jobs when the new ownership took over.   We did the older employees (55 and up)  were kept on for about 3 months, then in the next 6 months the rest of the workers were let go, because it was so much cheaper to have the products produced overseas.  The company had parts of it sold off....great for the inventor.  If you want to outsource jobs overseas, you should be allowed NO tax breaks here.   Sadly that is not the case.  Incentives and tax breaks should be to help our own citizens.  Many of the jobs overseas are being subsidized by there own governments to keep prices down, and even by us in the form of  government aide.   Fine if you want to send jobs anywhere else, it is a free country, but no tax breaks or incentives for doing it.   

The incentive for shipping jobs overseas is cheap labor, not tax breaks.


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« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2012, 04:12:56 pm »
romney lost because he is FOR THE RICH. and american can not afford that. Plus obama had a better ground campaign.

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